 * ### Search plugin
 * Adds search functionality to jsTree.
/*globals jQuery, define, exports, require, document */
(function (factory) {
	"use strict";
	if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
		define('jstree.search', ['jquery','./jstree.js'], factory);
	else if(typeof exports === 'object') {
		factory(require('jquery'), require('./jstree.js'));
	else {
		factory(jQuery, jQuery.jstree);
}(function ($, jstree, undefined) {
	"use strict";

	if($.jstree.plugins.search) { return; }

	 * stores all defaults for the search plugin
	 * @name $.jstree.defaults.search
	 * @plugin search
	$.jstree.defaults.search = {
		 * a jQuery-like AJAX config, which jstree uses if a server should be queried for results.
		 * A `str` (which is the search string) parameter will be added with the request, an optional `inside` parameter will be added if the search is limited to a node id. The expected result is a JSON array with nodes that need to be opened so that matching nodes will be revealed.
		 * Leave this setting as `false` to not query the server. You can also set this to a function, which will be invoked in the instance's scope and receive 3 parameters - the search string, the callback to call with the array of nodes to load, and the optional node ID to limit the search to
		 * @name $.jstree.defaults.search.ajax
		 * @plugin search
		ajax : false,
		 * Indicates if the search should be fuzzy or not (should `chnd3` match `child node 3`). Default is `false`.
		 * @name $.jstree.defaults.search.fuzzy
		 * @plugin search
		fuzzy : false,
		 * Indicates if the search should be case sensitive. Default is `false`.
		 * @name $.jstree.defaults.search.case_sensitive
		 * @plugin search
		case_sensitive : false,
		 * Indicates if the tree should be filtered (by default) to show only matching nodes (keep in mind this can be a heavy on large trees in old browsers).
		 * This setting can be changed at runtime when calling the search method. Default is `false`.
		 * @name $.jstree.defaults.search.show_only_matches
		 * @plugin search
		show_only_matches : false,
		 * Indicates if the children of matched element are shown (when show_only_matches is true)
		 * This setting can be changed at runtime when calling the search method. Default is `false`.
		 * @name $.jstree.defaults.search.show_only_matches_children
		 * @plugin search
		show_only_matches_children : false,
		 * Indicates if all nodes opened to reveal the search result, should be closed when the search is cleared or a new search is performed. Default is `true`.
		 * @name $.jstree.defaults.search.close_opened_onclear
		 * @plugin search
		close_opened_onclear : true,
		 * Indicates if only leaf nodes should be included in search results. Default is `false`.
		 * @name $.jstree.defaults.search.search_leaves_only
		 * @plugin search
		search_leaves_only : false,
		 * If set to a function it wil be called in the instance's scope with two arguments - search string and node (where node will be every node in the structure, so use with caution).
		 * If the function returns a truthy value the node will be considered a match (it might not be displayed if search_only_leaves is set to true and the node is not a leaf). Default is `false`.
		 * @name $.jstree.defaults.search.search_callback
		 * @plugin search
		search_callback : false

	$.jstree.plugins.search = function (options, parent) {
		this.bind = function () {

			this._data.search.str = "";
			this._data.search.dom = $();
			this._data.search.res = [];
			this._data.search.opn = [];
			this._data.search.som = false;
			this._data.search.smc = false;
			this._data.search.hdn = [];

