
simplewind/vendor/alipay_wap/wappay/service/AlipayTradeService.php 7.5 KB
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/* *
 * 功能:支付宝手机网站alipay.trade.close (统一收单交易关闭接口)业务参数封装
 * 版本:2.0
 * 修改日期:2016-11-01
 * 说明:
 * 以下代码只是为了方便商户测试而提供的样例代码,商户可以根据自己网站的需要,按照技术文档编写,并非一定要使用该代码。

require_once dirname ( __FILE__ ).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'./../../AopSdk.php';
require dirname ( __FILE__ ).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'./../../config.php';

class AlipayTradeService {

	public $gateway_url = "https://openapi.alipay.com/gateway.do";

	public $alipay_public_key;

	public $private_key;

	public $appid;

	public $charset = "UTF-8";

	public $token = NULL;
	public $format = "json";

	public $signtype = "RSA";

	function __construct($alipay_config){
		$this->gateway_url = $alipay_config['gatewayUrl'];
		$this->appid = $alipay_config['app_id'];
		$this->private_key = $alipay_config['merchant_private_key'];
		$this->alipay_public_key = $alipay_config['alipay_public_key'];
		$this->charset = $alipay_config['charset'];

			throw new Exception("appid should not be NULL!");
			throw new Exception("private_key should not be NULL!");
			throw new Exception("alipay_public_key should not be NULL!");
			throw new Exception("charset should not be NULL!");
			throw new Exception("gateway_url should not be NULL!");

	function AlipayWapPayService($alipay_config) {

	 * alipay.trade.wap.pay
	 * @param $builder 业务参数,使用buildmodel中的对象生成。
	 * @param $return_url 同步跳转地址,公网可访问
	 * @param $notify_url 异步通知地址,公网可以访问
	 * @return $response 支付宝返回的信息
	function wapPay($builder,$return_url,$notify_url) {
		$request = new AlipayTradeWapPayRequest();
		$request->setBizContent ( $biz_content );
		// 首先调用支付api
		$response = $this->aopclientRequestExecute ($request,true);
		// $response = $response->alipay_trade_wap_pay_response;
		return $response;

	 function aopclientRequestExecute($request,$ispage=false) {

		$aop = new AopClient ();
		$aop->gatewayUrl = $this->gateway_url;
		$aop->appId = $this->appid;
		$aop->rsaPrivateKey =  $this->private_key;
		$aop->alipayrsaPublicKey = $this->alipay_public_key;
		$aop->apiVersion ="1.0";
		$aop->postCharset = $this->charset;
		$aop->format= $this->format;
		// 开启页面信息输出
			$result = $aop->pageExecute($request,"post");
			echo $result;
			$result = $aop->Execute($request);
		$this->writeLog("response: ".var_export($result,true));
		return $result;

	 * alipay.trade.query (统一收单线下交易查询)
	 * @param $builder 业务参数,使用buildmodel中的对象生成。
	 * @return $response 支付宝返回的信息
	function Query($builder){
		$request = new AlipayTradeQueryRequest();
		$request->setBizContent ( $biz_content );

		// 首先调用支付api
		$response = $this->aopclientRequestExecute ($request);
		$response = $response->alipay_trade_query_response;
		return $response;
	 * alipay.trade.refund (统一收单交易退款接口)
	 * @param $builder 业务参数,使用buildmodel中的对象生成。
	 * @return $response 支付宝返回的信息
	function Refund($builder){
		$request = new AlipayTradeRefundRequest();
		$request->setBizContent ( $biz_content );
		// 首先调用支付api
		$response = $this->aopclientRequestExecute ($request);
		$response = $response->alipay_trade_refund_response;
		return $response;

	 * alipay.trade.close (统一收单交易关闭接口)
	 * @param $builder 业务参数,使用buildmodel中的对象生成。
	 * @return $response 支付宝返回的信息
	function Close($builder){
		$request = new AlipayTradeCloseRequest();
		$request->setBizContent ( $biz_content );
		// 首先调用支付api
		$response = $this->aopclientRequestExecute ($request);
		$response = $response->alipay_trade_close_response;
		return $response;
	 * 退款查询   alipay.trade.fastpay.refund.query (统一收单交易退款查询)
	 * @param $builder 业务参数,使用buildmodel中的对象生成。
	 * @return $response 支付宝返回的信息
	function refundQuery($builder){
		$request = new AlipayTradeFastpayRefundQueryRequest();
		$request->setBizContent ( $biz_content );
		// 首先调用支付api
		$response = $this->aopclientRequestExecute ($request);
		return $response;
	 * alipay.data.dataservice.bill.downloadurl.query (查询对账单下载地址)
	 * @param $builder 业务参数,使用buildmodel中的对象生成。
	 * @return $response 支付宝返回的信息
	function downloadurlQuery($builder){
		$request = new alipaydatadataservicebilldownloadurlqueryRequest();
		$request->setBizContent ( $biz_content );
		// 首先调用支付api
		$response = $this->aopclientRequestExecute ($request);
		$response = $response->alipay_data_dataservice_bill_downloadurl_query_response;
		return $response;

	 * 验签方法
	 * @param $arr 验签支付宝返回的信息,使用支付宝公钥。
	 * @return boolean
	function check($arr){
		$aop = new AopClient();
		$aop->alipayrsaPublicKey = $this->alipay_public_key;
		$result = $aop->rsaCheckV1($arr, $this->alipay_public_key, $this->signtype);
		return $result;
	function writeLog($text) {
		// $text=iconv("GBK", "UTF-8//IGNORE", $text);
		//$text = characet ( $text );
		file_put_contents ( dirname ( __FILE__ ).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR."./../../log.txt", date ( "Y-m-d H:i:s" ) . "  " . $text . "\r\n", FILE_APPEND );

	/** *利用google api生成二维码图片
	 * $content:二维码内容参数
	 * $size:生成二维码的尺寸,宽度和高度的值
	 * $lev:可选参数,纠错等级
	 * $margin:生成的二维码离边框的距离
	function create_erweima($content, $size = '200', $lev = 'L', $margin= '0') {
		$content = urlencode($content);
		$image = '<img src="http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?chs='.$size.'x'.$size.'&amp;cht=qr&chld='.$lev.'|'.$margin.'&amp;chl='.$content.'"  widht="'.$size.'" height="'.$size.'" />';
		return $image;
