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    <title>Tianjin Medical University Cancer Institute & Hospital</title>
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                Clinical Resources<span>></span>Clinical Departments
                <span>></span>Diagnostic Oncology<span>></span>Clinical Laboratory
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                        <div class="contant_name">
                            Li Ren
                        <div class="contant_names">M.D, Ph.D</div>
                        <div class="contant_names">
                            Chair of Department, Doctoral supervisor, Chief Technician
                    <div class="contant_word">
                        <div class="contant_one">
                            <div class="contant_title" style="margin-bottom: 10px">
                            <div class="contant_words">
                                Sep, 2011—Jun,2014 Tianjin Medical University Immunology MD,PhD
                            <div class="contant_words">
                                Sep, 2000—Jun,2003 Tianjin Medical University Clinical laboratory diagnosis Master
                            <div class="contant_words">
                                Sep, 1995—Jun,2000 Tianjin Medical University Medical Laboratory Bachelor
                        <div class="contant_one">
                            <div class="contant_title">
                            <div class="contant_words">
                                1. 2010 Champion of “Tianjin Health Industry First Training and Technical Competition”.
                            <div class="contant_words">
                                2. 2010 The third prize in the “6th National Conference on Young and Middle-aged Laboratory Medicine”.
                            <div class="contant_words">
                                3. 2011 “Outstanding Paper Award” in the “Ninth National Conference on Laboratory Medicine” of the Chinese Medical Association.
                            <div class="contant_words">
                                4. 2012 “Outstanding Paper Award” in the “The 7th National Conference on Young and Middle-aged Laboratory Medicine of the Chinese Medical Association”.
                            <div class="contant_words">
                                5. 2013 “Excellent Paper Award” in the “10th National Conference on Laboratory Medicine” of the Chinese Medical Association.
                            <div class="contant_words">
                                6. 2015 “Excellent Poster Award” at the “11th National Conference on Laboratory Medicine” of the Chinese Medical Association.
                            <div class="contant_words">
                                7. 2015 “Excellent Paper Award” in the “Seventh North China Three Provinces and Two Cities Inspection Medicine Academic Conference”.
                            <div class="contant_words">
                                8. 2016 “Excellent Paper Award” in the “Tianjin Medical Association 8th Academic Conference on Laboratory Medicine”.
                            <div class="contant_words">
                                9. 2017 The honor of the “Second Prize for Guiding Graduate Excellent Papers” in “First Great Wall Inspection Medicine Conference”.
                        <div class="contant_one">
                            <div class="contant_title">
                                Professional Association Memberships:
                            <div class="contant_words">
                                Member of Youth Committee of the 10th Committee of the Chinese Medical Association Clinical Laboratory Medicine Branch
                            <div class="contant_words">
                                Director of the Clinical Laboratory Medical Diagnostic Technical Committee of the Tianjin Medical Doctor Association
                            <div class="contant_words">
                                Director of the Clinical Laboratory Committee of the Pulmonary Oncology Committee of China Medical Education Association
                            <div class="contant_words">
                                Director of the Youth Committee of the Physician Branch of Tianjin Medical Association
                            <div class="contant_words">
                                Member of the Standing Committee of Labeled Immunoassay of China Association for Analysis and Testing
                            <div class="contant_words">
                                Member of the World Chinese Society of Testing and Pathologists
                            <div class="contant_words">
                                Member of Tianjin Medical Association Clinical Laboratory Branch
                            <div class="contant_words">
                                Member of Tianjin Clinical Laboratory Quality Control Committee
                            <div class="contant_words">
                                Member of Tianjin Blood Transfusion Quality Control Center
                            <div class="contant_words">
                                Technology expert of Tianjin Market and Quality Supervision and Management Committee Medical Device
                            <div class="contant_words">
                                Inspector of ISO 15189 medical laboratory
                        <div class="contant_one">
                            <div class="contant_title">
                                Research Area And Qualification:
                            <div class="contant_words">
                                Tumor microenvironmental immunology
