
public/assets/libs/fastadmin-dragsort/jquery.dragsort.js 15.8 KB
景龙 authored
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// jQuery List DragSort v0.5.2
// Website: http://dragsort.codeplex.com/
// License: http://dragsort.codeplex.com/license

(function($) {

	$.fn.dragsort = function(options) {
		if (options == "destroy") {

		var opts = $.extend({}, $.fn.dragsort.defaults, options);
		var lists = [];
		var list = null, lastPos = null;

		this.each(function(i, cont) {

			//if list container is table, the browser automatically wraps rows in tbody if not specified so change list container to tbody so that children returns rows as user expected
			if ($(cont).is("table") && $(cont).children().size() == 1 && $(cont).children().is("tbody"))
				cont = $(cont).children().get(0);

			var newList = {
				draggedItem: null,
				placeHolderItem: null,
				pos: null,
				offset: null,
				offsetLimit: null,
				scroll: null,
				container: cont,

				init: function() {
					//set options to default values if not set
					opts.tagName = opts.tagName == "" ? ($(this.container).children().size() == 0 ? "li" : $(this.container).children().get(0).tagName.toLowerCase()) : opts.tagName;
					if (opts.itemSelector == "")
						opts.itemSelector = opts.tagName;
					if (opts.dragSelector == "")
						opts.dragSelector = opts.tagName;
					if (opts.placeHolderTemplate == "")
						opts.placeHolderTemplate = "<" + opts.tagName + ">&nbsp;</" + opts.tagName + ">";

					//listidx allows reference back to correct list variable instance
					$(this.container).attr("data-listidx", i).mousedown(this.grabItem).bind("dragsort-uninit", this.uninit);

				uninit: function() {
					var list = lists[$(this).attr("data-listidx")];
					$(list.container).unbind("mousedown", list.grabItem).unbind("dragsort-uninit");

				getItems: function() {
					return $(this.container).children(opts.itemSelector);

				styleDragHandlers: function(cursor) {
					this.getItems().map(function() { return $(this).is(opts.dragSelector) ? this : $(this).find(opts.dragSelector).get(); }).css("cursor", cursor ? "pointer" : "");

				grabItem: function(e) {
					var list = lists[$(this).attr("data-listidx")];
					var item = $(e.target).closest("[data-listidx] > " + opts.tagName).get(0);
					var insideMoveableItem = list.getItems().filter(function() { return this == item; }).size() > 0;

					//if not left click or if clicked on excluded element (e.g. text box) or not a moveable list item return
					if (e.which != 1 || $(e.target).is(opts.dragSelectorExclude) || $(e.target).closest(opts.dragSelectorExclude).size() > 0 || !insideMoveableItem)

					//prevents selection, stops issue on Fx where dragging hyperlink doesn't work and on IE where it triggers mousemove even though mouse hasn't moved,
					//does also stop being able to click text boxes hence dragging on text boxes by default is disabled in dragSelectorExclude

					//change cursor to move while dragging
					var dragHandle = e.target;
					while (!$(dragHandle).is(opts.dragSelector)) {
						if (dragHandle == this) return;
						dragHandle = dragHandle.parentNode;
					$(dragHandle).attr("data-cursor", $(dragHandle).css("cursor"));
					$(dragHandle).css("cursor", "move");

					//on mousedown wait for movement of mouse before triggering dragsort script (dragStart) to allow clicking of hyperlinks to work
					var listElem = this;
					var trigger = function() {
						list.dragStart.call(listElem, e);
						$(list.container).unbind("mousemove", trigger);
					$(list.container).mousemove(trigger).mouseup(function() { $(list.container).unbind("mousemove", trigger); $(dragHandle).css("cursor", $(dragHandle).attr("data-cursor")); });

				dragStart: function(e) {
					if (list != null && list.draggedItem != null)

					list = lists[$(this).attr("data-listidx")];
					list.draggedItem = $(e.target).closest("[data-listidx] > " + opts.tagName)

					//record current position so on dragend we know if the dragged item changed position or not, not using getItems to allow dragsort to restore dragged item to original location in relation to fixed items
					list.draggedItem.attr("data-origpos", $(this).attr("data-listidx") + "-" + $(list.container).children().index(list.draggedItem));

					//calculate mouse offset relative to draggedItem
					var mt = parseInt(list.draggedItem.css("marginTop"));
					var ml = parseInt(list.draggedItem.css("marginLeft"));
					list.offset = list.draggedItem.offset();
					list.offset.top = e.pageY - list.offset.top + (isNaN(mt) ? 0 : mt) - 1;
					list.offset.left = e.pageX - list.offset.left + (isNaN(ml) ? 0 : ml) - 1;

					//calculate box the dragged item can't be dragged outside of
					if (!opts.dragBetween) {
						var containerHeight = $(list.container).outerHeight() == 0 ? Math.max(1, Math.round(0.5 + list.getItems().size() * list.draggedItem.outerWidth() / $(list.container).outerWidth())) * list.draggedItem.outerHeight() : $(list.container).outerHeight();
						list.offsetLimit = $(list.container).offset();
						list.offsetLimit.right = list.offsetLimit.left + $(list.container).outerWidth() - list.draggedItem.outerWidth();
						list.offsetLimit.bottom = list.offsetLimit.top + containerHeight - list.draggedItem.outerHeight();