				.on("search.jstree", $.proxy(function (e, data) {
						if(this._data.search.som && data.res.length) {
							var m = this._model.data, i, j, p = [], k, l;
							for(i = 0, j = data.res.length; i < j; i++) {
								if(m[data.res[i]] && !m[data.res[i]].state.hidden) {
									p = p.concat(m[data.res[i]].parents);
									if(this._data.search.smc) {
										for (k = 0, l = m[data.res[i]].children_d.length; k < l; k++) {
											if (m[m[data.res[i]].children_d[k]] && !m[m[data.res[i]].children_d[k]].state.hidden) {
							p = $.vakata.array_remove_item($.vakata.array_unique(p), $.jstree.root);
							this._data.search.hdn = this.hide_all(true);
							this.show_node(p, true);
					}, this))
				.on("clear_search.jstree", $.proxy(function (e, data) {
						if(this._data.search.som && data.res.length) {
							this.show_node(this._data.search.hdn, true);
					}, this));
		 * used to search the tree nodes for a given string
		 * @name search(str [, skip_async])
		 * @param {String} str the search string
		 * @param {Boolean} skip_async if set to true server will not be queried even if configured
		 * @param {Boolean} show_only_matches if set to true only matching nodes will be shown (keep in mind this can be very slow on large trees or old browsers)
		 * @param {mixed} inside an optional node to whose children to limit the search
		 * @param {Boolean} append if set to true the results of this search are appended to the previous search
		 * @plugin search
		 * @trigger search.jstree
		this.search = function (str, skip_async, show_only_matches, inside, append, show_only_matches_children) {
			if(str === false || $.vakata.trim(str.toString()) === "") {
				return this.clear_search();
			inside = this.get_node(inside);
			inside = inside && inside.id ? inside.id : null;
			str = str.toString();
			var s = this.settings.search,
				a = s.ajax ? s.ajax : false,
				m = this._model.data,
				f = null,
				r = [],
				p = [], i, j;
			if(this._data.search.res.length && !append) {
			if(show_only_matches === undefined) {
				show_only_matches = s.show_only_matches;
			if(show_only_matches_children === undefined) {
				show_only_matches_children = s.show_only_matches_children;
			if(!skip_async && a !== false) {
				if($.isFunction(a)) {
					return a.call(this, str, $.proxy(function (d) {
							if(d && d.d) { d = d.d; }
							this._load_nodes(!$.isArray(d) ? [] : $.vakata.array_unique(d), function () {
								this.search(str, true, show_only_matches, inside, append, show_only_matches_children);
						}, this), inside);
				else {
					a = $.extend({}, a);
					if(!a.data) { a.data = {}; }
					a.data.str = str;
					if(inside) {
						a.data.inside = inside;
					if (this._data.search.lastRequest) {
					this._data.search.lastRequest = $.ajax(a)
						.fail($.proxy(function () {
							this._data.core.last_error = { 'error' : 'ajax', 'plugin' : 'search', 'id' : 'search_01', 'reason' : 'Could not load search parents', 'data' : JSON.stringify(a) };
							this.settings.core.error.call(this, this._data.core.last_error);
						}, this))
						.done($.proxy(function (d) {
							if(d && d.d) { d = d.d; }
							this._load_nodes(!$.isArray(d) ? [] : $.vakata.array_unique(d), function () {
								this.search(str, true, show_only_matches, inside, append, show_only_matches_children);
						}, this));
					return this._data.search.lastRequest;
			if(!append) {
				this._data.search.str = str;
				this._data.search.dom = $();
				this._data.search.res = [];
				this._data.search.opn = [];
				this._data.search.som = show_only_matches;
				this._data.search.smc = show_only_matches_children;

			f = new $.vakata.search(str, true, { caseSensitive : s.case_sensitive, fuzzy : s.fuzzy });
			$.each(m[inside ? inside : $.jstree.root].children_d, function (ii, i) {
				var v = m[i];
				if(v.text && !v.state.hidden && (!s.search_leaves_only || (v.state.loaded && v.children.length === 0)) && ( (s.search_callback && s.search_callback.call(this, str, v)) || (!s.search_callback && f.search(v.text).isMatch) ) ) {
					p = p.concat(v.parents);
			if(r.length) {
				p = $.vakata.array_unique(p);
				for(i = 0, j = p.length; i < j; i++) {
					if(p[i] !== $.jstree.root && m[p[i]] && this.open_node(p[i], null, 0) === true) {
				if(!append) {
					this._data.search.dom = $(this.element[0].querySelectorAll('#' + $.map(r, function (v) { return "0123456789".indexOf(v[0]) !== -1 ? '\\3' + v[0] + ' ' + v.substr(1).replace($.jstree.idregex,'\\$&') : v.replace($.jstree.idregex,'\\$&'); }).join(', #')));
					this._data.search.res = r;
				else {
					this._data.search.dom = this._data.search.dom.add($(this.element[0].querySelectorAll('#' + $.map(r, function (v) { return "0123456789".indexOf(v[0]) !== -1 ? '\\3' + v[0] + ' ' + v.substr(1).replace($.jstree.idregex,'\\$&') : v.replace($.jstree.idregex,'\\$&'); }).join(', #'))));
					this._data.search.res = $.vakata.array_unique(this._data.search.res.concat(r));
			 * triggered after search is complete
			 * @event
			 * @name search.jstree
			 * @param {jQuery} nodes a jQuery collection of matching nodes
			 * @param {String} str the search string
			 * @param {Array} res a collection of objects represeing the matching nodes
			 * @plugin search
			this.trigger('search', { nodes : this._data.search.dom, str : str, res : this._data.search.res, show_only_matches : show_only_matches });
		 * used to clear the last search (removes classes and shows all nodes if filtering is on)
		 * @name clear_search()
		 * @plugin search
		 * @trigger clear_search.jstree
		this.clear_search = function () {
			if(this.settings.search.close_opened_onclear) {
				this.close_node(this._data.search.opn, 0);
			 * triggered after search is complete
			 * @event
			 * @name clear_search.jstree
			 * @param {jQuery} nodes a jQuery collection of matching nodes (the result from the last search)
			 * @param {String} str the search string (the last search string)
			 * @param {Array} res a collection of objects represeing the matching nodes (the result from the last search)
			 * @plugin search
			this.trigger('clear_search', { 'nodes' : this._data.search.dom, str : this._data.search.str, res : this._data.search.res });
			if(this._data.search.res.length) {
				this._data.search.dom = $(this.element[0].querySelectorAll('#' + $.map(this._data.search.res, function (v) {
					return "0123456789".indexOf(v[0]) !== -1 ? '\\3' + v[0] + ' ' + v.substr(1).replace($.jstree.idregex,'\\$&') : v.replace($.jstree.idregex,'\\$&');
				}).join(', #')));
			this._data.search.str = "";
			this._data.search.res = [];
			this._data.search.opn = [];
			this._data.search.dom = $();

