@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@ Page({ |
guarantee: [],
InfoId: 0,
def_id: '',
edit_state: false,
edit_state2: false,
// edit_state: false,
// edit_state2: false,
// risk_listitm: '',
storge_state: false,
warranty_info: '请输入',
@@ -203,15 +203,19 @@ Page({ |
let that = this;
let type = e.currentTarget.dataset.type;
let index = e.currentTarget.dataset.xulie;
let tempProjectlist = Object.assign(this.data.projectlist, {});
// 复制保障项目模板
// let tempProjectlist = Object.assign({}, this.data.projectlist);
let tempProjectlist = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.data.projectlist));
var sub_index = that.data.sub_index
var edit_state3 = that.data.edit_state3
// 已经添加的附加险
let risk_list = Object.assign(this.data.risk_list, {});
let risk_list = Object.assign({},this.data.risk_list);
let tempRist = risk_list[index].mo;
type: type
type: type,
xielie: index
if (type == 'fujiaxian') {
@@ -220,114 +224,117 @@ Page({ |
// 已经添加的主险
let tempMain_list = Object.assign(this.data.main_array, {})
// this.data.inforid != 0 && this.data.inforid != undefined
let tempMain_list = Object.assign({},this.data.main_array)
this.data.inforid != 0 && this.data.inforid != undefined
if (that.data.temp_state) {
if (edit_state3) {
if (type == 'zhuxian') {
focus: false
if (tempMain_list.length > 0) {
for (let i in tempProjectlist) {
for (let j in tempMain_list) {
if (tempProjectlist[i].id == tempMain_list[j].id) {
tempProjectlist[i].choose_status = true
tempProjectlist[i].num = tempMain_list[j].num
for (let g in tempProjectlist[i].title) {
if (tempProjectlist[i].title[g].t_id == tempMain_list[j].t_id) {
tempProjectlist[i].title[g].label_state = true
if (tempProjectlist[i].title[g].name == tempMain_list[j].title) {
tempProjectlist[i].title[g].current = parseInt(g)
sub_index = parseInt(g)
} else {
if (tempRist.length) {
for (let i in tempProjectlist) {
for (let j in tempRist) {
if (tempProjectlist[i].id == tempRist[j].id) {
tempProjectlist[i].choose_status = true
tempProjectlist[i].num = tempRist[j].num
for (let g in tempProjectlist[i].title) {
if (tempProjectlist[i].title[g].t_id == tempRist[j].t_id) {
tempProjectlist[i].title[g].label_state = true
if (tempProjectlist[i].title[g].name == tempRist[j].title) {
tempProjectlist[i].title[g].current = parseInt(g)
sub_index = parseInt(g)
} else {
if (type == 'zhuxian') {
if (tempMain_list.length > 0) {
for (let i in tempProjectlist) {
for (let j in tempMain_list) {
if (tempProjectlist[i].id == tempMain_list[j].id) {
tempProjectlist[i].choose_status = true
tempProjectlist[i].num = tempMain_list[j].num
for (let g in tempProjectlist[i].title) {
for (let k in tempMain_list[j].title) {
if (tempMain_list[j].title[k].label_state) {
if (tempProjectlist[i].title[g].t_id == tempMain_list[j].title[k].t_id) {
tempProjectlist[i].title[g].label_state = true
tempProjectlist[i].title[g].current = tempMain_list[j].title[k].current
sub_index = tempMain_list[j].title[k].current
} else {
if (tempRist.length) {
for (let i in tempProjectlist) {
for (let j in tempRist) {
if (tempProjectlist[i].id == tempRist[j].id) {
tempProjectlist[i].choose_status = true
tempProjectlist[i].num = tempRist[j].num
for (let g in tempProjectlist[i].title) {
for (let k in tempRist[j].title) {
if (tempRist[j].title[k].label_state) {
if (tempProjectlist[i].title[g].t_id == tempRist[j].title[k].t_id) {
tempProjectlist[i].title[g].label_state = true
tempProjectlist[i].title[g].current = tempRist[j].title[k].current
sub_index = tempRist[j].title[k].current
} else {
// if (that.data.temp_state) {
// console.log('edit')
// //edit_state3:代表是刚获取到信息是的结构,还是重新选择之后的数据结构
// if (edit_state3) {
// //获取到的信息结构
// if (type == 'zhuxian') {
// this.setData({
// focus: false
// })
// if (tempMain_list.length > 0) {
// for (let i in tempProjectlist) {
// for (let j in tempMain_list) {
// if (tempProjectlist[i].id == tempMain_list[j].id) {
// tempProjectlist[i].choose_status = true
// tempProjectlist[i].num = tempMain_list[j].num
// for (let g in tempProjectlist[i].title) {
// if (tempProjectlist[i].title[g].t_id == tempMain_list[j].t_id) {
// tempProjectlist[i].title[g].label_state = true
// if (tempProjectlist[i].title[g].name == tempMain_list[j].title) {
// tempProjectlist[i].title[g].current = parseInt(g)
// sub_index = parseInt(g)
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }
// } else {
// console.log('fjx')
// if (tempRist.length) {
// for (let i in tempProjectlist) {
// for (let j in tempRist) {
