
public/assets/libs/jstree/src/jstree.state.js 4.5 KB
李忠强 authored
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 * ### State plugin
 * Saves the state of the tree (selected nodes, opened nodes) on the user's computer using available options (localStorage, cookies, etc)
/*globals jQuery, define, exports, require */
(function (factory) {
	"use strict";
	if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
		define('jstree.state', ['jquery','./jstree.js'], factory);
	else if(typeof exports === 'object') {
		factory(require('jquery'), require('./jstree.js'));
	else {
		factory(jQuery, jQuery.jstree);
}(function ($, jstree, undefined) {
	"use strict";

	if($.jstree.plugins.state) { return; }

	var to = false;
	 * stores all defaults for the state plugin
	 * @name $.jstree.defaults.state
	 * @plugin state
	$.jstree.defaults.state = {
		 * A string for the key to use when saving the current tree (change if using multiple trees in your project). Defaults to `jstree`.
		 * @name $.jstree.defaults.state.key
		 * @plugin state
		key		: 'jstree',
		 * A space separated list of events that trigger a state save. Defaults to `changed.jstree open_node.jstree close_node.jstree`.
		 * @name $.jstree.defaults.state.events
		 * @plugin state
		events	: 'changed.jstree open_node.jstree close_node.jstree check_node.jstree uncheck_node.jstree',
		 * Time in milliseconds after which the state will expire. Defaults to 'false' meaning - no expire.
		 * @name $.jstree.defaults.state.ttl
		 * @plugin state
		ttl		: false,
		 * A function that will be executed prior to restoring state with one argument - the state object. Can be used to clear unwanted parts of the state.
		 * @name $.jstree.defaults.state.filter
		 * @plugin state
		filter	: false,
		 * Should loaded nodes be restored (setting this to true means that it is possible that the whole tree will be loaded for some users - use with caution). Defaults to `false`
		 * @name $.jstree.defaults.state.preserve_loaded
		 * @plugin state
		preserve_loaded : false
	$.jstree.plugins.state = function (options, parent) {
		this.bind = function () {
			var bind = $.proxy(function () {
				this.element.on(this.settings.state.events, $.proxy(function () {
					if(to) { clearTimeout(to); }
					to = setTimeout($.proxy(function () { this.save_state(); }, this), 100);
				}, this));
				 * triggered when the state plugin is finished restoring the state (and immediately after ready if there is no state to restore).
				 * @event
				 * @name state_ready.jstree
				 * @plugin state
			}, this);
				.on("ready.jstree", $.proxy(function (e, data) {
						this.element.one("restore_state.jstree", bind);
						if(!this.restore_state()) { bind(); }
					}, this));
		 * save the state
		 * @name save_state()
		 * @plugin state
		this.save_state = function () {
			var tm = this.get_state();
			if (!this.settings.state.preserve_loaded) {
				delete tm.core.loaded;
			var st = { 'state' : tm, 'ttl' : this.settings.state.ttl, 'sec' : +(new Date()) };
			$.vakata.storage.set(this.settings.state.key, JSON.stringify(st));
		 * restore the state from the user's computer
		 * @name restore_state()
		 * @plugin state
		this.restore_state = function () {
			var k = $.vakata.storage.get(this.settings.state.key);
			if(!!k) { try { k = JSON.parse(k); } catch(ex) { return false; } }
			if(!!k && k.ttl && k.sec && +(new Date()) - k.sec > k.ttl) { return false; }
			if(!!k && k.state) { k = k.state; }
			if(!!k && $.isFunction(this.settings.state.filter)) { k = this.settings.state.filter.call(this, k); }
			if(!!k) {
				if (!this.settings.state.preserve_loaded) {
					delete k.core.loaded;
				this.element.one("set_state.jstree", function (e, data) { data.instance.trigger('restore_state', { 'state' : $.extend(true, {}, k) }); });
				return true;
			return false;
		 * clear the state on the user's computer
		 * @name clear_state()
		 * @plugin state
		this.clear_state = function () {
			return $.vakata.storage.del(this.settings.state.key);

	(function ($, undefined) {
		$.vakata.storage = {
			// simply specifying the functions in FF throws an error
			set : function (key, val) { return window.localStorage.setItem(key, val); },
			get : function (key) { return window.localStorage.getItem(key); },
			del : function (key) { return window.localStorage.removeItem(key); }

	// include the state plugin by default
	// $.jstree.defaults.plugins.push("state");