		this.redraw_node = function(obj, deep, callback, force_render) {
			obj = parent.redraw_node.apply(this, arguments);
			if(obj) {
				if($.inArray(obj.id, this._data.search.res) !== -1) {
					var i, j, tmp = null;
					for(i = 0, j = obj.childNodes.length; i < j; i++) {
						if(obj.childNodes[i] && obj.childNodes[i].className && obj.childNodes[i].className.indexOf("jstree-anchor") !== -1) {
							tmp = obj.childNodes[i];
					if(tmp) {
						tmp.className += ' jstree-search';
			return obj;

	// helpers
	(function ($) {
		// from http://kiro.me/projects/fuse.html
		$.vakata.search = function(pattern, txt, options) {
			options = options || {};
			options = $.extend({}, $.vakata.search.defaults, options);
			if(options.fuzzy !== false) {
				options.fuzzy = true;
			pattern = options.caseSensitive ? pattern : pattern.toLowerCase();
			var MATCH_LOCATION	= options.location,
				MATCH_DISTANCE	= options.distance,
				MATCH_THRESHOLD	= options.threshold,
				patternLen = pattern.length,
				matchmask, pattern_alphabet, match_bitapScore, search;
			if(patternLen > 32) {
				options.fuzzy = false;
			if(options.fuzzy) {
				matchmask = 1 << (patternLen - 1);
				pattern_alphabet = (function () {
					var mask = {},
						i = 0;
					for (i = 0; i < patternLen; i++) {
						mask[pattern.charAt(i)] = 0;
					for (i = 0; i < patternLen; i++) {
						mask[pattern.charAt(i)] |= 1 << (patternLen - i - 1);
					return mask;
				match_bitapScore = function (e, x) {
					var accuracy = e / patternLen,
						proximity = Math.abs(MATCH_LOCATION - x);
					if(!MATCH_DISTANCE) {
						return proximity ? 1.0 : accuracy;
					return accuracy + (proximity / MATCH_DISTANCE);
			search = function (text) {
				text = options.caseSensitive ? text : text.toLowerCase();
				if(pattern === text || text.indexOf(pattern) !== -1) {
					return {
						isMatch: true,
						score: 0
				if(!options.fuzzy) {
					return {
						isMatch: false,
						score: 1
				var i, j,
					textLen = text.length,
					scoreThreshold = MATCH_THRESHOLD,
					bestLoc = text.indexOf(pattern, MATCH_LOCATION),
					binMin, binMid,
					binMax = patternLen + textLen,
					lastRd, start, finish, rd, charMatch,
					score = 1,
					locations = [];
				if (bestLoc !== -1) {
					scoreThreshold = Math.min(match_bitapScore(0, bestLoc), scoreThreshold);
					bestLoc = text.lastIndexOf(pattern, MATCH_LOCATION + patternLen);
					if (bestLoc !== -1) {
						scoreThreshold = Math.min(match_bitapScore(0, bestLoc), scoreThreshold);
				bestLoc = -1;
				for (i = 0; i < patternLen; i++) {
					binMin = 0;
					binMid = binMax;
					while (binMin < binMid) {
						if (match_bitapScore(i, MATCH_LOCATION + binMid) <= scoreThreshold) {
							binMin = binMid;
						} else {
							binMax = binMid;
						binMid = Math.floor((binMax - binMin) / 2 + binMin);
					binMax = binMid;
					start = Math.max(1, MATCH_LOCATION - binMid + 1);
					finish = Math.min(MATCH_LOCATION + binMid, textLen) + patternLen;
					rd = new Array(finish + 2);
					rd[finish + 1] = (1 << i) - 1;
					for (j = finish; j >= start; j--) {
						charMatch = pattern_alphabet[text.charAt(j - 1)];
						if (i === 0) {
							rd[j] = ((rd[j + 1] << 1) | 1) & charMatch;
						} else {
							rd[j] = ((rd[j + 1] << 1) | 1) & charMatch | (((lastRd[j + 1] | lastRd[j]) << 1) | 1) | lastRd[j + 1];
						if (rd[j] & matchmask) {
							score = match_bitapScore(i, j - 1);
							if (score <= scoreThreshold) {
								scoreThreshold = score;
								bestLoc = j - 1;
								if (bestLoc > MATCH_LOCATION) {
									start = Math.max(1, 2 * MATCH_LOCATION - bestLoc);
								} else {
					if (match_bitapScore(i + 1, MATCH_LOCATION) > scoreThreshold) {
					lastRd = rd;
				return {
					isMatch: bestLoc >= 0,
					score: score
			return txt === true ? { 'search' : search } : search(txt);
		$.vakata.search.defaults = {
			location : 0,
			distance : 100,
			threshold : 0.6,
			fuzzy : false,
			caseSensitive : false

	// include the search plugin by default
	// $.jstree.defaults.plugins.push("search");