                            <div class="contant_words">
                                Basic and clinical application of immunohematology
                            <div class="contant_words">
                                Clinical laboratory design and management
                            <div class="contant_words">
                                ISO15189 national inspector
                            <div class="contant_words">
                                Reviewer of "Cancer Biology & Medicine" magazine, "Clinical Chemistry (Chinese version)" magazine, "Chinese Oncology Clinical" magazine, "Test Medicine and Clinical" magazine and "International Laboratory Medicine"
                            <div class="contant_words">
                                Participating writing 《 Thyroid Oncology 》
                        <div class="contant_one">
                            <div class="contant_title">
                                Grant Support:
                            <div class="contant_words">
                                1.Mechanism of IL-11 promoting breast cancer metastasis in hypoxic microenvironment. 2015.01-2017.12 National Natural Science Foundation of China. NO. 81402174, Fund host
                            <div class="contant_words">
                                2.Application of nanopore-mass spectrometry combined with peptide enrichment and identification platform in early diagnosis and prognosis evaluation of pancreatic cancer. 2018.4 ~ 2021.03. Provincial key projects NO.18JCZDJC32600, Fund host
                            <div class="contant_words">
                                3.Clinical application of serum Raman spectroscopy in patients with colon cancer. 2015.07-2018.07. Subproject of the 863 Program NO. 2015AA021107, Fund host
                            <div class="contant_words">
                                4.Relationship between expression of IL-11 and bone metastasis in breast cancer. 2011.01-2012.12. Subject of Tianjin Medical University NO. 2010KY36, Fund host
                            <div class="contant_words">
                                5.Young and middle-aged talents in the Cancer Hospital of Tianjin Medical University Found host. 2017.11 ~ 2022.11
                            <div class="contant_words">
                                6.Feasibility study of IL-11 and CTGF in diagnosing bone metastasis of breast cancer. Subject of Tianjin Medical University Cancer Institute and Hospital NO. 0832, Fund host
                        <div class="contant_one">
                            <div class="contant_title">
                                Grant Support:
                            <div class="contant_words">
                                1.Mechanism of IL-11 promoting breast cancer metastasis in hypoxic microenvironment. 2015.01-2017.12 National Natural Science Foundation of China. NO. 81402174, Fund host
                            <div class="contant_words">
                                2.Application of nanopore-mass spectrometry combined with peptide enrichment and identification platform in early diagnosis and prognosis evaluation of pancreatic cancer. 2018.4 ~ 2021.03. Provincial key projects NO.18JCZDJC32600, Fund host
                            <div class="contant_words">
                                3.Clinical application of serum Raman spectroscopy in patients with colon cancer. 2015.07-2018.07. Subproject of the 863 Program NO. 2015AA021107, Fund host
                            <div class="contant_words">
                                4.Relationship between expression of IL-11 and bone metastasis in breast cancer. 2011.01-2012.12. Subject of Tianjin Medical University NO. 2010KY36, Fund host
                            <div class="contant_words">
                                5.Young and middle-aged talents in the Cancer Hospital of Tianjin Medical University Found host. 2017.11 ~ 2022.11
                            <div class="contant_words">
                                6.Feasibility study of IL-11 and CTGF in diagnosing bone metastasis of breast cancer. Subject of Tianjin Medical University Cancer Institute and Hospital NO. 0832, Fund host
                        <div class="contant_one">
                            <div class="contant_title">
                            <div class="contant_words">
                                1.Zhao M, Liu Y, Liu R, Qi J, Hou Y, Chang J, Ren L*. Upregulation of IL-11, an IL-6 Family Cytokine, Promotes Tumor Progression and Correlates with Poor Prognosis in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. Cell Physiol Biochem. 2018;45(6):2213-2224(IF 5.5) (Corresponding
                            <div class="contant_words">
                                2.Ren L, Yu Y, Wang L, Zhu Z, Lu R, Yao Z. Hypoxia-induced CCL28 promotes recruitment of regulatory T cells and tumor growth in liver cancer. Oncotarget.2016 Nov 15;7(46):75763-75773. (IF 5.168)(First co-author)
                            <div class="contant_words">
                                3.Dong D, Jia L, Zhang L, Ma N, Zhang A, Zhou Y, Ren L*. Periostin and CA242 as potential diagnostic serum biomarkers complementing CA19.9 in detecting pancreatic cancer. Cancer Sci. 2018 Sep;109(9):2841-2851. (IF 4.372) (Corresponding Author)
                            <div class="contant_words">
                                4.Fu Zheng, Ren Li, Wei Huiting, Lv Junqiang, Che Xuchun, Zhu Zhifeng, Jia Jing Wang Li, Lin Gang, Lu Rong, Yao Zhi. Effects of Tyroserleutide on phosphatidylinositol 3'-kinase/AKT pathway in human hepatocellular carcinoma cell.[J].Journal of drug targeting,2014,22(2):146-55.
