From 177687cde380d4cbd427dfd3d23edb0182f24bc5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: 李忠强 <>
Date: Fri, 14 Jan 2022 19:46:30 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] 更新

 application/api/controller/Cart.php  | 42 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 application/api/controller/Rider.php | 67 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 application/extra/upload.php         |  2 +-
 3 files changed, 110 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/application/api/controller/Cart.php b/application/api/controller/Cart.php
index 75557cf..9e964f5 100644
--- a/application/api/controller/Cart.php
+++ b/application/api/controller/Cart.php
@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
 namespace app\api\controller;
+use app\api\model\GoodsSpec;
+use app\api\model\SpecValue;
 use app\common\controller\Api;
@@ -86,4 +88,44 @@ class Cart extends Api
+    /**
+     * @ApiTitle    (价格计算)
+     * @ApiSummary ([{goods_id:22 goods_sku_id:106 number:2} {goods_id:23 goods_sku_id:66 number:2}])
+     * @ApiMethod   (POST)
+     * @ApiHeaders  (name=token, type=string, required=true, description="请求的Token")
+     * @ApiParams   (name="data_json", type="string", required=true, description="下单的商品json数据")
+     * @ApiParams   (name="goods_id", type="integer", required=false, description="商品id 此值不传 json数组注释用")
+     * @ApiParams   (name="goods_sku_id", type="integer", required=false, description="规格id 此值不传 json数组注释用")
+     * @ApiParams   (name="number", type="integer", required=false, description="购买数量 此值不传 json数组注释用")
+     * @ApiReturn   ({
+    'code':'1',
+    'msg':'返回成功'
+    'data':
+    "price": "37574.00" 总价
+    })
+     */
+    public function priceCalculation()
+    {
+        $json = $this->request->post('data_json');
+        if (!$json) $this->error('data_json参数不能为空');
+//        $json = '[{"goods_id":22,"goods_sku_id":106,"number":2},{"goods_id":23,"goods_sku_id":66,"number":2}]';
+        $data = json_decode($json,true);
+        $goodsmodel = new \app\api\model\Goods();
+        $skumodel = new GoodsSpec();
+        $sum_price = 0; //总价格
+        foreach ($data as $key => $value){
+            if (!is_numeric($value['goods_id']) || !is_numeric($value['goods_sku_id']) || !is_numeric($value['number'])){
+                $this->error('参数不合法');
+            }
+            $goods = $goodsmodel->where('goods_id',$value['goods_id'])->field('goods_id,goods_name,image,spec_type')->find();
+            if (!$goods) $this->error('商品不存在');
+            $sku = $skumodel->where('goods_spec_id',$value['goods_sku_id'])
+                ->field('goods_spec_id,spec_sku_id,goods_price')->find();
+            if (!$sku) $this->error('商品规格不存在');
+            $sum_price = bcadd($sum_price,bcmul($sku['goods_price'],$value['number'],2),2);
+        }
+        $this->success('下单页详情',['price'=>$sum_price]);
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/application/api/controller/Rider.php b/application/api/controller/Rider.php
index 4f85a6c..be96765 100644
--- a/application/api/controller/Rider.php
+++ b/application/api/controller/Rider.php
@@ -75,4 +75,71 @@ class Rider extends Api
+    /**
+     * @ApiTitle    (骑手个人页面)
+     * @ApiMethod   (POST)
+     * @ApiHeaders  (name=token, type=string, required=true, description="请求的Token")
+     * @ApiReturn   ({
+    'code':'1',
+    'msg':'返回成功'
+    'data':
+        "avatar": 头像,
+        "nickname": 昵称,
+        "money": 余额,
+        "today_price": 今日所得,
+        "seven_price": 七日所得,
+        "all_price": 历史所得,
+        "today_order": 今日订单数,
+        "seven_order": 七日订单数,
+        "all_order": 历史订单数,
+    })
+     */
+    public function userIndex()
+    {
+        $data = [
+            'avatar' => cdnurl($this->auth->avatar,true),
+            'nickname' => $this->auth->nickname,
+            'money' => $this->auth->money
+        ];
+        $model = new RiderOrder();
+        $todaytime = strtotime(date('Y-m-d',time()));
+        $seventime = $todaytime-86400*7;
+        $today = $model
+            ->where('user_id',$this->auth->id)
+            ->where('status','2')
+            ->where('sendtime','>',$todaytime)
+            ->sum('price');
+        $todaycount = $model
+            ->where('user_id',$this->auth->id)
+            ->where('status','2')
+            ->where('sendtime','>',$todaytime)
+            ->count();
+        $seven = $model
+            ->where('fa_rider_order.user_id',$this->auth->id)
+            ->where('status','2')
+            ->where('fa_rider_order.status','>',$seventime)
+            ->sum('price');
+        $sevencount = $model
+            ->where('fa_rider_order.user_id',$this->auth->id)
+            ->where('status','2')
+            ->where('fa_rider_order.status','>',$seventime)
+            ->count();
+        $all = $model
+            ->where('fa_rider_order.user_id',$this->auth->id)
+            ->where('fa_rider_order.status','2')
+            ->sum('price');
+        $allcount = $model
+            ->where('fa_rider_order.user_id',$this->auth->id)
+            ->where('fa_rider_order.status','2')
+            ->count();
+        $data['today_price'] = $today;
+        $data['seven_price'] = $seven;
+        $data['all_price'] = $all;
+        $data['today_order'] = $todaycount;
+        $data['seven_order'] = $sevencount;
+        $data['all_order'] = $allcount;
+        $this->success('骑手个人页',$data);
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/application/extra/upload.php b/application/extra/upload.php
index d037f53..13c9d46 100644
--- a/application/extra/upload.php
+++ b/application/extra/upload.php
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ return [
      * CDN地址
-    'cdnurl'    => '',
+    'cdnurl'    => '',
      * 文件保存格式
libgit2 0.24.0