var fs = require('fs'); var qs = require('qs'); var path = require('path'); var util = require('util'); var http = require('http'); var events = require('events'); var parse = require('url').parse; var debug = require('debug')('tinylr:server'); var Client = require('./client'); var constants = require('constants'); var config = require('../package.json'); module.exports = Server; function Server(options) { options = this.options = options || {};; options.livereload = options.livereload || path.join(__dirname, 'public/livereload.js'); options.port = parseInt(options.port || 35729, 10); this.on('GET /', this.index.bind(this)); this.on('GET /changed', this.changed.bind(this)); this.on('POST /changed', this.changed.bind(this)); this.on('GET /livereload.js', this.livereload.bind(this)); this.on('GET /kill', this.close.bind(this)); this.clients = {}; this.configure(; } util.inherits(Server, events.EventEmitter); Server.prototype.configure = function configure(app) { debug('Configuring %s', app ? 'connect / express application' : 'HTTP server'); if(!app) { this.server = http.createServer(this.handler.bind(this)); this.server.on('upgrade', this.websocketify.bind(this)); this.server.on('error', this.error.bind(this)); return this; } var self = this; = app; = function(port, done) { done = done || function() {}; if(port !== self.options.port) { debug('Warn: LiveReload port is not standard (%d). You are listening on %d', self.options.port, port); debug('You\'ll need to rely on the LiveReload snippet'); debug('>'); } var srv = self.server = http.createServer(app); srv.on('upgrade', self.websocketify.bind(self)); srv.on('error', self.error.bind(self)); srv.on('close', self.close.bind(self)); return srv.listen(port, done); }; return this; }; Server.prototype.handler = function handler(req, res, next) { var middleware = typeof next === 'function'; debug('LiveReload handler %s (middleware: %s)', req.url, middleware ? 'on' : 'off'); if(middleware) { if(!req.params && req.query) req.params = req.query; this.handle(req, res, next); return this; } req .on('end', this.handle.bind(this, req, res)) .on('data', function(chunk) { = || ''; += chunk; }); return this; }; Server.prototype.handle = function handle(req, res, next) { var url = parse(req.url); var middleware = typeof next === 'function'; req.body = {}; req.params = {}; try { req.body = JSON.parse(; } catch(e) {} if(url.query) req.params = qs.parse(url.query); // todo: parse Accept header res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); // do the routing var route = req.method + ' ' + url.pathname; var respond = this.emit(route, req, res); if(respond) return; if(middleware) return next(); res.writeHead(404); res.write(JSON.stringify({ error: 'not_found', reason: 'no such route' })); res.end(); }; Server.prototype.websocketify = function websocketify(req, socket, head) { var self = this; var client = new Client(req, socket, head); this.clients[] = client; debug('New LiveReload connection (id: %s)',; client.on('end', function() { debug('Destroy client %s (url: %s)',, client.url); delete self.clients[]; }); }; Server.prototype.listen = function listen(port, fn) { this.port = port; this.server.listen(port, fn); }; Server.prototype.close = function close(req, res) { if(res) res.end(); Object.keys(this.clients).forEach(function(id) { this.clients[id].close(); }, this); if(this.server._handle) this.server.close(this.emit.bind(this, 'close')); }; Server.prototype.error = function error(e) { console.error(); console.error('... Uhoh. Got error %s ...', e.message); console.error(e.stack); if(e.code !== constants.EADDRINUSE) return; console.error(); console.error('You already have a server listening on %s', this.port); console.error('You should stop it and try again.'); console.error(); }; // Routes Server.prototype.livereload = function livereload(req, res) { fs.createReadStream(this.options.livereload).pipe(res); }; Server.prototype.changed = function changed(req, res) { var files = []; if(req && req.body && req.body.files) files = req.body.files; if(req && req.params && req.params.files) files = req.params.files; // normalize files array files = Array.isArray(files) ? files : typeof files === 'string' ? files.split(/[\s,]/) : []; debug('Changed event (Files: %s)', files.join(' ')); var clients = Object.keys(this.clients).map(function(id) { var client = this.clients[id]; debug('Reloading client %s (url: %s)',, client.url); client.reload(files); return { id:, url: client.url }; }, this); if(!res) return; res.write(JSON.stringify({ clients: clients, files: files })); res.end(); }; Server.prototype.index = function index(req, res) { res.write(JSON.stringify({ tinylr: 'Welcome', version: config.version })); res.end(); };