
node_modules/@jridgewell/resolve-uri/dist/resolve-uri.mjs 8.8 KB
芦瑞泽 authored
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// Matches the scheme of a URL, eg "http://"
const schemeRegex = /^[\w+.-]+:\/\//;
 * Matches the parts of a URL:
 * 1. Scheme, including ":", guaranteed.
 * 2. User/password, including "@", optional.
 * 3. Host, guaranteed.
 * 4. Port, including ":", optional.
 * 5. Path, including "/", optional.
 * 6. Query, including "?", optional.
 * 7. Hash, including "#", optional.
const urlRegex = /^([\w+.-]+:)\/\/([^@/#?]*@)?([^:/#?]*)(:\d+)?(\/[^#?]*)?(\?[^#]*)?(#.*)?/;
 * File URLs are weird. They dont' need the regular `//` in the scheme, they may or may not start
 * with a leading `/`, they can have a domain (but only if they don't start with a Windows drive).
 * 1. Host, optional.
 * 2. Path, which may include "/", guaranteed.
 * 3. Query, including "?", optional.
 * 4. Hash, including "#", optional.
const fileRegex = /^file:(?:\/\/((?![a-z]:)[^/#?]*)?)?(\/?[^#?]*)(\?[^#]*)?(#.*)?/i;
var UrlType;
(function (UrlType) {
    UrlType[UrlType["Empty"] = 1] = "Empty";
    UrlType[UrlType["Hash"] = 2] = "Hash";
    UrlType[UrlType["Query"] = 3] = "Query";
    UrlType[UrlType["RelativePath"] = 4] = "RelativePath";
    UrlType[UrlType["AbsolutePath"] = 5] = "AbsolutePath";
    UrlType[UrlType["SchemeRelative"] = 6] = "SchemeRelative";
    UrlType[UrlType["Absolute"] = 7] = "Absolute";
})(UrlType || (UrlType = {}));
function isAbsoluteUrl(input) {
    return schemeRegex.test(input);
function isSchemeRelativeUrl(input) {
    return input.startsWith('//');
function isAbsolutePath(input) {
    return input.startsWith('/');
function isFileUrl(input) {
    return input.startsWith('file:');
function isRelative(input) {
    return /^[.?#]/.test(input);
function parseAbsoluteUrl(input) {
    const match = urlRegex.exec(input);
    return makeUrl(match[1], match[2] || '', match[3], match[4] || '', match[5] || '/', match[6] || '', match[7] || '');
function parseFileUrl(input) {
    const match = fileRegex.exec(input);
    const path = match[2];
    return makeUrl('file:', '', match[1] || '', '', isAbsolutePath(path) ? path : '/' + path, match[3] || '', match[4] || '');
function makeUrl(scheme, user, host, port, path, query, hash) {
    return {
        type: UrlType.Absolute,
function parseUrl(input) {
    if (isSchemeRelativeUrl(input)) {
        const url = parseAbsoluteUrl('http:' + input);
        url.scheme = '';
        url.type = UrlType.SchemeRelative;
        return url;
    if (isAbsolutePath(input)) {
        const url = parseAbsoluteUrl('http://foo.com' + input);
        url.scheme = '';
        url.host = '';
        url.type = UrlType.AbsolutePath;
        return url;
    if (isFileUrl(input))
        return parseFileUrl(input);
    if (isAbsoluteUrl(input))
        return parseAbsoluteUrl(input);
    const url = parseAbsoluteUrl('http://foo.com/' + input);
    url.scheme = '';
    url.host = '';
    url.type = input
        ? input.startsWith('?')
