
simplewind/vendor/ezyang/htmlpurifier/maintenance/generate-standalone.php 4.3 KB
xiaohu authored
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require_once 'common.php';

 * @file
 * Compiles all of HTML Purifier's library files into one big file
 * named HTMLPurifier.standalone.php. This is usually called during the
 * release process.

 * Global hash that tracks already loaded includes
$GLOBALS['loaded'] = array();

 * Custom FSTools for this script that overloads some behavior
 * @warning The overloading of copy() is not necessarily global for
 *          this script. Watch out!
class MergeLibraryFSTools extends FSTools
    public function copyable($entry)
        // Skip hidden files
        if ($entry[0] == '.') {
            return false;
        return true;
    public function copy($source, $dest)
        copy_and_remove_includes($source, $dest);
$FS = new MergeLibraryFSTools();

 * Replaces the includes inside PHP source code with the corresponding
 * source.
 * @param string $text PHP source code to replace includes from
function replace_includes($text)
    // also remove vim modelines
    return preg_replace_callback(
        "/require(?:_once)? ['\"]([^'\"]+)['\"];/",

 * Removes leading PHP tags from included files. Assumes that there is
 * no trailing tag. Also removes vim modelines.
 * @note This is safe for files that have internal <?php
 * @param string $text Text to have leading PHP tag from
function remove_php_tags($text)
    $text = preg_replace('#// vim:.+#', '', $text);
    return substr($text, 5);

 * Copies the contents of a directory to the standalone directory
 * @param string $dir Directory to copy
function make_dir_standalone($dir)
    global $FS;
    return $FS->copyr($dir, 'standalone/' . $dir);

 * Copies the contents of a file to the standalone directory
 * @param string $file File to copy
function make_file_standalone($file)
    global $FS;
    $FS->mkdirr('standalone/' . dirname($file));
    copy_and_remove_includes($file, 'standalone/' . $file);
    return true;

 * Copies a file to another location recursively, if it is a PHP file
 * remove includes
 * @param string $file Original file
 * @param string $sfile New location of file
function copy_and_remove_includes($file, $sfile)
    $contents = file_get_contents($file);
    if (strrchr($file, '.') === '.php') $contents = replace_includes($contents);
    return file_put_contents($sfile, $contents);

 * @param $matches preg_replace_callback matches array, where index 1
 *        is the filename to include
function replace_includes_callback($matches)
    $file = $matches[1];
    $preserve = array(
      // PEAR (external)
      'XML/HTMLSax3.php' => 1
    if (isset($preserve[$file])) {
        return $matches[0];
    if (isset($GLOBALS['loaded'][$file])) return '';
    $GLOBALS['loaded'][$file] = true;
    return replace_includes(remove_php_tags(file_get_contents($file)));

echo 'Generating includes file... ';
shell_exec('php generate-includes.php');
echo "done!\n";

chdir(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../library/');

echo 'Creating full file...';
$contents = replace_includes(file_get_contents('HTMLPurifier.includes.php'));
$contents = str_replace(
    // Note that bootstrap is now inside the standalone file
    "define('HTMLPURIFIER_PREFIX', realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/..'));",
    "define('HTMLPURIFIER_PREFIX', dirname(__FILE__) . '/standalone');
    set_include_path(HTMLPURIFIER_PREFIX . PATH_SEPARATOR . get_include_path());",
file_put_contents('HTMLPurifier.standalone.php', $contents);
echo ' done!' . PHP_EOL;

echo 'Creating standalone directory...';
$FS->rmdirr('standalone'); // ensure a clean copy

// data files

// non-standard inclusion setup

echo ' done!' . PHP_EOL;

// vim: et sw=4 sts=4