
vendor/doctrine/cache/tests/Doctrine/Tests/Common/Cache/FilesystemCacheTest.php 3.5 KB
王智 authored
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namespace Doctrine\Tests\Common\Cache;

use Doctrine\Common\Cache\Cache;
use Doctrine\Common\Cache\FilesystemCache;

 * @group DCOM-101
class FilesystemCacheTest extends BaseFileCacheTest
    public function testLifetime()
        $cache = $this->_getCacheDriver();

        // Test save
        $cache->save('test_key', 'testing this out', 10);

        // Test contains to test that save() worked

        // Test fetch
        $this->assertEquals('testing this out', $cache->fetch('test_key'));

        // access private methods
        $getFilename        = new \ReflectionMethod($cache, 'getFilename');
        $getNamespacedId    = new \ReflectionMethod($cache, 'getNamespacedId');


        $id         = $getNamespacedId->invoke($cache, 'test_key');
        $filename   = $getFilename->invoke($cache, $id);

        $data       = '';
        $lifetime   = 0;
        $resource   = fopen($filename, "r");

        if (false !== ($line = fgets($resource))) {
            $lifetime = (integer) $line;

        while (false !== ($line = fgets($resource))) {
            $data .= $line;

        $this->assertNotEquals(0, $lifetime, 'previous lifetime could not be loaded');

        // update lifetime
        $lifetime = $lifetime - 20;
        file_put_contents($filename, $lifetime . PHP_EOL . $data);

        // test expired data

    public function testGetStats()
        $cache = $this->_getCacheDriver();
        $stats = $cache->getStats();

        $this->assertEquals(0, $stats[Cache::STATS_MEMORY_USAGE]);
        $this->assertGreaterThan(0, $stats[Cache::STATS_MEMORY_AVAILABLE]);

    public function testCacheInSharedDirectoryIsPerExtension()
        $cache1 = new FilesystemCache($this->directory, '.foo');
        $cache2 = new FilesystemCache($this->directory, '.bar');

        $this->assertTrue($cache1->save('key1', 11));
        $this->assertTrue($cache1->save('key2', 12));

        $this->assertTrue($cache2->save('key1', 21));
        $this->assertTrue($cache2->save('key2', 22));

        $this->assertSame(11, $cache1->fetch('key1'), 'Cache value must not be influenced by a different cache in the same directory but different extension');
        $this->assertSame(12, $cache1->fetch('key2'));
        $this->assertFalse($cache1->fetch('key1'), 'flushAll() must delete all items with the current extension');

        $this->assertSame(21, $cache2->fetch('key1'), 'flushAll() must not remove items with a different extension in a shared directory');
        $this->assertSame(22, $cache2->fetch('key2'));

    public function testFlushAllWithNoExtension()
        $cache = new FilesystemCache($this->directory, '');

        $this->assertTrue($cache->save('key1', 1));
        $this->assertTrue($cache->save('key2', 2));

    protected function _getCacheDriver()
        return new FilesystemCache($this->directory);