
public/assets/libs/jcrop/src/defaults.js 2.2 KB
郭盛 authored
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    Jcrop.defaults = {

      // Selection Behavior
      edge: { n: 0, s: 0, e: 0, w: 0 },
      setSelect: null,
      linked: true,
      linkCurrent: true,
      canDelete: true,
      canSelect: true,
      canDrag: true,
      canResize: true,

      // Component constructors
      eventManagerComponent:  Jcrop.component.EventManager,
      keyboardComponent:      Jcrop.component.Keyboard,
      dragstateComponent:     Jcrop.component.DragState,
      stagemanagerComponent:  Jcrop.component.StageManager,
      animatorComponent:      Jcrop.component.Animator,
      selectionComponent:     Jcrop.component.Selection,

      // This is a function that is called, which returns a stage object
      stageConstructor:       Jcrop.stageConstructor,

      // Stage Behavior
      allowSelect: true,
      multi: false,
      multiMax: false,
      multiCleanup: true,
      animation: true,
      animEasing: 'swing',
      animDuration: 400,
      fading: true,
      fadeDuration: 300,
      fadeEasing: 'swing',
      bgColor: 'black',
      bgOpacity: .5,

      // Startup options
      applyFilters: [ 'constrain', 'extent', 'backoff', 'ratio', 'shader', 'round' ],
      borders:  [ 'e', 'w', 's', 'n' ],
      handles:  [ 'n', 's', 'e', 'w', 'sw', 'ne', 'nw', 'se' ],
      dragbars: [ 'n', 'e', 'w', 's' ],

      dragEventTarget: window,

      xscale: 1,
      yscale: 1,

      boxWidth: null,
      boxHeight: null,

      // CSS Classes
      // @todo: These need to be moved to top-level object keys
      // for better customization. Currently if you try to extend one
      // via an options object to Jcrop, it will wipe out all
      // the others you don't specify. Be careful for now!
      css_nodrag: 'jcrop-nodrag',
      css_drag: 'jcrop-drag',
      css_container: 'jcrop-active',
      css_shades: 'jcrop-shades',
      css_selection: 'jcrop-selection',
      css_borders: 'jcrop-border',
      css_handles: 'jcrop-handle jcrop-drag',
      css_button: 'jcrop-box jcrop-drag',
      css_noresize: 'jcrop-noresize',
      css_dragbars: 'jcrop-dragbar jcrop-drag',

      legacyHandlers: {
        onChange: 'cropmove',
        onSelect: 'cropend'
