作者 lihongjuan


正在显示 100 个修改的文件 包含 481 行增加25 行删除


为保证性能只显示 100 of 100+ 个文件。

... ... @@ -44,42 +44,20 @@
"selectedIconPath": "../../static/useractive.png",
"text": "个人中心"
currentTabIndex: this.current
props: {
current: {
type: [Number, String],
default: 0
backgroundColor: {
type: String,
default: '#fbfbfb'
color: {
type: String,
default: '#999'
tintColor: {
type: String,
default: '#42b983'
props: ["current"],
onLoad() {
methods: {
gotab(item,index) {
let url=item.pagePath
this.currentTabIndex = index;
this.$emit('click', index)
let url=item.pagePath;
... ...
... ... @@ -71,6 +71,22 @@
"nativePlugins" : {
"AThree-Face" : {
"__plugin_info__" : {
"name" : "Face",
"description" : "人脸核身",
"platforms" : "Android,iOS",
"url" : "",
"android_package_name" : "",
"ios_bundle_id" : "",
"isCloud" : false,
"bought" : -1,
"pid" : "",
"parameters" : {}
/* 快应用特有相关 */
... ...
// AuthSDK.h
// AuthSDK
// Created by jardgechen on 16/8/31.
// Copyright © 2016年 tencent. All rights reserved.
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import "ValidatorTool.h"
extern NSString *const OcrOnlyNotification;
typedef void(^HttpRequestSuccessBlock)(id responseObject);
typedef void(^HttpRequestFailBlock)(NSError *error);
@protocol AuthSDKDelegate <NSObject>
@param result 返回的结果
-(void)onResultBack:(NSDictionary *)result;
@interface AuthSDK : NSObject
@return 构造函数
- (void) setServerURL:(NSString *)serverURL;
- (void) setLimitErrorTime:(int)limiErrorTime;
-(NSString *)getSDKVersion;
@param token 需要传入的token, 不需要时可传入nil
@param vc 父controller
@param delegate 需要实现回调的Controller
-(void)startAuthWithToken:(NSString *)token parent:(UIViewController *)vc delegate:(id<AuthSDKDelegate>)delegate;
... ...
// ValidatorTool.h
// MedPlus
// Created by jardgechen on 16/5/18.
// Copyright © 2016年 tencent. All rights reserved.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
@interface ValidatorTool : NSObject
+(BOOL)isValidateName:(NSString *)name;
+(BOOL)isValidatedAllIdcard:(NSString *)idCard;
... ...
framework module AuthSDK {
umbrella header "AuthSDK.h"
export *
module * { export * }
... ...
// ULSMultiTrackeriOSSDK.h
// ULSMultiTrackeriOSSDK
// Created by ulsee on 2/3/17.
// Copyright © 2017 ulsee. All rights reserved.
// Version : v1.3.8
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import "ULSPixelBufferWrapper.h"
//! Project version number for ULSMultiTrackeriOSSDK.
FOUNDATION_EXPORT double ULSMultiTrackeriOSSDKVersionNumber;
//! Project version string for ULSMultiTrackeriOSSDK.
FOUNDATION_EXPORT const unsigned char ULSMultiTrackeriOSSDKVersionString[];
@interface ULSMultiTrackeriOSSDK : NSObject
@method initFromFolder:withActivationKey:withActivationKey:
Initialization of ULSMultiTrackeriOSSDK class object.
@param path
The path of the tracker resource. (The default resource name is ULSFaceTrackerAssets.bundle)
@param key
The valid key is essential to active the initialization of tracker object. The valid key is provided by ulsee.com.
@param maxFaces
Max number of face that want to be tracked.
Return an object of ULSMultiTrackeriOSSDK class or nil value.
- (id)initFromFolder:(NSString*)path withActivationKey:(NSString*)key withMaxFaces:(int)maxFaces;
- (id)initFromFolder:(NSString*)path withActivationKey:(NSString*)key withMaxFaces:(int)maxFaces withContext:(EAGLContext*)context;
@method process:withFaceCount:withFaceRects:withRollAngle:
This function gets facial tracking result from an input image captured by camera. This function should be called in each new frame generating.
The face rectangle is expected to be in absolute coordinates.
@param src
The CVPixelBuferRef­-format frame captured from the camera. This frame is used to do the facial tracking process. Format supported: kCVPixelFormatType_32BGRA, kCVPixelFormatType_420YpCbCr8BiPlanarFullRange, kCVPixelFormatType_420YpCbCr8BiPlanarVideoRange.
