
vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/src/MessageFormatter.php 7.1 KB
wangzhi authored
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namespace GuzzleHttp;

use Psr\Http\Message\MessageInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;

 * Formats log messages using variable substitutions for requests, responses,
 * and other transactional data.
 * The following variable substitutions are supported:
 * - {request}:        Full HTTP request message
 * - {response}:       Full HTTP response message
 * - {ts}:             ISO 8601 date in GMT
 * - {date_iso_8601}   ISO 8601 date in GMT
 * - {date_common_log} Apache common log date using the configured timezone.
 * - {host}:           Host of the request
 * - {method}:         Method of the request
 * - {uri}:            URI of the request
 * - {version}:        Protocol version
 * - {target}:         Request target of the request (path + query + fragment)
 * - {hostname}:       Hostname of the machine that sent the request
 * - {code}:           Status code of the response (if available)
 * - {phrase}:         Reason phrase of the response  (if available)
 * - {error}:          Any error messages (if available)
 * - {req_header_*}:   Replace `*` with the lowercased name of a request header to add to the message
 * - {res_header_*}:   Replace `*` with the lowercased name of a response header to add to the message
 * - {req_headers}:    Request headers
 * - {res_headers}:    Response headers
 * - {req_body}:       Request body
 * - {res_body}:       Response body
class MessageFormatter
     * Apache Common Log Format.
     * @link http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/logs.html#common
     * @var string
    const CLF = "{hostname} {req_header_User-Agent} - [{date_common_log}] \"{method} {target} HTTP/{version}\" {code} {res_header_Content-Length}";
    const DEBUG = ">>>>>>>>\n{request}\n<<<<<<<<\n{response}\n--------\n{error}";
    const SHORT = '[{ts}] "{method} {target} HTTP/{version}" {code}';

    /** @var string Template used to format log messages */
    private $template;

     * @param string $template Log message template
    public function __construct($template = self::CLF)
        $this->template = $template ?: self::CLF;

     * Returns a formatted message string.
     * @param RequestInterface  $request  Request that was sent
     * @param ResponseInterface $response Response that was received
     * @param \Exception        $error    Exception that was received
     * @return string
    public function format(
        RequestInterface $request,
        ResponseInterface $response = null,
        \Exception $error = null
    ) {
        $cache = [];

        return preg_replace_callback(
            function (array $matches) use ($request, $response, $error, &$cache) {
                if (isset($cache[$matches[1]])) {
                    return $cache[$matches[1]];

                $result = '';
                switch ($matches[1]) {
                    case 'request':
                        $result = Psr7\str($request);
                    case 'response':
                        $result = $response ? Psr7\str($response) : '';
                    case 'req_headers':
                        $result = trim($request->getMethod()
                                . ' ' . $request->getRequestTarget())
                            . ' HTTP/' . $request->getProtocolVersion() . "\r\n"
                            . $this->headers($request);
                    case 'res_headers':
                        $result = $response ?
                                'HTTP/%s %d %s',
                            ) . "\r\n" . $this->headers($response)
                            : 'NULL';
                    case 'req_body':
                        $result = $request->getBody();
                    case 'res_body':
                        $result = $response ? $response->getBody() : 'NULL';
                    case 'ts':
                    case 'date_iso_8601':
                        $result = gmdate('c');
                    case 'date_common_log':
                        $result = date('d/M/Y:H:i:s O');
                    case 'method':
                        $result = $request->getMethod();
                    case 'version':
                        $result = $request->getProtocolVersion();
                    case 'uri':
                    case 'url':
                        $result = $request->getUri();
                    case 'target':
                        $result = $request->getRequestTarget();
                    case 'req_version':
                        $result = $request->getProtocolVersion();
                    case 'res_version':
                        $result = $response
                            ? $response->getProtocolVersion()
                            : 'NULL';
                    case 'host':
                        $result = $request->getHeaderLine('Host');
                    case 'hostname':
                        $result = gethostname();
                    case 'code':
                        $result = $response ? $response->getStatusCode() : 'NULL';
                    case 'phrase':
                        $result = $response ? $response->getReasonPhrase() : 'NULL';
                    case 'error':
                        $result = $error ? $error->getMessage() : 'NULL';
                        // handle prefixed dynamic headers
                        if (strpos($matches[1], 'req_header_') === 0) {
                            $result = $request->getHeaderLine(substr($matches[1], 11));
                        } elseif (strpos($matches[1], 'res_header_') === 0) {
                            $result = $response
                                ? $response->getHeaderLine(substr($matches[1], 11))
                                : 'NULL';

                $cache[$matches[1]] = $result;
                return $result;

     * Get headers from message as string
     * @return string
    private function headers(MessageInterface $message)
        $result = '';
        foreach ($message->getHeaders() as $name => $values) {
            $result .= $name . ': ' . implode(', ', $values) . "\r\n";

        return trim($result);