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<div class="contant_words"> The Department of Clinical Laboratory provides 24-hour service for tests and analysis on patients’ blood as well as body fluid specimens in our hospital. We are committed to excellence of service in patient care, education, and clinical research. We test the specimens from all the patients of our hospital and sign out the reports which will help doctors’ diagnosis and monitoring the patients’ disease, and help patients know their condition better. Our focus is all patient services and clinical needs. <br />To provide comprehensive clinical service and cancer patient care, our department has 7 different functional groups with different responsibilities. We have Specimen Processing center, Hematology Lab, Microbiology Lab, Blood Bank, Immunology Lab, Biochemistry Lab, and Tumor Marker Lab.<br />International Standard ISO 15189 is one of the most recognized international quality standards in the world. It provides an effective quality control and technical competence assessment system. After 3 years of hard work, our department was accredited to ISO 15189 in 2013 and become the first ISO credited lab among the five affiliated hospitals of Tianjin Medical University. Working with accreditation of ISO15189 will enable us to meet international standards for patient care and laboratory management. The testing reports issued by our department are accepted by more than 50 countries and regions all around the world. Our goal is to be persist in pursuing high quality lab test results. </div> </div> <div class="contant_one"> <div class="contant_title"> Faculty / Staff </div> <div class="contant_words"> The Department of Clinical Laboratory have a working team consisting of 68 staff members. 12 of them have doctor’s degrees and 21 of them have master’s degrees.<br />Our department was also designated as the center for Resident Standard Training and the Clinical Laboratory internship by Tianjin Medical University. We are teaching the interns from 5 medical universities, and for scholarship visitors from all over the country. So far, more than 200 interns and technicians have been trained in our department.<br />Our department also emphasize on mutual collaboration with advanced cancer centers and laboratories in the world. Up to now, we have established exchange programs and good relationships with several hospitals and laboratories from United States and from Japan. We have also invited three professors from United States to visit and teach in our department. Dr. Lynn Moscinski from Moffitt cancer center, Dr Tony Hu from Arizona State University, and Dr Xiaoping Sun from M.D. Anderson. Their visit and the collaboration with worldly renown cancer center will great contribute to our advancement in education and in research. We have established visiting scholar exchange programs with the clinical lab medicine of M. D. Anderson Cancer Center and Moffitt Cancer Center, and the biology center of Connell University. So far, more than 20 of our colleagues have been sent to study abroad. </div> </div> <div class="contant_one"> <div class="contant_title"> Research </div> <div class="contant_words"> Since our hospital is an affiliated hospital of Tianjin Medical University, our department put great importance to research and education. We are the assigned research and teaching demonstration center for Beckman, the clinical research laboratory of “863”program, and the key lab of Tianjin Medical University. Our colleagues have presented high quality research and studies and have received a variety of awards at the conferences of clinical laboratory medicine organized by Chinese Medical Association.<br />So far, we have led the project for two National High Technology Research and Development Programs of China (863 Program) and 10 National Natural Science Foundations. We have also won several Science and Technology Progress and Achievement awards of the Tianjin City. More than 40 of our publications have been cited by SCI in recent 3 years, and one of them had an impact factor of higher than 10. We also have more than 60 articles published in Major Chinese journals. </div> </div> <div class="contant_one"> <div class="contant_title"> Clinical Service </div> <div class="contant_words"> To meet the needs of patients in our hospital, the laboratory makes a commitment that we carry out all-year-round work without holidays. Inpatient testing reports can be immediately seen in the local area network, and the outpatient hematological routine repots will be signed out within 30 minutes. And you will get the rest testing reports less than 3 hours in outpatient. We also have the official website and intelligent system to facilitate the patients to quickly get the results at home. Our Department quality requirements: Quality is the life of test. Check disease patients, check our own level.<br />Our service calls are: 022-23340123 to 5201 (Tumor marker lab); 5202 (Immunology lab); 5203 (Biochemical lab); 5204 (Specimen Processing center); 5205 (Outpatient room); 5206 (Hematology Lab); 5207 (Blood Bank); 5209 ( Microbiology lab). Welcome to visit our website and we are looking forward to your guidance on our work. </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- <div class="content-word"> <div class="content-word-right active"> <img src="../images/214.png" width="100%" alt="" srcset=""> <div class="depart_introduce"> <h4> Department of Clinical Laboratory </h4> <p style='font-size: 18px'> General Introduction<br> The Department of Clinical Laboratory provides 24-hour service for tests and analysis on patients’ blood as well as body fluid specimens in our hospital. We are committed to excellence of service in patient care, education, and clinical research. We test the specimens from all the patients of our hospital and sign out the reports which will help doctors’ diagnosis and monitoring the patients’ disease, and help patients know their condition better. Our focus is all patient services and clinical needs.