@param count
An integer value which indicates the number of faces are detected.
@param faceRect
The CGRect array of face rectangle value which returned from the method of AVCaptureMetadataOutputObjectsDelegate.
@param radians
The float array of roll angle value of the tracking face. This value would be got from the method of A VCaptureMetadataOutputObjectsDelegate.
Return an integer that indicates the number of active faces.
- (int) process:(CVPixelBufferRef)src
@method process:withBufferWidth:withBufferHeight:withFaceCount:withFaceRects:withRollAngle:
This function gets facial tracking result from an CVOpenGLESTextureRef. This function should be called in each new frame generating, and is designed for those who wanted to pre-process the Pixelbuffer and use the textureref afterwards.
The face rectangle is expected to be in absolute coordinates.
@param srcTexture
The CVOpenGLESTextureRef generated from related CVOpenGLES API(s). Currently only support BGRA format.
@param bufferWidth
Width of the texture image in pixel.
@param bufferHeight
Height of the texture image in pixel.
@param count
An integer value which indicates the number of faces are detected.
@param faceRect
The CGRect array of face rectangle value which returned from the method of AVCaptureMetadataOutputObjectsDelegate.
@param radians
The float array of roll angle value of the tracking face. This value would be got from the method of A VCaptureMetadataOutputObjectsDelegate.
Return an integer that indicates the number of active faces.
- (int) process:(CVOpenGLESTextureRef)srcTexture withBufferWidth:(int)bufferWidth withBufferHeight:(int)bufferHeight withFaceCount:(int)count withFaceRects:(CGRect *)faceRect withRollAngle:(float *)radians;
- (int) process:(CVPixelBufferRef)src;
- (int) processWithPixelBufferWrapper:(ULSPixelBufferWrapper *)src;
@method numberOfPoints
Get the number of points in the shape.
Returns an integer that indicates number of points in the shape.
- (unsigned int)numberOfPoints;
@method getShape66p:
Get the original facial landmarkers in 2D (x, y) from face index i.
@param index
The face index value.
Return an array of floats [x0,y0,x1,y1,x2,y2......x65,y65] for index(th) tracked face, or NULL.
- (const float*)getShape66p:(int)index;
@method getShape:
Get the facial landmarkers in 2D (x, y) from face index i.
@param index
The face index value.
Return an array of floats [x0,y0,x1,y1,x2,y2......] for index(th) tracked face, or NULL.
- (const float*)getShape:(int)index;
@method getShape3D:
Get the facial landmarkers in 3D (x, y, z) from face index i.
@param index
The face index value.
Return an array of floats [x0,y0,x1,y1,x2,y2......] for index(th) tracked face, or NULL, in camera coordinate system.
- (const float*)getShape3D:(int)index;
@method getScaleInImage:
Get face scale value of index(th) tracked face which relates to the initial 3D model.
Weak-perspective camera model's scale parameter.
@param index
The face index value.
Return a float value means scale of index(th) face.
- (float) getScaleInImage:(int)index;
@method getTranslationInImage:x:y:
Get the X-axis and Y-axis translation in the image of a tracked face of the specified index.
Data will be in order [x, y], to help find the centre-point of the face in the image, for accurate positioning.
@param index
The face index value.
@param x
Returned x value of centre-point of the face in the image.
@param y
Returned y value of centre-point of the face in the image.
Return TRUE if the pose value was estimated. Return FALSE otherwise.
- (BOOL) getTranslationInImage:(int)index x:(float*) x y:(float*)y;
@method getRotationPitch:pitch:yaw:roll:
This function is used to get the real time head pose pitch, yaw, roll value of the index(th) tracked face.
@param index
The face index value.
@param pitch
Returned picth value of the index(th) tracked face.
@param yaw
Returned yaw value of the index(th) tracked face.
@param roll
Returned roll value of the index(th) tracked face.
Return TRUE if the pose is tracked for index(th) face. Return FALSE otherwise.
- (BOOL) getRotationPitch:(const int)index pitch:(float*)pitch yaw:(float*)yaw roll:(float*)roll;
@method getNewStablePoseIndex:pixelBuffer:
This function is used to calculate the new pose values, for every tracked face of the specified index.
This new algorithm is making POSE more stable when head is still with big open mouth or big open eyes.
