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                Clinical Resources<span>></span>Clinical Departments
                <span>></span>Medical Oncology<span>></span>Thoracic Medical Oncology

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                    <h4>Department of Thoracic Medical Oncology</h4>
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                        General Introduction<br /> The Department of Thoracic Medical Oncology is one of the earliest groups specializing multidisciplinary treatment for lung cancer in China. Initially established as 3rd Department of Medical Oncology
                        in 1998, it was renamed as the Department of Thoracic Medical Oncology in 2006. The department provides individualized and comprehensive treatment for various thoracic tumors,especially chemotherapy,targeted therapy and immunotherapy
                        of lung cancer<br /> Faculty / Staff<br /> Currently, there are 35 staff, including 15 physicians (8 professors, 6 attendants and 1 resident), 19 nurses and 1 scientific researcher. In 2018, the department invited Dr. Shirley Liu
                        as guest professor. Dr. Shirley Liu is the world leading computational biologist with expertise in cancer epigenetics. She is now professor at the Department of Biostatistics and Computational Biology at the Dana-Farber Cancer
                        Institute and Harvard School.<br /> Research <br /> As one of the national anti-tumor new drug clinical research bases, the department of Thoracic Medical Oncology has led or participated in dozens of clinical trials. Currently,
                        a number of international and domestic clinical researches on novel anticancer drugs are being carried out in the department. Thanks to the dynamism of the research teams and the clinicians, the department has made great achievements
                        in scientific research work. Physician scientists in this department also took part in research programs funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), and dozens research projects have been supported by provincial
                        and municipal science and technology plan. The department undertakes the educational work for the doctorial students and graduate students of Tianjin medical university. Besides, it also brings up many professionals in cancer chemotherapy
                        and clinical pharmacology for our country each year. <br />4. Clinical Service
                        <br />The Department of Thoracic Oncology is a cooperative team that provides a multidisciplinary care of thoracic carcinoma. Physicians work together to make optimal therapeutic plan for every patient based on the principle of
                        individualization. Over 5000 patients received treatment in our department each year. For patients with lung cancer, treatment is available through multidisciplinary teams. They work together to make optimal therapeutic plan for
                        every patient based on the principle of individualization.
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                        <h4>Department of Thoracic Medical Oncology</h4>
                        <p> General Introduction
                            The Department of Thoracic Medical Oncology is one of the earliest groups specializing
                            multidisciplinary treatment for lung cancer in China. Initially established as 3rd
                            Department of Medical Oncology in 1998, it was renamed as the Department of Thoracic Medical
                            Oncology in 2006. The department provides individualized and comprehensive treatment for
                            various thoracic tumors,especially chemotherapy, targeted therapy and immunotherapy of lung
                            Faculty / Staff
                            Currently, there are 35 staff, including 15 physicians (8 professors, 6 attendants and 1
                            resident), 19 nurses and 1 scientific researcher. In 2018, the department invited Dr.
                            Shirley Liu as guest professor. Dr. Shirley Liu is the world leading computational biologist
                            with expertise in cancer epigenetics. She is now professor at the Department of
                            Biostatistics and Computational Biology at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard
                            As one of the national anti-tumor new drug clinical research bases, the department of
                            Thoracic Medical Oncology has led or participated in dozens of clinical trials. Currently, a
                            number of international and domestic clinical researches on novel anticancer drugs are being
                            carried out in the department. Thanks to the dynamism of the research teams and the
                            clinicians, the department has made great achievements in scientific research work.
                            Physician scientists in this department also took part in research programs funded by
                            National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), and dozens research projects have been
                            supported by provincial and municipal science and technology plan. The department undertakes
                            the educational work for the doctorial students and graduate students of Tianjin medical
                            university. Besides, it also brings up many professionals in cancer chemotherapy and
                            clinical pharmacology for our country each year.
                            4. Clinical Service
                            The Department of Thoracic Oncology is a cooperative team that provides a multidisciplinary
                            care of thoracic carcinoma. Physicians work together to make optimal therapeutic plan for
                            every patient based on the principle of individualization. Over 5000 patients received
                            treatment in our department each year. For patients with lung cancer, treatment is available
                            through multidisciplinary teams. They work together to make optimal therapeutic plan for
                            every patient based on the principle of individualization.</p>
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