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                    <h4 style="margin-bottom: 40px">
                        Welcome to the Tianjin Medical University Cancer Institute & Hospital
                        Tianjin Medical University Cancer Institute & Hospital is the birthplace of oncology in China. The hospital was originally established in 1861 as The British Army Hospital, and later renamed as the London Christian Church Hospital and Dr. Machenzie Memorial
                        Hospital. The hospital was subsequently renamed as "Tianjin Municipal People's Hospital" in 1951. In 1952, the first tumor ward in China was established in our hospital by pioneering oncologist Prof. Jin Xian-Zhai. In 1977 Tianjin
                        Cancer Research Institute (TCRI) was founded in TMUCIH. In 1987, the hospital was moved to the present site and was renamed “The Tianjin Cancer Institute and Hospital". In 1997, the hospital was affiliated to the Tianjin Medical
                        University and was officially named as The Tianjin Medical University Cancer Institute and Hospital (TMUCIH).
                        With one and half centuries of history, TMUCIH has developed into one of the largest specialized hospitals in China with integrated patient care, education, training, research and preventative medicine with 2500 beds, 46 clinical and diagnostic departments
                        and 13 basic research departments. In 2013, Tianjin Medical University Cancer Institute and Hospital was designated as National Clinical Research Center for Cancer by the Ministry of Science and Technology of The People’s Republic
                        of China. In 2017, Oncology was ranked as the National “World-Class” Academic Development by The Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Finance, and the National Development and Reform Commission.
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                        The hospital covers area of 63,000 square meters and 175,052square meters of the building area. In 2017, there were 1,150,000 outpatient clinic visits, 86,000 In-patients visits and 30,000 operations. TMUCIH has 3000 full-time staff members; among them
                        are 275 senior professionals including an academician from The Chinese Academy of Engineering, a Specially Appointed Professor and two Visiting Professors from the National Yangtze Scholar Plan, 15 experts who enjoy The Special
                        Allowance from the State Council and 6 experts ranked as Excellent Talents of the New Century by the Ministry of Education.
                        The most recognized specialties in the hospital are basic and clinical research on breast cancer, lung cancer, biotherapy, molecular imaging, radiation oncology, medical oncology, pathology as well as cancer Epidemiology. Oncology is a National Key subject
                        and a“National 211 Project” Key Construction Subject. The hospital has a Key Breast Cancer Prevention and Treatment Laboratory authorized by the Ministry of Education and two Ministry of Education Innovation Teams, a National Experimental
                        Clinical Medicine Institute, and a Ministry of Health National Continuing Medical Education Base, . Oncology, chest surgery, pathology and nursing are selected national key clinical construction specialties. The hospital Breast
                        Cancer Center is the largest one in China.
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298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308
                        TMUCIH launched “Advanced National Oncologists and pathologists training course” commissioned by the Ministry of Health. TMUCIH has been offering 51 advanced courses for oncologists and 37 courses for pathologists nationwide since 1954. There are more
                        than 5,500 doctors who have been trained here. TMUCIH issued the first cancer journal “Chinese Journal of Clinical Oncology (CJCO)”, which is one of the major state level journals, in 1963. The English edition of CJCO was launched
                        in 2004. China Anti-Cancer Association (CACA) was also established in TMUCIH in 1984. CACA has now developed 64 professional societies and 31 local anti-cancer associations around China with a total membership exceeding 200000.
                        Our hospital strives for excellence, strict management and first class service to fulfill our hospital motto of “Providing patients with uttermost integrity and state-of-art medicine and improving our profession with ingenuity
                        and innovation”. The hospital has won special honors, such as National Civilization Unite; Health Circle National Advanced Unite; and Young Civilized Institution authorized by Ministry of Health.
                        Our hospital strives for excellence, strict management and first class service to fulfill our hospital motto of “Providing patients with uttermost integrity and state-of-art medicine and improving our profession with ingenuity and innovation”. The hospital
                        has won special honors, such as National Civilization Unite; Health Circle National Advanced Unite; and Young Civilized Institution authorized by Ministry of Health.
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310 311 312 313 314 315
                        We are confident that we will offer the best treatment and care for cancer patients through promoting cancer research, treatment, and education."
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