
app/user/lang/en-us.php 4.1 KB
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// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2013-2019 http://www.thinkcmf.com All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed ( http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 )
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: 老猫 <thinkcmf@126.com>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
return [
    "USERNAME"                      => 'Username',
    "NICENAME"                      => 'Nicename',
    "AVATAR"                        => 'Avatar',
    "EMAIL"                         => 'Email',
    "REGISTRATION_TIME"             => 'Registration Time',
    "LAST_LOGIN_TIME"               => "Last Login Time",
    "LAST_LOGIN_IP"                 => 'Last Login IP',
    "STATUS"                        => 'Status',
    "ACTIONS"                       => "Actions",
    "USER_STATUS_BLOCKED"           => 'Blocked',
    "USER_STATUS_ACTIVATED"         => 'Activated',
    "USER_STATUS_UNVERIFIED"        => 'Unverified',
    "BLOCK_USER"                    => 'Block',
    "BLOCK_USER_CONFIRM_MESSAGE"    => 'Are you sure you want to pull black this user?',
    "ACTIVATE_USER"                 => 'Activate',
    "ACTIVATE_USER_CONFIRM_MESSAGE" => 'Are you sure you want to enable this user?',
    "THIRD_PARTY_USER"              => "Third Party User",
    "NOT_FILLED"                    => "Not Filled",
    "USER_FROM"                     => '来源',
    "BINGDING_ACCOUNT"              => '绑定账号',
    "FIRST_LOGIN_TIME"              => '首次登录时间',
    "LOGIN_TIMES"                   => '登录次数',
    'USERNAME_OR_EMAIL_EMPTY'       => "用户名不能为空!",
    'PASSWORD_REQUIRED'             => "密码不能为空!",
    'CAPTCHA_REQUIRED'              => "验证码不能为空!",
    'USERNAME_OR_EMAIL'             => '用户名或邮箱',
    'LOGIN_SUCCESS'                 => "Login success!",
    'PASSWORD_NOT_RIGHT'            => "Your password is wrong!",
    'CAPTCHA_NOT_RIGHT'             => "CAPTCHA is wrong!",
    'USERNAME_NOT_EXIST'            => "用户名不存在!",
    'USER_INDEXADMIN_BAN'           => '拉黑会员',
    'USER_INDEXADMIN_CANCELBAN'     => '启用会员',
    'USER_INDEXADMIN_DEFAULT1'      => 'User Group',
    'USER_INDEXADMIN_DEFAULT3'      => 'Admin Group',
    'USER_INDEXADMIN_INDEX'         => 'Site Users',
    'USER_OAUTHADMIN_DELETE'        => '第三方用户解绑',
    'USER_OAUTHADMIN_INDEX'         => 'Third Party Users',
    'USER_INDEXADMIN_DEFAULT'       => 'Users',

    'NICKNAME_IS_TO0_LONG'  => 'Nickname is too lang!',
    'SEX_IS_INVALID'        => 'Sex is invalid!',
    'BIRTHDAY_IS_INVALID'   => 'Birthday format is invalid!',
    'BIRTHDAY_IS_TOO_EARLY' => 'Your birthday is too early!',
    'BIRTHDAY_IS_TOO_LATE'  => 'Your birthday is too late!',
    'URL_FORMAT_IS_WRONG'   => 'Url format is wrong!',
    'URL_IS_TO0_LONG'       => 'url max 64 letters!',
    'SIGNATURE_IS_TO0_LONG' => 'signature max 128 letters!',
    'NO_NEW_INFORMATION'    => "no new data!",
    'ERROR'                 => "eror",

    'old_password_is_required'     => 'The old password is required!',
    'old_password_is_too_long'     => 'The old password is too long!',
    'old_password_is_too_short'    => 'The old password is too short!',
    'password_is_required'         => 'Password is required!',
    'password_is_too_long'         => 'The password is too long!',
    'password_is_too_short'        => 'The password is too short!',
    'repeat_password_is_required'  => 'The repeat password is required!',
    'repeat_password_is_too_long'  => 'The repeat password is too long!',
    'repeat_password_is_too_short' => 'The repeat password is too short!',
    'change_success'               => 'Change success!',
    'password_repeat_wrong'=>'password repeat wrong',
    'old_password_is_wrong'        => 'The old password is wrong!',
