GenerateTestUserSig.js 3.0 KB
import LibGenerateTestUserSig from './lib-generate-test-usersig-es.min.js';
 * Signature expiration time, which should not be too short
 * Time unit: second
 * Default time: 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 = 604800 = 7days
 * 签名过期时间,建议不要设置的过短
 * 时间单位:秒
 * 默认时间:7 x 24 x 60 x 60 = 604800 = 7 天
const EXPIRETIME = 604800;

 * Module: GenerateTestUserSig
 * Description: Generates UserSig for testing. UserSig is a security signature designed by Tencent Cloud for its cloud services.
 * It is calculated based on `SDKAppID`, `UserID`, and `EXPIRETIME` using the HMAC-SHA256 encryption algorithm.
 * Attention: For the following reasons, do not use the code below in your commercial application.
 * The code may be able to calculate UserSig correctly, but it is only for quick testing of the SDK’s basic features, not for commercial applications.
 * `SECRETKEY` in client code can be easily decompiled and reversed, especially on web.
 * Once your key is disclosed, attackers will be able to steal your Tencent Cloud traffic.
 * The correct method is to deploy the `UserSig` calculation code and encryption key on your project server so that your application can request from your server a `UserSig` that is calculated whenever one is needed.
 * Given that it is more difficult to hack a server than a client application, server-end calculation can better protect your key.
 * Reference:
 * Module:   GenerateTestUserSig
 * Function: 用于生成测试用的 UserSig,UserSig 是腾讯云为其云服务设计的一种安全保护签名。
 *           其计算方法是对 SDKAppID、UserID 和 EXPIRETIME 进行加密,加密算法为 HMAC-SHA256。
 * Attention: 请不要将如下代码发布到您的线上正式版本的 App 中,原因如下:
 *            本文件中的代码虽然能够正确计算出 UserSig,但仅适合快速调通 SDK 的基本功能,不适合线上产品,
 *            这是因为客户端代码中的 SECRETKEY 很容易被反编译逆向破解,尤其是 Web 端的代码被破解的难度几乎为零。
 *            一旦您的密钥泄露,攻击者就可以计算出正确的 UserSig 来盗用您的腾讯云流量。
 *            正确的做法是将 UserSig 的计算代码和加密密钥放在您的业务服务器上,然后由 App 按需向您的服务器获取实时算出的 UserSig。
 *            由于破解服务器的成本要高于破解客户端 App,所以服务器计算的方案能够更好地保护您的加密密钥。
 * Reference:

function genTestUserSig(options) {
  const { SDKAppID, secretKey, userID } = options;
  const generator = new LibGenerateTestUserSig(SDKAppID, secretKey, EXPIRETIME);
  const userSig = generator.genTestUserSig(userID);
  return {

export { genTestUserSig, EXPIRETIME };