                                (IF 3.408) (First co-author)
                            <div class="contant_words">
                                5.Li Ren, Xia Wang, Zuoliang Dong, Jun Liu, Shiwu Zhang. Bone metastasis from breast cancer involves elevated IL-11 expression and the gp130/STAT3 pathway,Med Oncol,2013, 30(3), 634. (IF: 2.92)(First co-author)
                            <div class="contant_words">
                                6.Zuoliang Dong, Li Ren, Li Lin, Jiang Li, Yiwen Huang, Jinhong Li, Effect of microRNA-21 on multidrug resistance reversal in A549/DDP human lung cancer cells .Molecular Medicine Reports,2015,11,1:682-690. (IF 1.922)(First co-author)
                            <div class="contant_words">
                                7.Li Lin, Li Ren, Liujing Wen, Yu Wang, Jin Qi. Effect of evodiamine on the proliferation and apotosis of A549 human lung cancer cells. Molecular Medicine Reports,2016,29. (IF 1.922) (First co-author)
                            <div class="contant_words">
                                8.Han Yue-Ting, Liu Jing-Hao, Li Yue-Guo, Cui Lin, Liu Bo-Wen, Ma Tao, Ren Li*. The peripheral lymphocyte subsets correlates with clinicopathological characteristics of breast cancer patients. Int J Clin Exp Med 2017;10(1):1251-1258. (IF 0.833) (Corresponding
                            <div class="contant_words">
                                9.Jia Li,Liu Chen,Xin Ying,Zhang Aimin,Zhou Yunli, Dong Dong Ren Li*. Evaluating EFEMP1 in Cerebrospinal Fluid and Serum as a Potential Diagnosis Biomarker for Meningiomas.Clin Lab.2017 Oct 1;63(10):1717-1722. [IF: 0.848] (Corresponding Author)
                            <div class="contant_words">
                                10.Jing-Ya Zhang, Peng Ge, Peng-Yu Zhang, Meng Zhao, Li Ren*. Role of neutrophil tolymphocyte ratio or platelet to lymphocyte ratio in prediction of bone metastasis of prostate cancer, Clin Lab,2018, Accepted (IF 0.848) (Corresponding Author)
                            <div class="contant_words">
                                11.Chen Huang, Yahui Liu, Li Ren*. Research progress of interleukin-11 in tumor. TMR Cancer, 2018, 1 (1): 2-7. (Corresponding Author).
