
simplewind/vendor/doctrine/cache/tests/Doctrine/Tests/TestInit.php 729 字节
lihan authored
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 * This file bootstraps the test environment.
error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT);

if (file_exists(__DIR__ . '/../../../vendor/autoload.php')) {
    // dependencies were installed via composer - this is the main project
    $classLoader = require __DIR__ . '/../../../vendor/autoload.php';
} elseif (file_exists(__DIR__ . '/../../../../../autoload.php')) {
    // installed as a dependency in `vendor`
    $classLoader = require __DIR__ . '/../../../../../autoload.php';
} else {
    throw new Exception('Can\'t find autoload.php. Did you install dependencies via Composer?');

/* @var $classLoader \Composer\Autoload\ClassLoader */
$classLoader->add('Doctrine\\Tests\\', __DIR__ . '/../../');