<?xml version="1.0"?> <psalm autoloader="psalm-autoload.php" useDocblockTypes="true" totallyTyped="true" > <projectFiles> <directory name="lib" /> </projectFiles> <issueHandlers> <RedundantConditionGivenDocblockType errorLevel="info" /> <!-- We have to be explicit because PHP 5 lacks scalar types --> <UnresolvableInclude errorLevel="info" /> <!-- Because we put the variants into their own subdirectory --> <DuplicateClass errorLevel="info" /> <!-- Later versions of Psalm are only PHP 7 compatible, which sees our redefinition of Error and TypeError as duplicate class errors. --> <UndefinedConstant errorLevel="info" /> <!-- The Mcrypt constants aren't defined in PHP 7.2 --> <MissingReturnType errorLevel="info" /> <!-- False positive with some versions of (Psalm, PHP) --> <InvalidReturnType errorLevel="info" /> <!-- The "last resort" function in lib/random.php --> <MixedInferredReturnType errorLevel="suppress" /> <!-- Only used in totallyTyped mode --> </issueHandlers> </psalm>