					//create placeholder item
					var h = list.draggedItem.height();
					var w = list.draggedItem.width();
					if (opts.tagName == "tr") {
						list.draggedItem.children().each(function() { $(this).width($(this).width()); });
						list.placeHolderItem = list.draggedItem.clone().attr("data-placeholder", true);
						//list.placeHolderItem.children().each(function() { $(this).css({ borderWidth:0, width: $(this).width() + 1, height: $(this).height() + 1 }).html("&nbsp;"); });
						list.placeHolderItem.children().each(function() { $(this).html("&nbsp;"); });
					} else {
						list.placeHolderItem = list.draggedItem.next().css({ height: h, width: w }).attr("data-placeholder", true);

					if (opts.tagName == "td") {
						var listTable = list.draggedItem.closest("table").get(0);
						$("<table id='" + listTable.id + "' style='border-width: 0px;' class='dragSortItem " + listTable.className + "'><tr></tr></table>").appendTo("body").children().append(list.draggedItem);

					//style draggedItem while dragging
					var orig = list.draggedItem.attr("style");
					list.draggedItem.attr("data-origstyle", orig ? orig : "");
					list.draggedItem.css({ position: "absolute", opacity: 0.8, "z-index": 999, height: h, width: w });

					//auto-scroll setup
					list.scroll = { moveX: 0, moveY: 0, maxX: $(document).width() - $(window).width(), maxY: $(document).height() - $(window).height() };
					list.scroll.scrollY = window.setInterval(function() {
						if (opts.scrollContainer != window) {
							$(opts.scrollContainer).scrollTop($(opts.scrollContainer).scrollTop() + list.scroll.moveY);
						var t = $(opts.scrollContainer).scrollTop();
						if (list.scroll.moveY > 0 && t < list.scroll.maxY || list.scroll.moveY < 0 && t > 0) {
							$(opts.scrollContainer).scrollTop(t + list.scroll.moveY);
							list.draggedItem.css("top", list.draggedItem.offset().top + list.scroll.moveY + 1);
					}, 10);
					list.scroll.scrollX = window.setInterval(function() {
						if (opts.scrollContainer != window) {
							$(opts.scrollContainer).scrollLeft($(opts.scrollContainer).scrollLeft() + list.scroll.moveX);
						var l = $(opts.scrollContainer).scrollLeft();
						if (list.scroll.moveX > 0 && l < list.scroll.maxX || list.scroll.moveX < 0 && l > 0) {
							$(opts.scrollContainer).scrollLeft(l + list.scroll.moveX);
							list.draggedItem.css("left", list.draggedItem.offset().left + list.scroll.moveX + 1);
					}, 10);

					$(lists).each(function(i, l) { l.createDropTargets(); l.buildPositionTable(); });
					list.setPos(e.pageX, e.pageY);
					$(document).bind("mousemove", list.swapItems);
					$(document).bind("mouseup", list.dropItem);
					if (opts.scrollContainer != window)
						$(window).bind("wheel", list.wheel);

				//set position of draggedItem
				setPos: function(x, y) { 
					//remove mouse offset so mouse cursor remains in same place on draggedItem instead of top left corner
					var top = y - this.offset.top;
					var left = x - this.offset.left;

					//limit top, left to within box draggedItem can't be dragged outside of
					if (!opts.dragBetween) {
						top = Math.min(this.offsetLimit.bottom, Math.max(top, this.offsetLimit.top));
						left = Math.min(this.offsetLimit.right, Math.max(left, this.offsetLimit.left));

					//adjust top & left calculations to parent offset
					var parent = this.draggedItem.offsetParent().not("body").offset(); //offsetParent returns body even when it's static, if not static offset is only factoring margin
					if (parent != null) {
						top -= parent.top;
						left -= parent.left;

					//set x or y auto-scroll amount
					if (opts.scrollContainer == window) {
						y -= $(window).scrollTop();
						x -= $(window).scrollLeft();
						y = Math.max(0, y - $(window).height() + 5) + Math.min(0, y - 5);
						x = Math.max(0, x - $(window).width() + 5) + Math.min(0, x - 5);
					} else {
						var cont = $(opts.scrollContainer);
						var offset = cont.offset();
						y = Math.max(0, y - cont.height() - offset.top) + Math.min(0, y - offset.top);
						x = Math.max(0, x - cont.width() - offset.left) + Math.min(0, x - offset.left);
					list.scroll.moveX = x == 0 ? 0 : x * opts.scrollSpeed / Math.abs(x);
					list.scroll.moveY = y == 0 ? 0 : y * opts.scrollSpeed / Math.abs(y);

					//move draggedItem to new mouse cursor location
					this.draggedItem.css({ top: top, left: left });