            ? UrlType.Query
            : input.startsWith('#')
                ? UrlType.Hash
                : UrlType.RelativePath
        : UrlType.Empty;
    return url;
function stripPathFilename(path) {
    // If a path ends with a parent directory "..", then it's a relative path with excess parent
    // paths. It's not a file, so we can't strip it.
    if (path.endsWith('/..'))
        return path;
    const index = path.lastIndexOf('/');
    return path.slice(0, index + 1);
function mergePaths(url, base) {
    normalizePath(base, base.type);
    // If the path is just a "/", then it was an empty path to begin with (remember, we're a relative
    // path).
    if (url.path === '/') {
        url.path = base.path;
    else {
        // Resolution happens relative to the base path's directory, not the file.
        url.path = stripPathFilename(base.path) + url.path;
 * The path can have empty directories "//", unneeded parents "foo/..", or current directory
 * "foo/.". We need to normalize to a standard representation.
function normalizePath(url, type) {
    const rel = type <= UrlType.RelativePath;
    const pieces = url.path.split('/');
    // We need to preserve the first piece always, so that we output a leading slash. The item at
    // pieces[0] is an empty string.
    let pointer = 1;
    // Positive is the number of real directories we've output, used for popping a parent directory.
    // Eg, "foo/bar/.." will have a positive 2, and we can decrement to be left with just "foo".
    let positive = 0;
    // We need to keep a trailing slash if we encounter an empty directory (eg, splitting "foo/" will
    // generate `["foo", ""]` pieces). And, if we pop a parent directory. But once we encounter a
    // real directory, we won't need to append, unless the other conditions happen again.
    let addTrailingSlash = false;
    for (let i = 1; i < pieces.length; i++) {
        const piece = pieces[i];
        // An empty directory, could be a trailing slash, or just a double "//" in the path.
        if (!piece) {
            addTrailingSlash = true;
        // If we encounter a real directory, then we don't need to append anymore.
        addTrailingSlash = false;
        // A current directory, which we can always drop.
        if (piece === '.')
        // A parent directory, we need to see if there are any real directories we can pop. Else, we
        // have an excess of parents, and we'll need to keep the "..".
        if (piece === '..') {
            if (positive) {
                addTrailingSlash = true;
            else if (rel) {
                // If we're in a relativePath, then we need to keep the excess parents. Else, in an absolute
                // URL, protocol relative URL, or an absolute path, we don't need to keep excess.
                pieces[pointer++] = piece;
        // We've encountered a real directory. Move it to the next insertion pointer, which accounts for
        // any popped or dropped directories.
        pieces[pointer++] = piece;
    let path = '';
    for (let i = 1; i < pointer; i++) {
        path += '/' + pieces[i];
    if (!path || (addTrailingSlash && !path.endsWith('/..'))) {
        path += '/';
    url.path = path;
 * Attempts to resolve `input` URL/path relative to `base`.
function resolve(input, base) {
    if (!input && !base)
        return '';
    const url = parseUrl(input);
    let inputType = url.type;
    if (base && inputType !== UrlType.Absolute) {
        const baseUrl = parseUrl(base);
        const baseType = baseUrl.type;
        switch (inputType) {
            case UrlType.Empty:
                url.hash = baseUrl.hash;
            // fall through
            case UrlType.Hash:
                url.query = baseUrl.query;
            // fall through
            case UrlType.Query:
            case UrlType.RelativePath:
                mergePaths(url, baseUrl);
            // fall through
            case UrlType.AbsolutePath:
                // The host, user, and port are joined, you can't copy one without the others.
                url.user = baseUrl.user;
                url.host = baseUrl.host;
                url.port = baseUrl.port;
            // fall through
            case UrlType.SchemeRelative:
                // The input doesn't have a schema at least, so we need to copy at least that over.
                url.scheme = baseUrl.scheme;
        if (baseType > inputType)
            inputType = baseType;
    normalizePath(url, inputType);
    const queryHash = url.query + url.hash;
    switch (inputType) {
        // This is impossible, because of the empty checks at the start of the function.
        // case UrlType.Empty:
        case UrlType.Hash:
        case UrlType.Query:
            return queryHash;
        case UrlType.RelativePath: {
            // The first char is always a "/", and we need it to be relative.
            const path = url.path.slice(1);
            if (!path)
                return queryHash || '.';
            if (isRelative(base || input) && !isRelative(path)) {
                // If base started with a leading ".", or there is no base and input started with a ".",
                // then we need to ensure that the relative path starts with a ".". We don't know if
                // relative starts with a "..", though, so check before prepending.
                return './' + path + queryHash;
            return path + queryHash;
        case UrlType.AbsolutePath:
            return url.path + queryHash;
            return url.scheme + '//' + url.user + url.host + url.port + url.path + queryHash;

export { resolve as default };
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