            <!-- <div class="content-word">
朱振飞 authored
657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855
                <div class="content-word-right active">
                    <div class="person_desc">
                        <div class="person_desc_photo">
                            <img src="../images/person_detail1.png" alt="" srcset="">
                        <div class="person_desc_box">
                            <h4 class="pername">
                                Li Ren
                            <h4 class="pername">
                                M.D, Ph.D
                            <h4 class="pername">
                                Chair of Department, Doctoral supervisor, Chief Technician
                    <div class="depart_introduce">
                        <div class="part_desc">
                            <p>Sep, 2011—Jun,2014 Tianjin Medical University Immunology MD, PhD
                                Sep, 2000—Jun,2003 Tianjin Medical University Clinical laboratory diagnosis Master
                                Sep, 1995—Jun,2000 Tianjin Medical University Medical Laboratory Bachelor</p>
                        <div class="part_desc">
                                Professional Association Memberships
                                Member of Youth Committee of the 10th Committee of the Chinese Medical Association
                                Clinical Laboratory Medicine Branch
                                Director of the Clinical Laboratory Medical Diagnostic Technical Committee of the
                                Tianjin Medical Doctor Association
                                Director of the Clinical Laboratory Committee of the Pulmonary Oncology Committee of
                                China Medical Education Association
                                Director of the Youth Committee of the Physician Branch of Tianjin Medical Association
                                Member of the Standing Committee of Labeled Immunoassay of China Association for
                                Analysis and Testing
                                Member of the World Chinese Society of Testing and Pathologists
                                Member of Tianjin Medical Association Clinical Laboratory Branch
                                Member of Tianjin Clinical Laboratory Quality Control Committee
                                Member of Tianjin Blood Transfusion Quality Control Center
                                Technology expert of Tianjin Market and Quality Supervision and Management Committee
                                Medical Device
                                Inspector of ISO 15189 medical laboratory

                        <div class="part_desc">
                                Professional Association Memberships
                                Member of Youth Committee of the 10th Committee of the Chinese Medical Association
                                Clinical Laboratory Medicine Branch
                                Director of the Clinical Laboratory Medical Diagnostic Technical Committee of the
                                Tianjin Medical Doctor Association
                                Director of the Clinical Laboratory Committee of the Pulmonary Oncology Committee of
                                China Medical Education Association
                                Director of the Youth Committee of the Physician Branch of Tianjin Medical Association
                                Member of the Standing Committee of Labeled Immunoassay of China Association for
                                Analysis and Testing
                                Member of the World Chinese Society of Testing and Pathologists
                                Member of Tianjin Medical Association Clinical Laboratory Branch
                                Member of Tianjin Clinical Laboratory Quality Control Committee
                                Member of Tianjin Blood Transfusion Quality Control Center
                                Technology expert of Tianjin Market and Quality Supervision and Management Committee
                                Medical Device
                                Inspector of ISO 15189 medical laboratory

                        <div class="part_desc">
                                Professional Association Memberships
                                Member of Youth Committee of the 10th Committee of the Chinese Medical Association
                                Clinical Laboratory Medicine Branch
                                Director of the Clinical Laboratory Medical Diagnostic Technical Committee of the
                                Tianjin Medical Doctor Association
                                Director of the Clinical Laboratory Committee of the Pulmonary Oncology Committee of
                                China Medical Education Association
                                Director of the Youth Committee of the Physician Branch of Tianjin Medical Association
                                Member of the Standing Committee of Labeled Immunoassay of China Association for
                                Analysis and Testing
                                Member of the World Chinese Society of Testing and Pathologists
                                Member of Tianjin Medical Association Clinical Laboratory Branch
                                Member of Tianjin Clinical Laboratory Quality Control Committee
                                Member of Tianjin Blood Transfusion Quality Control Center
                                Technology expert of Tianjin Market and Quality Supervision and Management Committee
                                Medical Device
                                Inspector of ISO 15189 medical laboratory
                        <div class="part_desc">
                                Research Area And Qualification
                                Tumor microenvironmental immunology
                                Basic and clinical application of immunohematology
                                Clinical laboratory design and management
                                ISO15189 national inspector
                                Reviewer of "Cancer Biology & Medicine" magazine, "Clinical Chemistry (Chinese version)"
                                magazine, "Chinese Oncology Clinical" magazine, "Test Medicine and Clinical" magazine
                                "International Laboratory Medicine"
                                Participating writing《Thyroid Oncology》

                       <div class="part_desc">
                               Grant Support
                               1. Mechanism of IL-11 promoting breast cancer metastasis in hypoxic microenvironment.
                               2015.01-2017.12 National Natural Science Foundation of China. NO. 81402174, Fund host
                               2. Application of nanopore-mass spectrometry combined with peptide enrichment and
                               platform in early diagnosis and prognosis evaluation of pancreatic cancer. 2018.4 ~
                               Provincial key projects NO.18JCZDJC32600, Fund host
                               3. Clinical application of serum Raman spectroscopy in patients with colon cancer.
                               2015.07-2018.07. Subproject of the 863 Program NO. 2015AA021107, Fund host
                               4. Relationship between expression of IL-11 and bone metastasis in breast cancer.
                               2011.01-2012.12. Subject of Tianjin Medical University NO. 2010KY36, Fund host
                               5. Young and middle-aged talents in the Cancer Hospital of Tianjin Medical University
                               Found host.