				//if scroll container is a div allow mouse wheel to scroll div instead of window when mouse is hovering over
				wheel: function(e) {
					if (list && opts.scrollContainer != window) {
						var cont = $(opts.scrollContainer);
						var offset = cont.offset();
						e = e.originalEvent;
						if (e.clientX > offset.left && e.clientX < offset.left + cont.width() && e.clientY > offset.top && e.clientY < offset.top + cont.height()) {
							var deltaY = (e.deltaMode == 0 ? 1 : 10) * e.deltaY;
							cont.scrollTop(cont.scrollTop() + deltaY);

				//build a table recording all the positions of the moveable list items
				buildPositionTable: function() {
					var pos = [];
					this.getItems().not([list.draggedItem[0], list.placeHolderItem[0]]).each(function(i) {
						var loc = $(this).offset();
						loc.right = loc.left + $(this).outerWidth();
						loc.bottom = loc.top + $(this).outerHeight();
						loc.elm = this;
						pos[i] = loc;
					this.pos = pos;

				dropItem: function() {
					if (list.draggedItem == null)

					//list.draggedItem.attr("style", "") doesn't work on IE8 and jQuery 1.5 or lower
					//list.draggedItem.removeAttr("style") doesn't work on chrome and jQuery 1.6 (works jQuery 1.5 or lower)
					var orig = list.draggedItem.attr("data-origstyle");
					list.draggedItem.attr("style", orig);
					if (orig == "")



					$("[data-droptarget], .dragSortItem").remove();


					//if position changed call dragEnd
					if (list.draggedItem.attr("data-origpos") != $(lists).index(list) + "-" + $(list.container).children().index(list.draggedItem))
						if (opts.dragEnd.apply(list.draggedItem) == false) { //if dragEnd returns false revert order
							var pos = list.draggedItem.attr("data-origpos").split('-');
							var nextItem = $(lists[pos[0]].container).children().not(list.draggedItem).eq(pos[1]);
							if (nextItem.size() > 0)
							else if (pos[1] == 0) //was the only item in list
							else //was the last item in list

					list.draggedItem = null;
					$(document).unbind("mousemove", list.swapItems);
					$(document).unbind("mouseup", list.dropItem);
					if (opts.scrollContainer != window)
						$(window).unbind("wheel", list.wheel);
					return false;

				//swap the draggedItem (represented visually by placeholder) with the list item the it has been dragged on top of
				swapItems: function(e) {
					if (list.draggedItem == null)
						return false;

					//move draggedItem to mouse location
					list.setPos(e.pageX, e.pageY);

					//retrieve list and item position mouse cursor is over
					var ei = list.findPos(e.pageX, e.pageY);
					var nlist = list;
					for (var i = 0; ei == -1 && opts.dragBetween && i < lists.length; i++) {
						ei = lists[i].findPos(e.pageX, e.pageY);
						nlist = lists[i];

					//if not over another moveable list item return
					if (ei == -1)
						return false;

					//save fixed items locations
					var children = function() { return $(nlist.container).children().not(nlist.draggedItem); };
					var fixed = children().not(opts.itemSelector).each(function(i) { this.idx = children().index(this); });

					//if moving draggedItem up or left place placeHolder before list item the dragged item is hovering over otherwise place it after
					if (lastPos == null || lastPos.top > list.draggedItem.offset().top || lastPos.left > list.draggedItem.offset().left)

					//restore fixed items location
					fixed.each(function() {
						var elm = children().eq(this.idx).get(0);
						if (this != elm && children().index(this) < this.idx)
						else if (this != elm)

					$(lists).each(function(i, l) { l.createDropTargets(); l.buildPositionTable(); });
					lastPos = list.draggedItem.offset();
					return false;

				//returns the index of the list item the mouse is over
				findPos: function(x, y) {
					for (var i = 0; i < this.pos.length; i++) {
						if (this.pos[i].left < x && this.pos[i].right > x && this.pos[i].top < y && this.pos[i].bottom > y)
							return i;
					return -1;

				//create drop targets which are placeholders at the end of other lists to allow dragging straight to the last position
				createDropTargets: function() {
					if (!opts.dragBetween)

					$(lists).each(function() {
						var ph = $(this.container).find("[data-placeholder]");
						var dt = $(this.container).find("[data-droptarget]");
						if (ph.size() > 0 && dt.size() > 0)
						else if (ph.size() == 0 && dt.size() == 0) {
							if (opts.tagName == "td")
								$(opts.placeHolderTemplate).attr("data-droptarget", true).appendTo(this.container);
								//list.placeHolderItem.clone().removeAttr("data-placeholder") crashes in IE7 and jquery 1.5.1 (doesn't in jquery 1.4.2 or IE8)
								$(this.container).append(list.placeHolderItem.removeAttr("data-placeholder").clone().attr("data-droptarget", true));
							list.placeHolderItem.attr("data-placeholder", true);


		return this;

	$.fn.dragsort.defaults = {
		itemSelector: "",
		dragSelector: "",
		dragSelectorExclude: "input, textarea",
		dragEnd: function() { },
		dragBetween: false,
		placeHolderTemplate: "",
		scrollContainer: window,
		scrollSpeed: 5