<br> To provide comprehensive clinical service and cancer patient care, our department has 7 different functional groups with different responsibilities. We have Specimen Processing center, Hematology Lab, Microbiology Lab, Blood Bank, Immunology Lab, Biochemistry Lab, and Tumor Marker Lab.<br> International Standard ISO 15189 is one of the most recognized international quality standards in the world. It provides an effective quality control and technical competence assessment system. After 3 years of hard work, our department was accredited to ISO 15189 in 2013 and become the first ISO credited lab among the five affiliated hospitals of Tianjin Medical University. Working with accreditation of ISO15189 will enable us to meet international standards for patient care and laboratory management. The testing reports issued by our department are accepted by more than 50 countries and regions all around the world. Our goal is to be persist in pursuing high quality lab test results. </p> </div> <img src="../images/next.png" class="next" alt="" srcset=""> </div> </div> --> <!-- <div class="person_introduce_box"> <h3>ACADEMIC LEADER</h3> <div class="photo_box"> <a class="photo_item_box" href="person_detail.html"> <div class="photo_item_imageBox"> <img src="../images/depart_214-01.png" width="100%" alt="" srcset=""> </div> <div class="photo_item_desc"> <div class="item_name">Li Ren</div> <div class="item_cheer">M.D, Ph.D</div> <div class="item_cheer_detail">Chair of Department, Doctoral supervisor, Chief Technician</div> </div> </a> <a class="photo_item_box"> <div class="photo_item_imageBox"> <img src="../images/depart_214-02.png" width="100%" alt="" srcset=""> </div> <div class="photo_item_desc"> <div class="item_name">Yunli Zhou</div> <div class="item_cheer">MD, PHD, Graduate tutor</div> </div> </a> <a class="photo_item_box"> <div class="photo_item_imageBox"> <img src="../images/depart_214-03.png" width="100%" alt="" srcset=""> </div> <div class="photo_item_desc"> <div class="item_name">Yueguo Li</div> <div class="item_cheer">M.D, Ph.D</div> <div class="item_cheer_detail">Associate chief physician</div> </div> </a> <a class="photo_item_box"> <div class="photo_item_imageBox"> <img src="../images/depart_214-04.png" width="100%" alt="" srcset=""> </div> <div class="photo_item_desc"> <div class="item_name">Jie Shao</div> <div class="item_cheer">Technologist-in-charge</div> </div> </a> <a class="photo_item_box"> <div class="photo_item_imageBox"> <img src="../images/depart_214-05.png" width="100%" alt="" srcset=""> </div> <div class="photo_item_desc"> <div class="item_name">Dong Dong</div> <div class="item_cheer">M.D, Ph.D, Graduate tutor</div> <div class="item_cheer_detail">Associate chief technician </div> </div> </a> <a class="photo_item_box"> <div class="photo_item_imageBox"> <img src="../images/depart_214-06.png" width="100%" alt="" srcset=""> </div> <div class="photo_item_desc"> <div class="item_name">Meng Zhao</div> <div class="item_cheer">M.D,Ph.D</div> </div> </a> <a class="photo_item_box"> <div class="photo_item_imageBox"> <img src="../images/depart_214-07.png" width="100%" alt="" srcset=""> </div> <div class="photo_item_desc"> <div class="item_name">Ding Li</div> <div class="item_cheer">Ph. D</div> </div> </a> <a class="photo_item_box"> <div class="photo_item_imageBox"> <img src="../images/depart_214-08.png" width="100%" alt="" srcset=""> </div> <div class="photo_item_desc"> <div class="item_name">Qian Wei</div> <div class="item_cheer">Master Degree</div> </div> </a> </div> </div> --> </div> <footer class="footer-content"> <div class="footer-main"> <ul class="list-unstyled third-ul"> <li>West Huan-Hu Rd, Ti Yuan Bei, Hexi District</li> <li>Tianjin 300060</li> <li>China</li> <li>Tel/Fax: 0086-22-23359337</li> <li>Email: info@tjmuch.com</li> </ul> <ul class="list-unstyled first-ul"> <li><img src="../images/yikeda.png" width="160px" alt="" /></li> <li><img src="../images/tjuc.png" width="160px" alt="" /></li> </ul> </div> </footer> </div> <script src="../js/jquery-1.11.3.min.js"></script> <script src="../js/bootstrap.min.js"></script> <script src="../js/swiper-3.4.2.jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="../js/common.js"></script> <script> $(document).ready(function() { $(".btn-group") .find(".navbtn-a") .click(function() { console.log(this); $(this) .siblings(".navbtn-a") .removeClass("navbtnActive"); // 删除其他兄弟元素的样式 $(this).addClass("navbtnActive"); // 添加当前元素的样式 }); }); var swiper = new Swiper(".swiper-container", { pagination: ".swiper-pagination", paginationClickable: true }); var swiper = new Swiper(".swiper-container1", { pagination: ".swiper-pagination", slidesPerView: 3, paginationClickable: true, spaceBetween: 30 }); $(".content-word-left").on("click", "h4", function() { $(this) .addClass("active") .siblings() .removeClass("active"); $(".content-word-right") .eq($(this).index()) .addClass("active") .siblings() .removeClass("active"); }); </script> </body> </html>