<?php class LtDbHandle { public $configHandle; public $group; public $node; public $role = "master"; public $connectionAdapter; public $connectionResource; public $sqlAdapter; protected $connectionManager; private $servers; public function __construct() { } public function init() { if(empty($this->servers)) { $this->servers = $this->configHandle->get("db.servers"); } $this->connectionManager = new LtDbConnectionManager; $this->connectionManager->configHandle = $this->configHandle; $this->sqlAdapter = $this->getCurrentSqlAdapter(); $connectionInfo = $this->connectionManager->getConnection($this->group, $this->node, $this->role); $this->connectionAdapter = $connectionInfo["connectionAdapter"]; $this->connectionResource = $connectionInfo["connectionResource"]; } /** * Trancaction methods */ public function beginTransaction() { return $this->connectionAdapter->exec($this->sqlAdapter->beginTransaction(), $this->connectionResource); } public function commit() { return $this->connectionAdapter->exec($this->sqlAdapter->commit(), $this->connectionResource); } public function rollBack() { return $this->connectionAdapter->exec($this->sqlAdapter->rollBack(), $this->connectionResource); } /** * Execute an sql query * * @param $sql * @param $bind * @param $forceUseMaster * @return false on query failed * --sql type-- --return value-- * SELECT, SHOW, DESECRIBE, EXPLAIN rowset or NULL when no record found * INSERT the ID generated for an AUTO_INCREMENT column * UPDATE, DELETE, REPLACE affected count * USE, DROP, ALTER, CREATE, SET etc true * @notice 每次只能执行一条SQL * 不要通过此接口执行USE DATABASE, SET NAMES这样的语句 */ public function query($sql, $bind = null, $forceUseMaster = false) { $sql = trim($sql); if (empty($sql)) { trigger_error('Empty the SQL statement'); } $queryType = $this->sqlAdapter->detectQueryType($sql); switch ($queryType) { case "SELECT": if (!$forceUseMaster && isset($this->servers[$this->group][$this->node]["slave"])) { $this->role = "slave"; } $queryMethod = "select"; break; case "INSERT": $this->role = "master"; $queryMethod = "insert"; break; case "CHANGE_ROWS": $this->role = "master"; $queryMethod = "changeRows"; break; case "SET_SESSION_VAR": $queryMethod = "setSessionVar"; break; case "OTHER": default: $this->role = "master"; $queryMethod = "other"; break; } $connectionInfo = $this->connectionManager->getConnection($this->group, $this->node, $this->role); $this->connectionAdapter = $connectionInfo["connectionAdapter"]; $this->connectionResource = $connectionInfo["connectionResource"]; if (is_array($bind) && 0 < count($bind)) { $sql = $this->bindParameter($sql, $bind); } return $this->$queryMethod($sql, $this->connectionResource); } /** * function posted by renlu */ public function escape($str) { return $this->connectionAdapter->escape($str, $this->connectionResource); } /** * function posted by renlu */ public function insertid() { return $this->connectionAdapter->lastInsertId($this->connectionResource); } /** * Generate complete sql from sql template (with placeholder) and parameter * * @param $sql * @param $parameter * @return string * @todo 兼容pgsql等其它数据库,pgsql的某些数据类型不接受单引号引起来的值 */ public function bindParameter($sql, $parameter) { // 注意替换结果尾部加一个空格 $sql = preg_replace("/:([a-zA-Z0-9_\-\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\-\x7f-\xff]*)\s*([,\)]?)/", "\x01\x02\x03\\1\x01\x02\x03\\2 ", $sql); foreach($parameter as $key => $value) { $find[] = "\x01\x02\x03$key\x01\x02\x03"; if ($value instanceof LtDbSqlExpression) { $replacement[] = $value->__toString(); } else { $replacement[] = "'" . $this->connectionAdapter->escape($value, $this->connectionResource) . "'"; } } $sql = str_replace($find, $replacement, $sql); return $sql; } protected function getCurrentSqlAdapter() { $factory = new LtDbAdapterFactory; $host = key($this->servers[$this->group][$this->node][$this->role]); return $factory->getSqlAdapter($this->servers[$this->group][$this->node][$this->role][$host]["sql_adapter"]); } protected function select($sql, $connResource) { $result = $this->connectionAdapter->query($sql, $connResource); if (empty($result)) { return null; } else { return $result; } } protected function insert($sql, $connResource) { if ($result = $this->connectionAdapter->exec($sql, $connResource)) { return $this->connectionAdapter->lastInsertId($connResource); } else { return $result; } } protected function changeRows($sql, $connResource) { return $this->connectionAdapter->exec($sql, $connResource); } /** * * @todo 更新连接缓存 */ protected function setSessionVar($sql, $connResource) { return false === $this->connectionAdapter->exec($sql, $connResource) ? false : true; } protected function other($sql, $connResource) { return false === $this->connectionAdapter->exec($sql, $connResource) ? false : true; } }