// if (tempProjectlist[i].id == tempRist[j].id) {
// console.log(tempRist[j])
// console.log(tempProjectlist[i])
// tempProjectlist[i].choose_status = true
// tempProjectlist[i].num = tempRist[j].num
// for (let g in tempProjectlist[i].title) {
// if (tempProjectlist[i].title[g].t_id == tempRist[j].t_id) {
// tempProjectlist[i].title[g].label_state = true
// if (tempProjectlist[i].title[g].name == tempRist[j].title) {
// tempProjectlist[i].title[g].current = parseInt(g)
// sub_index = parseInt(g)
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }
// } else {
// if (type == 'zhuxian') {
// if (tempMain_list.length > 0) {
// for (let i in tempProjectlist) {
// for (let j in tempMain_list) {
// if (tempProjectlist[i].id == tempMain_list[j].id) {
// tempProjectlist[i].choose_status = true
// tempProjectlist[i].num = tempMain_list[j].num
// for (let g in tempProjectlist[i].title) {
// for (let k in tempMain_list[j].title) {
// if (tempMain_list[j].title[k].label_state) {
// if (tempProjectlist[i].title[g].t_id == tempMain_list[j].title[k].t_id) {
// tempProjectlist[i].title[g].label_state = true
// tempProjectlist[i].title[g].current = tempMain_list[j].title[k].current
// sub_index = tempMain_list[j].title[k].current
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }
// } else {
// if (tempRist.length) {
// for (let i in tempProjectlist) {
// for (let j in tempRist) {
// if (tempProjectlist[i].id == tempRist[j].id) {
// tempProjectlist[i].choose_status = true
// tempProjectlist[i].num = tempRist[j].num
// for (let g in tempProjectlist[i].title) {
// for (let k in tempRist[j].title) {
// if (tempRist[j].title[k].label_state) {
// if (tempProjectlist[i].title[g].t_id == tempRist[j].title[k].t_id) {
// tempProjectlist[i].title[g].label_state = true
// tempProjectlist[i].title[g].current = tempRist[j].title[k].current
// sub_index = tempRist[j].title[k].current
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }
// } else {
// console.log('add')
if (type == 'zhuxian') {
if (tempMain_list.length > 0) {
for (let i in tempProjectlist) {
for (let j in tempMain_list) {
if (tempProjectlist[i].id == tempMain_list[j].id) {
tempProjectlist[i].choose_status = true
tempProjectlist[i].num = tempMain_list[j].num
for (let g in tempProjectlist[i].title) {
@@ -352,31 +359,34 @@ Page({ |
if (tempProjectlist[i].id == tempRist[j].id) {
tempProjectlist[i].choose_status = true
tempProjectlist[i].num = tempRist[j].num
for (let g in tempProjectlist[i].title) {
for (let k in tempRist[j].title) {
if (tempRist[j].title[k].label_state) {
if (tempProjectlist[i].title[g].t_id == tempRist[j].title[k].t_id) {
// for (let k in tempRist[j].title) {
// if (tempRist[j].title[k].label_state) {
if (tempProjectlist[i].title[g].t_id == tempRist[j].t_id) {
tempProjectlist[i].title[g].label_state = true
tempProjectlist[i].title[g].current = tempRist[j].title[k].current
sub_index = tempRist[j].title[k].current
// tempProjectlist[i].title[g].current = tempRist[j].title[k].current
// sub_index = tempRist[j].title[k].current
// }
// }
// }
title: '选择保障项目',
popup_state: true,
addType: type,
xulie: index,
projectlist: tempProjectlist,
showProjectlist: tempProjectlist,
sub_index: sub_index
@@ -398,7 +408,8 @@ Page({ |
// projectlist[i].title[0].label_state = true
projectlist: res.data.data.def
projectlist: res.data.data.def,
showProjectlist: res.data.data.def
@@ -409,7 +420,7 @@ Page({ |
var main_risk = this.data.main_risk
var index = e.currentTarget.dataset.index;
var sindex = e.currentTarget.dataset.sindex;
var projectlist = this.data.projectlist;
var projectlist = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.data.showProjectlist));
var title = projectlist[index].title
for (var i = 0; i < title.length; i++) {
title[i].current = ''
@@ -422,7 +433,7 @@ Page({ |
projectlist[index].title[sindex].label_state = true
projectlist: projectlist,
showProjectlist: projectlist,
sub_index: sindex
@@ -430,23 +441,23 @@ Page({ |
popupNum(e) {
var index = e.currentTarget.dataset.index;
var projectlist = this.data.projectlist;
var projectlist = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.data.showProjectlist))
if (projectlist[index].choose_status) {
projectlist[index].num = e.detail.value
projectlist: projectlist
showProjectlist: projectlist
popupState(e) {
var index = e.currentTarget.dataset.index;
var projectlist = this.data.projectlist;
var projectlist = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.data.showProjectlist))
