var Thumbnailer = function(){ }; $.extend(Thumbnailer,{ defaults: { // Set to a specific Selection object // If this value is set, the preview will only track that Selection selection: null, fading: true, fadeDelay: 1000, fadeDuration: 1000, autoHide: false, width: 80, height: 80, _hiding: null }, prototype: { recopyCanvas: function(){ var s = this.core.ui.stage, cxt = s.context; this.context.putImageData(cxt.getImageData(0,0,s.canvas.width,s.canvas.height),0,0); }, init: function(core,options){ var t = this; this.core = core; $.extend(this,Thumbnailer.defaults,options); t.initEvents(); t.refresh(); t.insertElements(); if (t.selection) { t.renderSelection(t.selection); t.selectionTarget = t.selection.element[0]; } else if (t.core.ui.selection) { t.renderSelection(t.core.ui.selection); } if (t.core.ui.stage.canvas) { t.context = t.preview[0].getContext('2d'); t.core.container.on('cropredraw',function(e){ t.recopyCanvas(); t.refresh(); }); } }, updateImage: function(imgel){ this.preview.remove(); this.preview = $($.Jcrop.imageClone(imgel)); this.element.append(this.preview); this.refresh(); return this; }, insertElements: function(){ this.preview = $($.Jcrop.imageClone(this.core.ui.stage.imgsrc)); this.element = $('<div />').addClass('jcrop-thumb') .width(this.width).height(this.height) .append(this.preview) .appendTo(this.core.container); }, resize: function(w,h){ this.width = w; this.height = h; this.element.width(w).height(h); this.renderCoords(this.last); }, refresh: function(){ = (this.core.opt.xscale * this.core.container.width()); = (this.core.opt.yscale * this.core.container.height()); if (this.last) { this.renderCoords(this.last); } }, renderCoords: function(c){ var rx = this.width / c.w; var ry = this.height / c.h; this.preview.css({ width: Math.round(rx * + 'px', height: Math.round(ry * + 'px', marginLeft: '-' + Math.round(rx * c.x) + 'px', marginTop: '-' + Math.round(ry * c.y) + 'px' }); this.last = c; return this; }, renderSelection: function(s){ return this.renderCoords(s.core.unscale(s.get())); }, selectionStart: function(s){ this.renderSelection(s); }, show: function(){ if (this._hiding) clearTimeout(this._hiding); if (!this.fading) this.element.stop().css({ opacity: 1 }); else this.element.stop().animate({ opacity: 1 },{ duration: 80, queue: false }); }, hide: function(){ var t = this; if (!t.fading) t.element.hide(); else t._hiding = setTimeout(function(){ t._hiding = null; t.element.stop().animate({ opacity: 0 },{ duration: t.fadeDuration, queue: false }); },t.fadeDelay); }, initEvents: function(){ var t = this; t.core.container.on('croprotstart croprotend cropimage cropstart cropmove cropend',function(e,s,c){ if (t.selectionTarget && (t.selectionTarget !== return false; switch(e.type){ case 'cropimage': t.updateImage(c); break; case 'cropstart': t.selectionStart(s); case 'croprotstart':; break; case 'cropend': t.renderCoords(c); case 'croprotend': if (t.autoHide) t.hide(); break; case 'cropmove': t.renderCoords(c); break; } }); } } }); Jcrop.registerComponent('Thumbnailer',Thumbnailer);