                               2017.11 ~ 2022.11
                               6. Feasibility study of IL-11 and CTGF in diagnosing bone metastasis of breast cancer.
                               Subject of
                               Tianjin Medical University Cancer Institute and Hospital NO. 0832, Fund host
                       <div class="part_desc">
                               1. Zhao M, Liu Y, Liu R, Qi J, Hou Y, Chang J, Ren L*. Upregulation of IL-11, an IL-6
                               Cytokine, Promotes Tumor Progression and Correlates with Poor Prognosis in Non-Small Cell
                               Cancer. Cell Physiol Biochem. 2018;45(6):2213-2224(IF 5.5) (Corresponding Author)
                               2. Ren L, Yu Y, Wang L, Zhu Z, Lu R, Yao Z. Hypoxia-induced CCL28 promotes recruitment of
                               regulatory T cells and tumor growth in liver cancer. Oncotarget.2016 Nov
                               (IF 5.168)(First author)
                               3. Dong D, Jia L, Zhang L, Ma N, Zhang A, Zhou Y, Ren L*. Periostin and CA242 as
                               diagnostic serum biomarkers complementing CA19.9 in detecting pancreatic cancer. Cancer
                               Sci. 2018
                               Sep;109(9):2841-2851. (IF 4.372) (Corresponding Author)
                               4. Fu Zheng, Ren Li, Wei Huiting, Lv Junqiang, Che Xuchun, Zhu Zhifeng, Jia Jing Wang Li,
                               Gang, Lu Rong, Yao Zhi. Effects of Tyroserleutide on phosphatidylinositol 3'-kinase/AKT
                               in human hepatocellular carcinoma cell.[J].Journal of drug targeting,2014,22(2):146-55.
                               3.408) (First co-author)
                               5. Li Ren, Xia Wang, Zuoliang Dong, Jun Liu, Shiwu Zhang. Bone metastasis from breast
                               involves elevated IL-11 expression and the gp130/STAT3 pathway,Med Oncol,2013, 30(3),
                               634. (IF:
                               2.92)(First author)
                               6. Zuoliang Dong, Li Ren, Li Lin, Jiang Li, Yiwen Huang, Jinhong Li, Effect of
                               microRNA-21 on
                               multidrug resistance reversal in A549/DDP human lung cancer cells .Molecular Medicine
                               Reports,2015,11,1:682-690. (IF 1.922)(First co-author)
                               7. Li Lin, Li Ren, Liujing Wen, Yu Wang, Jin Qi. Effect of evodiamine on the
                               proliferation and
                               apotosis of A549 human lung cancer cells. Molecular Medicine Reports,2016,29. (IF 1.922)
                               8. Han Yue-Ting, Liu Jing-Hao, Li Yue-Guo, Cui Lin, Liu Bo-Wen, Ma Tao, Ren Li*. The
                               lymphocyte subsets correlates with clinicopathological characteristics of breast cancer
                               Int J Clin Exp Med 2017;10(1):1251-1258. (IF 0.833) (Corresponding Author)
                               9. Jia Li,Liu Chen,Xin Ying,Zhang Aimin,Zhou Yunli, Dong Dong,Ren Li*. Evaluating EFEMP1
                               Cerebrospinal Fluid and Serum as a Potential Diagnosis Biomarker for Meningiomas.Clin
                               Oct 1;63(10):1717-1722. [IF: 0.848] (Corresponding Author)
                               10. Jing-Ya Zhang, Peng Ge, Peng-Yu Zhang, Meng Zhao, Li Ren*. Role of neutrophil
                               ratio or platelet to lymphocyte ratio in prediction of bone metastasis of prostate
                               cancer, Clin
                               Lab,2018, Accepted (IF 0.848) (Corresponding Author)
                               11. Chen Huang, Yahui Liu, Li Ren*. Research progress of interleukin-11 in tumor. TMR
                               2018, 1 (1): 2-7. (Corresponding Author).
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