<?php class LtAutoloader { public $conf = array( /** * 是否自动加载定义了函数的文件 * * 可选项: * # true 自动加载 * # false 跳过函数,只自动加载定义了class或者interface的文件 */ "load_function" => true, /** * 要扫描的文件类型 * * 若该属性设置为array("php","inc","php3"), * 则扩展名为"php","inc","php3"的文件会被扫描, * 其它扩展名的文件会被忽略 */ "allow_file_extension" => array("php", "inc"), /** * 不扫描的目录 * * 若该属性设置为array(".svn", ".setting"), * 则所有名为".setting"的目录也会被忽略 */ "skip_dir_names" => array(".svn"), ); public $storeHandle; public $autoloadPath; protected $functionFileMapping; protected $fileStore; public function init() { if (!is_object($this->storeHandle)) { $this->storeHandle = new LtStoreMemory; $this->fileStore = new LtStoreFile; $this->fileStore->prefix = 'LtAutoloader-token-cache'; $this->fileStore->useSerialize = true; $this->fileStore->init(); } // Whether scanning directory if (0 == $this->storeHandle->get(".class_total") && 0 == $this->storeHandle->get(".function_total")) { $this->storeHandle->add(".class_total", 0); $this->storeHandle->add(".function_total", 0); $this->storeHandle->add(".functions", array(), 0); $autoloadPath = $this->preparePath($this->autoloadPath); foreach($autoloadPath as $key => $path) { if (is_file($path)) { $this->addFileMap($path); unset($autoloadPath[$key]); } } $this->scanDirs($autoloadPath); unset($autoloadPath); } // Whether loading function files if ($this->conf["load_function"]) { $this->loadFunction(); } spl_autoload_register(array($this, "loadClass")); } public function loadFunction() { if ($functionFiles = $this->storeHandle->get(".functions")) { foreach ($functionFiles as $functionFile) { include($functionFile); } } } public function loadClass($className) { if ($classFile = $this->storeHandle->get(strtolower($className))) { include($classFile); } } protected function convertPath($path) { $path = str_replace("\\", "/", $path); if (!is_readable($path)) { trigger_error("Directory is not exists/readable: {$path}"); return false; } $path = rtrim(realpath($path), '\\/'); if ("WINNT" != PHP_OS && preg_match("/\s/i", $path)) { trigger_error("Directory contains space/tab/newline is not supported: {$path}"); return false; } return $path; } /** * The string or an Multidimensional array into a one-dimensional array * * @param array $ or string $var * @return array one-dimensional array */ protected function preparePath($var) { $ret = array(); if (!is_array($var)) { $var = array($var); } $i = 0; while (isset($var[$i])) { if (!is_array($var[$i]) && $path = $this->convertPath($var[$i])) { $ret[] = $path; } else { foreach($var[$i] as $v) { $var[] = $v; } } unset($var[$i]); $i ++; } return $ret; } /** * Using iterative algorithm scanning subdirectories * save autoloader filemap * * @param array $dirs one-dimensional * @return */ protected function scanDirs($dirs) { $i = 0; while (isset($dirs[$i])) { $dir = $dirs[$i]; $files = scandir($dir); foreach ($files as $file) { if (in_array($file, array(".", "..")) || in_array($file, $this->conf["skip_dir_names"])) { continue; } $currentFile = $dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file; if (is_file($currentFile)) { $this->addFileMap($currentFile); } else if (is_dir($currentFile)) { // if $currentFile is a directory, pass through the next loop. $dirs[] = $currentFile; } else { trigger_error("$currentFile is not a file or a directory."); } } //end foreach unset($dirs[$i]); $i ++; } //end while } protected function parseLibNames($src) { $libNames = array(); $tokens = token_get_all($src); $level = 0; $found = false; $name = ''; foreach ($tokens as $token) { if (is_string($token)) { if ('{' == $token) { $level ++; } else if ('}' == $token) { $level --; } } else { list($id, $text) = $token; if (T_CURLY_OPEN == $id || T_DOLLAR_OPEN_CURLY_BRACES == $id) { $level ++; } if (0 < $level) { continue; } switch ($id) { case T_STRING: if ($found) { $libNames[strtolower($name)][] = $text; $found = false; } break; case T_CLASS: case T_INTERFACE: case T_FUNCTION: $found = true; $name = $text; break; } } } return $libNames; } protected function addClass($className, $file) { $key = strtolower($className); if ($existedClassFile = $this->storeHandle->get($key)) { trigger_error("duplicate class [$className] found in:\n$existedClassFile\n$file\n"); return false; } else { $this->storeHandle->add($key, $file); $this->storeHandle->update(".class_total", $this->storeHandle->get(".class_total") + 1); return true; } } protected function addFunction($functionName, $file) { $functionName = strtolower($functionName); if (isset($this->functionFileMapping[$functionName])) { $existedFunctionFile = $this->functionFileMapping[$functionName]; trigger_error("duplicate function [$functionName] found in:\n$existedFunctionFile\n$file\n"); return false; } else { $this->functionFileMapping[$functionName] = $file; $this->storeHandle->update(".functions", array_unique(array_values($this->functionFileMapping))); $this->storeHandle->update(".function_total", count($this->functionFileMapping)); return true; } } protected function addFileMap($file) { if (!in_array(pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION), $this->conf["allow_file_extension"])) { return false; } $libNames = array(); if ($this->fileStore instanceof LtStore) { $cachedFileLastModified = (int) @filemtime($this->fileStore->getFilePath($file)); if ($cachedFileLastModified < filemtime($file) || !is_array(($libNames = $this->fileStore->get($file)))) { $libNames = $this->parseLibNames(trim(file_get_contents($file))); if (0 < $cachedFileLastModified) { $this->fileStore->update($file, $libNames); } else { $this->fileStore->add($file, $libNames); } } } else { $libNames = $this->parseLibNames(trim(file_get_contents($file))); } foreach ($libNames as $libType => $libArray) { $method = "function" == $libType ? "addFunction" : "addClass"; foreach ($libArray as $libName) { $this->$method($libName, $file); } } return true; } }