projectlist[index].choose_status = !projectlist[index].choose_status;
projectlist: projectlist,
showProjectlist: projectlist,
if (this.data.inforid != 0) {
edit_state: false;
@@ -456,15 +467,15 @@ Page({ |
confirmCase() {
if (this.data.type == 'fujiaxian') {
edit_state2: false
} else {
edit_state: false
// if (this.data.type == 'fujiaxian') {
// this.setData({
// edit_state2: false
// })
// } else {
// this.setData({
// edit_state: false
// })
// }
let index = this.data.xulie;
@@ -472,7 +483,7 @@ Page({ |
var that = this
var main_array = []
var projectlist = Object.assign(this.data.projectlist, {})
var projectlist = Object.assign({}, this.data.projectlist)
for (var i = 0; i < projectlist.length; i++) {
if (projectlist[i].choose_status) {
@@ -591,15 +602,15 @@ Page({ |
beneficiarySelect(e) {
if (this.data.inforid != 0) {
edit_state: true,
edit_state2: true
// this.setData({
// edit_state: true,
// edit_state2: true
// })
var index = e.currentTarget.dataset.mindex
var beneficiary_list = Object.assign(this.data.beneficiary_list, {});
var beneficiary_list = Object.assign({}, this.data.projectlist)
// 获取当前已选择的收益人
let tempBenefice = Object.assign(this.data.beneficiaryList, {})
let tempBenefice = Object.assign({}, this.data.projectlist)
// 当前选择的收益人
// let nowPerson = beneficiary_list[index].name_array[e.detail.value];
// let nowPerson = beneficiary_list[index].beneficiary_name
@@ -750,8 +761,8 @@ Page({ |
deletebenefict(e) {
let index = e.currentTarget.dataset.index;
let tempbenefict = Object.assign(this.data.beneficiary_list, {});
let beneficiaryList = Object.assign(this.data.beneficiaryList, {});
let tempbenefict = Object.assign({},this.data.beneficiary_list);
let beneficiaryList = Object.assign({},this.data.beneficiaryList);
// 获取当前选项的受益人
// let person = tempbenefict[index].beneficiary_name;
let person = tempbenefict[index].name;
@@ -767,12 +778,12 @@ Page({ |
addRisk() {
if (this.data.inforid != 0) {
edit_state: false,
edit_state2: false
// this.setData({
// edit_state: false,
// edit_state2: false
// })
var risk_list = Object.assign(this.data.risk_list, {});
var risk_list = Object.assign({},this.data.risk_list);
var len = risk_list.length
risk_list[len] = {
name: '',
@@ -789,7 +800,7 @@ Page({ |
deleteRisk(e) {
let index = e.currentTarget.dataset.index;
let risk_list = Object.assign(this.data.risk_list, {});
let risk_list = Object.assign({},this.data.risk_list);
risk_list.splice(index, 1);
risk_list: risk_list
@@ -902,10 +913,10 @@ Page({ |
warrantyTwo(e) {
if (this.data.inforid != 0) {
edit_state: false,
edit_state2: false
// this.setData({
// edit_state: false,
// edit_state2: false
// })
var guarantee_name = e.detail.value
var warranty_two = this.data.warranty_two
@@ -1000,10 +1011,10 @@ Page({ |
burningTime(e) {
if (this.data.inforid != 0) {
edit_state: false,
edit_state2: false,
// this.setData({
// edit_state: false,
// edit_state2: false,
// })
var time_name = e.detail.value
var long_money = this.data.long_money
@@ -1107,7 +1118,7 @@ Page({ |
selectUnit4(e) {
var unit = e.currentTarget.dataset.unit;
let index = e.currentTarget.dataset.index;
let risk_list = Object.assign(this.data.risk_list, {});
let risk_list = Object.assign({},this.data.risk_list);
risk_list[index].title = unit
if (risk_list[index].title == '终身') {
risk_list[index].num = ''
@@ -1269,9 +1280,9 @@ Page({ |
bank_num: res.data.data.def.bank_num,
risk_list: res.data.data.def.more,
beneficiary_list: beneficiary_list,
edit_state: true,
edit_state2: true,
edit_state3: true,
// edit_state: true,
// edit_state2: true,
// edit_state3: true,
temp_state: true
@@ -1501,7 +1512,7 @@ Page({ |
var risk_list = res.data.data.def.more
var projectlist = this.data.projectlist
var projectlist = Object.assign({},this.data.projectlist)
for (var i = 0; i < risk_list.length; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < projectlist.length; j++) {
@@ -1545,9 +1556,9 @@ Page({ |
bank_num: res.data.data.def.bank_num,
risk_list: risk_list,
beneficiary_list: beneficiary_list,
edit_state: true,
edit_state2: true,
edit_state3: true,
// edit_state: true,
// edit_state2: true,
// edit_state3: true,
temp_state: true,
guarantee_name: guarantee_name,
time_name: time_name,
@@ -1564,8 +1575,8 @@ Page({ |
let that = this;
options.inforid ? (that.getlistVerify(options.inforid), that.setData({
inforid: options.inforid,
edit_state: true,
edit_state2: true,
// edit_state: true,
// edit_state2: true,
}), wx.setNavigationBarTitle({
title: '编辑保单',
})) : ""