# Contribution Guidelines### Issue 1. Try [master](https://github.com/SortableJS/Sortable/tree/master/)-branch, perhaps the problem has been solved; 2.[Use the search](https://github.com/SortableJS/Sortable/search?type=Issues&q=problem), maybe already have an answer; 3. If not found, create example on [jsbin.com (draft)](https://jsbin.com/kamiwez/edit?html,js,output) and describe the problem.---### Pull Request 1. Only request to merge with the [master](https://github.com/SortableJS/Sortable/tree/master/)-branch. 2. Only modify source files, **do not commit the resulting build**### Setup 1. Fork the repo on [github](https://github.com) 2. Clone locally 3. Run `npm i` in the local repo### Building - For development, build the `./Sortable.js` file using the command `npm run build:umd:watch` - To build everything and minify it, run `npm run build` - Do not commit the resulting builds in any pull request – they will be generated at release