It's especially useful for avatar applications.
You may skip the getNewStablePoseIndex function if you don't mind the POSE minor changes when open big mouth and eyes.
@param index
The face index value.
@param pb
The CVPixelBuferRef­-format frame captured from the camera. This frame is same as the used one to do the facial tracking process.
Return an array of new pose [pitch, roll, yaw, scale].
- (float *)getNewStablePoseIndex:(int)index pixelBuffer:(CVPixelBufferRef)pb;
@method getShapeQuality:
Get the shape quality from face index i.
@param index
The face index value.
Return an array of shape quality [q0, q1, q2, q3...] indicates the quality of each landmark of the shape.
- (const float*)getShapeQuality:(int)index;
@method getPoseQuality
Get pose quality from face index i.
@param index
The face index value.
Return 0.7f while the pose value is not NULL. Return 0.0f otherwise.
- (const float)getPoseQuality:(int)index;
@method getPupilsLocation
Get the pupil location of the index(th) face.
@param index
The face index value.
Return an array of 4 floats (x,y)(x,y), or NULL.
- (const float*)getPupilsLocation:(int)index;
@method getGaze
Get the gaze direction in left gaze (x, y, z) and right gaze (x, y, z) from face index i.
@param index
The face index value.
Return an array of 6 floats (x,y,z)(x,y,z) with the direction of the gaze, or NULL.
- (const float*)getGaze:(int)index;
@method getTranslationIndex:x:y:z:focalLength:imageCentreX:imageCentreY:
Get head center in 3D.
@param index
The face index value.
@param x
Returned x value of head center in 3D.
@param y
Returned y value of head center in 3D.
@param z
Returned z value of head center in 3D.
@param focalLength
The focal length value of camera. (Use 1000 as default.)
@param imageCentreX
The x-center value of the input pixel buffer of image.
@param imageCentreY
The y-center value of the input pixel buffer of image.
- (void)getTranslationIndex:(int)index
x:(float *)x
y:(float *)y
z:(float *)z
focalLength:(const float)focalLength
imageCentreX:(const float)imageCentreX
imageCentreY:(const float)imageCentreY;
@method isTracking:
Check if the index(th) face is tracked or not.
@param index
The face index value.
Return TRUE while the index(th) face is tracked. Return FALSE otherwise.
- (BOOL)isTracking:(int)index;
@method setTrackerThreshold:
Set the threshold value of tracker health value.
@param threshold
tracker health threshold. (default: 0.3f)
- (void)setTrackerThreshold:(const float)threshold;
@method resetTracker
Reset the tracker(s).
- (void)resetTracker;
@method startFaceTracking:
Start or stop face tracking process.
@param isStart
Set TRUE to start face tracking process. Set FALSE otherwise.
- (void)startFaceTracking:(BOOL)isStart;
@method ulsFaceDetectWithPixelBuffer:
Return NSArray that contains with CGRect values of face detection rectangles.
@param pixelBuffer
The PORTRAIT mode pixel buffer.
An NSArray of CGrect face rectangle
- (NSArray*)ulsFaceDetectWithPixelBuffer:(CVPixelBufferRef)pixelBuffer;
- (NSArray*)ulsFaceDetectWithImage:(UIImage *)image;
@method getPortraitPixelBufferFromImage:
Return CVPixeBufferRef with portrait mode orientation.
@param uiImage
The input UIImage with any orientation.
A CVPixelBufferRef value with portrait mode orientation.
- (CVPixelBufferRef)getPortraitPixelBufferFromImage:(UIImage *)uiImage;
@method pixelBufferRotateLeftFlipHorizontal:
Return CVPixeBufferRef with rotate left and flip horizontal.
@param pixelBuffer
The input pixel buffer.
A CVPixelBufferRef value with rotate left and flip horizontal.
- (CVPixelBufferRef)pixelBufferRotateLeftFlipHorizontal:(CVPixelBufferRef)pixelBuffer;
... ...
// ULSPixelBufferWrapper.h
// ULSVideoTrackerDemo
// Created by Feng Chen on 2017/10/25.
// Copyright © 2017年 ULSee Inc. All rights reserved.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>
#import <CoreVideo/CoreVideo.h>
@interface ULSPixelBufferWrapper : NSObject
-(void)rotateLeftFlipHorizontal:(CVPixelBufferRef)pixelBuffer videoAngles:(int)angels;
//internal use only
... ...