<?php namespace Matrix\Operators; use Matrix\Matrix; use Matrix\Exception; abstract class Operator { /** * Stored internally as a 2-dimension array of values * * @property mixed[][] $matrix **/ protected $matrix; /** * Number of rows in the matrix * * @property integer $rows **/ protected $rows; /** * Number of columns in the matrix * * @property integer $columns **/ protected $columns; /** * Create an new handler object for the operation * * @param Matrix $matrix The base Matrix object on which the operation will be performed */ public function __construct(Matrix $matrix) { $this->rows = $matrix->rows; $this->columns = $matrix->columns; $this->matrix = $matrix->toArray(); } /** * Compare the dimensions of the matrices being operated on to see if they are valid for addition/subtraction * * @param Matrix $matrix The second Matrix object on which the operation will be performed * @throws Exception */ protected function validateMatchingDimensions(Matrix $matrix) { if (($this->rows != $matrix->rows) || ($this->columns != $matrix->columns)) { throw new Exception('Matrices have mismatched dimensions'); } } /** * Compare the dimensions of the matrices being operated on to see if they are valid for multiplication/division * * @param Matrix $matrix The second Matrix object on which the operation will be performed * @throws Exception */ protected function validateReflectingDimensions(Matrix $matrix) { if ($this->columns != $matrix->rows) { throw new Exception('Matrices have mismatched dimensions'); } } /** * Return the result of the operation * * @return Matrix */ public function result() { return new Matrix($this->matrix); } }