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btn.data('subcheck', false); btn.click(); } }, { addClass: 'btn btn-danger', text: '取消', onClick: function ($noty) { $noty.close(); } } ] }); } else { btn.data('subcheck', false); btn.click(); } } else { noty({ text: "请至少选择一项", type: 'error', layout: 'center' }); } return false; } //ie处理placeholder提交问题 if ($.browser && $.browser.msie) { form.find('[placeholder]').each(function () { var input = $(this); if (input.val() == input.attr('placeholder')) { input.val(''); } }); } }); ajaxForm_list.each(function () { $(this).validate({ //是否在获取焦点时验证 //onfocusout : false, //是否在敲击键盘时验证 //onkeyup : false, //当鼠标点击时验证 //onclick : false, //给未通过验证的元素加效果,闪烁等 highlight: function (element, errorClass, validClass) { if (element.type === "radio") { this.findByName(element.name).addClass(errorClass).removeClass(validClass); } else { var $element = $(element); $element.addClass(errorClass).removeClass(validClass); $element.parent().addClass("has-error");//bootstrap3表单 $element.parents('.control-group').addClass("error");//bootstrap2表单 } }, unhighlight: function (element, errorClass, validClass) { if (element.type === "radio") { this.findByName(element.name).removeClass(errorClass).addClass(validClass); 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} }); } }); }); }); } //dialog弹窗内的关闭方法 $('#js-dialog-close').on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); try { art.dialog.close(); } catch (err) { Wind.use('artDialog', 'iframeTools', function () { art.dialog.close(); }); } ; }); //所有的删除操作,删除数据后刷新页面 if ($('a.js-ajax-delete').length) { Wind.use('noty', function () { $('.js-ajax-delete').on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var $_this = this, $this = $($_this), href = $this.data('href'), msg = $this.data('msg'); href = href ? href : $this.attr('href'); noty({ text: msg ? msg : '确定要删除吗?', type: 'confirm', layout: "center", timeout: false, modal: true, buttons: [ { addClass: 'btn btn-primary', text: '确定', onClick: function ($noty) { $noty.close(); $.getJSON(href).done(function (data) { if (data.code == 1) { if (data.url) { location.href = data.url; } else { reloadPage(window); } } else if (data.code == 0) { noty({ text: data.msg, type: 'error', layout: 'center', callback: { afterClose: function () { if (data.url) { location.href = data.url; } } } }); } }); } }, { addClass: 'btn btn-danger', text: '取消', onClick: function ($noty) { $noty.close(); } } ] }); }); }); } if ($('a.js-ajax-dialog-btn').length) { Wind.use('noty', function () { $('.js-ajax-dialog-btn').on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var $_this = this, $this = $($_this), href = $this.data('href'), msg = $this.data('msg'); href = href ? href : $this.attr('href'); noty({ text: msg, type: 'confirm', layout: "center", timeout: false, modal: true, buttons: [ { addClass: 'btn btn-primary', text: '确定', onClick: function ($noty) { $noty.close(); $.getJSON(href).done(function (data) { if (data.code == 1) { if (data.url) { location.href = data.url; } else { reloadPage(window); } } else if (data.code == 0) { noty({ text: data.msg, type: 'error', layout: 'center', callback: { afterClose: function () { if (data.url) { location.href = data.url; } } } }); } }); } }, { addClass: 'btn btn-danger', text: '取消', onClick: function ($noty) { $noty.close(); } } ] }); }); }); } if ($('a.js-ajax-btn').length) { Wind.use('noty', function () { $('.js-ajax-btn').on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var $_this = this, $this = $($_this), href = $this.data('href'), msg = $this.data('msg'); refresh = $this.data('refresh'); href = href ? href : $this.attr('href'); refresh = refresh == undefined ? 1 : refresh; $.getJSON(href).done(function (data) { if (data.code == 1) { noty({ text: data.msg, type: 'success', layout: 'center', callback: { afterClose: function () { if (data.url) { location.href = data.url; return; } if (refresh || refresh == undefined) { reloadPage(window); } } } }); } else if (data.code == 0) { noty({ text: data.msg, type: 'error', layout: 'center', callback: { afterClose: function () { if (data.url) { location.href = data.url; } } } }); } }); }); }); } //所有的请求刷新操作 var ajax_refresh = $('a.js-ajax-refresh'), refresh_lock = false; if (ajax_refresh.length) { ajax_refresh.on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); if (refresh_lock) { return false; } refresh_lock = true; $.post(this.href, function (data) { refresh_lock = false; if (data.code == 1) { if (data.url) { location.href = data.url; } else { reloadPage(window); } } else if (data.code == 