<?php // +---------------------------------------------------------------------- // | ThinkPHP [ WE CAN DO IT JUST THINK IT ] // +---------------------------------------------------------------------- // | Copyright (c) 2006-2015 http://thinkphp.cn All rights reserved. // +---------------------------------------------------------------------- // | Licensed ( http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ) // +---------------------------------------------------------------------- // | Author: yunwuxin <448901948@qq.com> // +---------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace think\queue\job; use think\queue\Job; use think\queue\connector\Topthink as TopthinkQueue; class Topthink extends Job { /** * The Iron queue instance. * * @var TopthinkQueue */ protected $topthink; /** * The IronMQ message instance. * * @var object */ protected $job; public function __construct(TopthinkQueue $topthink, $job, $queue) { $this->topthink = $topthink; $this->job = $job; $this->queue = $queue; $this->job->attempts = $this->job->attempts + 1; } /** * Fire the job. * @return void */ public function fire() { $this->resolveAndFire(json_decode($this->job->payload, true)); } /** * Get the number of times the job has been attempted. * @return int */ public function attempts() { return (int) $this->job->attempts; } public function delete() { parent::delete(); $this->topthink->deleteMessage($this->queue, $this->job->id); } public function release($delay = 0) { parent::release($delay); $this->delete(); $this->topthink->release($this->queue, $this->job, $delay); } /** * Get the raw body string for the job. * @return string */ public function getRawBody() { return $this->job->payload; } }