Symfony Polyfill / Php70========================This component provides features unavailable in releases prior to PHP 7.0:-[`intdiv`]([`preg_replace_callback_array`]([`error_clear_last`](`random_bytes` and `random_int` (from [paragonie/random_compat]([`*Error` throwable classes]([`PHP_INT_MIN`](`SessionUpdateTimestampHandlerInterface`More information can be found in the[main Polyfill README]( notes===================To write portable code between PHP5 and PHP7, some care must be taken:-`\*Error` exceptions must be caught before `\Exception`;- after calling `error_clear_last()`, the result of `$e = error_get_last()` must be verified using `isset($e['message'][0])` instead of `null !== $e`.License=======This library is released under the [MIT license](LICENSE).