0) { Wind.art.dialog.alert(data.msg); } }, 'json'); }); } //短信验证码 var $js_get_mobile_code = $('.js-get-mobile-code'); if ($js_get_mobile_code.length > 0) { Wind.use('noty', function () { $js_get_mobile_code.on('click', function () { var $this = $(this); if ($this.data('loading')) return; if ($this.data('sending')) return; var $mobile_input = $($this.data('mobile-input')); var mobile = $mobile_input.val(); if (mobile == '') { $mobile_input.focus(); return; } $this.data('loading', true); $this.data('sending', true); var url = $this.data('url'); var init_secode_left = parseInt($this.data('init-second-left')); init_secode_left = init_secode_left > 0 ? init_secode_left : 60; var init_text = $this.text(); $this.data('second-left', init_secode_left); var wait_msg = $this.data('wait-msg'); $.ajax({ url: url, type: 'POST', dataType: 'json', data: {username: mobile}, success: function (data) { if (data.code == 1) { noty({ text: data.msg, type: 'success', layout: 'center' }); $this.text(wait_msg.replace('[second]', init_secode_left)); var mtimer = setInterval(function () { if (init_secode_left > 0) { init_secode_left--; $this.text(wait_msg.replace('[second]', init_secode_left)); } else { clearInterval(mtimer); $this.text(init_text); $this.data('sending', false); } }, 1000); } else { noty({ text: data.msg, type: 'error', layout: 'center' }); $this.data('sending', false); } }, error: function () { $this.data('sending', false); }, complete: function () { $this.data('loading', false); } }); }); }); } //邮件验证码 var $js_get_email_code = $('.js-get-email-code'); if ($js_get_email_code.length > 0) { Wind.use('noty', function () { $js_get_email_code.on('click', function () { var $this = $(this); if ($this.data('loading')) return; if ($this.data('sending')) return; var $email_input = $($this.data('email-input')); var email = $email_input.val(); if (email == '') { $email_input.focus(); return; } $this.data('loading', true); $this.data('sending', true); var url = $this.data('url'); 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if (dateInput.length) { Wind.use('datePicker', function () { dateInput.datePicker(); }); } //日期+时间选择器 var dateTimeInput = $("input.js-datetime"); if (dateTimeInput.length) { Wind.use('datePicker', function () { dateTimeInput.datePicker({ time: true }); }); } // bootstrap日期选择器 var bootstrapDateInput = $("input.js-bootstrap-date") if (bootstrapDateInput.length) { Wind.css('bootstrapDatetimePicker'); Wind.use('bootstrapDatetimePicker', function () { bootstrapDateInput.datetimepicker({ language: 'zh-CN', format: 'yyyy-mm-dd', minView: 'month', todayBtn: 1, autoclose: true }); }); } // bootstrap日期选择器日期+时间选择器 var bootstrapDateTimeInput = $("input.js-bootstrap-datetime"); if (bootstrapDateTimeInput.length) { Wind.css('bootstrapDatetimePicker'); Wind.use('bootstrapDatetimePicker', function () { bootstrapDateTimeInput.datetimepicker({ language: 'zh-CN', format: 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:ii', todayBtn: 1, autoclose: true }); }); } //赞,拍等,有数量操作的按钮 var $js_count_btn = $('a.js-count-btn'); if ($js_count_btn.length) { Wind.use('noty', function () { $js_count_btn.on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var $this = $(this), href = $this.prop('href'); $.post(href, {}, function (data) { if (data.code == 1) { var $count = $this.find(".count"); var count = parseInt($count.text()); $count.text(count + 1); if (data.msg) { noty({ text: data.msg, type: 'success', layout: 'center', callback: { afterClose: function () { if (data.url) { location.href = data.url; } } } }); } } else if (data.code == 0) { noty({ text: data.msg, type: 'error', layout: 'center', callback: { afterClose: function () { if (data.url) { location.href = data.url; } } } }); } }, "json"); }); }); } //地址联动 var $js_address_select = $('.js-address-select'); if ($js_address_select.length > 0) { $('.js-address-province-select,.js-address-city-select').change(function () { var $this = $(this); var id = $this.val(); var $child_area_select; var $this_js_address_select = $this.parents('.js-address-select'); if ($this.is('.js-address-province-select')) { $child_area_select = $this_js_address_select.find('.js-address-city-select'); $this_js_address_select.find('.js-address-district-select').hide(); } else { $child_area_select = $this_js_address_select.find('.js-address-district-select'); } var empty_option = '<option class="js-address-empty-option" value="">' + $child_area_select.find('.js-address-empty-option').text() + '</option>'; $child_area_select.html(empty_option); var child_area_html = $this.data('childarea' + id); if (child_area_html) { $child_area_select.show(); $child_area_select.html(child_area_html); return; } $.ajax({ url: $this_js_address_select.data('url'), type: 'POST', dataType: 'JSON', data: {id: id}, success: function (data) { if (data.code == 1) { if (data.data.areas.length > 0) { var html = [empty_option]; $.each(data.data.areas, function (i, area) { var area_html = '<option value="[id]">[name]</option>'; area_html = area_html.replace('[name]', area.name); area_html = area_html.replace('[id]', area.id); html.push(area_html); }); html = html.join('', html); $this.data('childarea' + id, html); $child_area_select.html(html); $child_area_select.show(); } else { $child_area_select.hide(); } } }, error: function () { }, complete: function () { } }); }); } //地址联动end // var $js_action_btn = $('a.js-action-btn'); if ($js_action_btn.length) { Wind.use('noty', function () { $js_action_btn.on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var $this = $(this), href = $this.prop('href'); $.post(href, {}, function (data) { if (data.code == '1') { if (data.msg) { noty({ text: data.msg, type: 'success', layout: 'center', callback: { afterClose: function () { if (data.url) { location.href = data.url; } } } }); } } else if (data.code == 0) { noty({ text: data.msg, type: 'error', layout: 'center', callback: { afterClose: function () { if (data.url) { location.href = data.url; } } } }); } }, "json"); }); }); } var $js_favorite_btn = $('a.js-favorite-btn'); if ($js_favorite_btn.length) { Wind.use('noty', function () { $js_favorite_btn.on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var $this = $(this), href = $this.prop('href'), url = $this.data("url"), id = $this.data("id"), table = $this.data('table'), title = $this.data("title"), description = $this.data("description"); $.post(href, { id: id, table: table, url: url, title: title, description: description }, function (data) { if (data.code == 1) { if (data.msg) { noty({ text: data.msg, type: 'success', layout: 'center', callback: { afterClose: function () { if (data.url) { location.href = data.url; } } } }); } } else if (data.code == 0) { noty({ text: data.msg, type: 'error', layout: 'center', callback: { afterClose: function () { if (data.url) { location.href = data.url; } } } }); } }, "json"); }); }); } })(); //重新刷新页面,使用location.reload()有可能导致重新提交 function reloadPage(win) { if (win) { } else { win = window; } var location = win.location; location.href = location.pathname + location.search; } //页面跳转 function redirect(url) { location.href = url; } /** * 读取cookie * @param name * @returns */ function getCookie(name) { var cookieValue = null; if (document.cookie && document.cookie != '') { var cookies = document.cookie.split(';'); for (var i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) { var cookie = jQuery.trim(cookies[i]); // Does this cookie string begin with the name we want? if (cookie.substring(0, name.length + 1) == (name + '=')) { cookieValue = decodeURIComponent(cookie.substring(name.length + 1)); break; } } } return cookieValue; } /** * 设置cookie */ function setCookie(name, value, options) { options = options || {}; if (value === null) { value = ''; options.expires = -1; } var expires = ''; if (options.expires && (typeof options.expires == 'number' || options.expires.toUTCString)) { var date; if (typeof options.expires == 'number') { date = new Date(); date.setTime(date.getTime() + (options.expires * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)); } else { date = options.expires; } expires = '; expires=' + date.toUTCString(); // use expires attribute, max-age is not supported by IE } var path = options.path ? '; path=' + options.path : ''; var domain = options.domain ? '; domain=' + options.domain : ''; var secure = options.secure ? '; secure' : ''; document.cookie = [name, '=', encodeURIComponent(value), expires, path, domain, secure].join(''); } function openIframeDialog(url, title, options) { var params = { title: title, lock: true, opacity: 0, width: "95%" }; params = options ? $.extend(params, options) : params; Wind.use('artDialog', 'iframeTools', function () { art.dialog.open(url, params); }); } /** * 打开地图对话框 * * @param url * @param title * @param options * @param callback */ function openMapDialog(url, title, options, callback) { Wind.css('artDialog'); var params = { title: title, lock: true, opacity: 0, width: "95%", height: 400, ok: function () { if (callback) { var d = this.iframe.contentWindow; var lng = $("#lng_input", d.document).val(); var lat = $("#lat_input", d.document).val(); var address = {}; address.address = $("#address_input", d.document).val(); address.province = $("#province_input", d.document).val(); address.city = $("#city_input", d.document).val(); address.district = $("#district_input", d.document).val(); callback.apply(this, [lng, lat, address]); } } }; params = options ? $.extend(params, options) : params; Wind.use('artDialog', 'iframeTools', function () { art.dialog.open(url, params); }); } /** * 打开文件上传对话框 * @param dialog_title 对话框标题 * @param callback 回调方法,参数有(当前dialog对象,选择的文件数组,你设置的extra_params) * @param extra_params 额外参数,object * @param multi 是否可以多选 * @param filetype 文件类型,image,video,audio,file * @param app 应用名,CMF的应用名 */ function openUploadDialog(dialog_title, callback, extra_params, multi, filetype, app) { Wind.css('artDialog'); multi = multi ? 1 : 0; filetype = filetype ? filetype : 'image'; app = app ? app : GV.APP; var params = '&multi=' + multi + '&filetype=' + filetype + '&app=' + app; Wind.use("artDialog", "iframeTools", function () { art.dialog.open(GV.ROOT + 'user/Asset/webuploader?' + params, { title: dialog_title, id: new Date().getTime(), width: '600px', height: '350px', lock: true, fixed: true, background: "#CCCCCC", opacity: 0, ok: function () { if (typeof callback == 'function') { var iframewindow = this.iframe.contentWindow; var files = iframewindow.get_selected_files(); console.log(files); if (files && files.length > 0) { callback.apply(this, [this, files, extra_params]); } else { return false; } } }, cancel: true }); }); } /** * 单个文件上传 * @param dialog_title 上传对话框标题 * @param input_selector 图片容器 * @param filetype 文件类型,image,video,audio,file * @param extra_params 额外参数,object * @param app 应用名,CMF的应用名 */ function uploadOne(dialog_title, input_selector, filetype, extra_params, app) { openUploadDialog(dialog_title, function (dialog, files) { $(input_selector).val(files[0].filepath); $(input_selector + '-preview').attr('href', files[0].preview_url); $(input_selector + '-name').val(files[0].name); }, extra_params, 0, filetype, app); } /** * 单个图片上传 * @param dialog_title 上传对话框标题 * @param input_selector 图片容器 * @param extra_params 额外参数,object * @param app 应用名,CMF的应用名 */ function uploadOneImage(dialog_title, input_selector, extra_params, app) { openUploadDialog(dialog_title, function (dialog, files) { $(input_selector).val(files[0].filepath); $(input_selector + '-preview').attr('src', files[0].preview_url); $(input_selector + '-name').val(files[0].name); }, extra_params, 0, 'image', app); } /** * 多图上传 * @param dialog_title 上传对话框标题 * @param container_selector 图片容器 * @param item_tpl_wrapper_id 单个图片html模板容器id * @param extra_params 额外参数,object * @param app 应用名,CMF 的应用名 */ function uploadMultiImage(dialog_title, container_selector, item_tpl_wrapper_id, extra_params, app) { openUploadDialog(dialog_title, function (dialog, files) { var tpl = $('#' + item_tpl_wrapper_id).html(); var html = ''; $.each(files, function (i, item) { var itemtpl = tpl; itemtpl = itemtpl.replace(/\{id\}/g, item.id); itemtpl = itemtpl.replace(/\{url\}/g, item.url); itemtpl = itemtpl.replace(/\{preview_url\}/g, item.preview_url); itemtpl = itemtpl.replace(/\{filepath\}/g, item.filepath); itemtpl = itemtpl.replace(/\{name\}/g, item.name); html += itemtpl; }); $(container_selector).append(html); }, extra_params, 1, 'image', app); } /** * 多文件上传 * @param dialog_title 上传对话框标题 * @param container_selector 图片容器 * @param item_tpl_wrapper_id 单个图片html模板容器id * @param filetype 文件类型,image,video,audio,file * @param extra_params 额外参数,object * @param app 应用名,CMF 的应用名 */ function uploadMultiFile(dialog_title, container_selector, item_tpl_wrapper_id, filetype, extra_params, app) { filetype = filetype ? filetype : 'file'; openUploadDialog(dialog_title, function (dialog, files) { var tpl = $('#' + item_tpl_wrapper_id).html(); var html = ''; $.each(files, function (i, item) { var itemtpl = tpl; itemtpl = itemtpl.replace(/\{id\}/g, item.id); itemtpl = itemtpl.replace(/\{url\}/g, item.url); itemtpl = itemtpl.replace(/\{preview_url\}/g, item.preview_url); itemtpl = itemtpl.replace(/\{filepath\}/g, item.filepath); itemtpl = itemtpl.replace(/\{name\}/g, item.name); html += itemtpl; }); $(container_selector).append(html); }, extra_params, 1, filetype, app); } function openIframeLayer(url, title, options) { var params = { type: 2, title: title, shadeClose: true, // skin: 'layui-layer-nobg', shade: [0.001, '#000000'], shadeClose: true, area: ['95%', '90%'], move: false, content: url, yes: function (index, layero) { //do something layer.close(index); //如果设定了yes回调,需进行手工关闭 } }; params = options ? $.extend(params, options) : params; Wind.css('layer'); Wind.use("layer", function () { layer.open(params); }); }