express.vue 5.9 KB
	<view class="map-box">
		<view class="express-wrap">
			<view class="oilStation">
				<view class="oilStation-top">
					<view class="x-bc express-card__head">
						<view class="x-f">
							<view class="img-box">
								<image class="goods-image" :src="firstGoods.goods_image" mode="aspectFill"></image>
								<view class="shop-tag">{{ goodsList.length }}件商品</view>
							<text class="express-status">{{ firstGoods.status_name }}</text>
						<view class="express-phone__box y-f">
							<!-- 	<text class="cuIcon-phone"></text>
							<text class="express-phone__text">物流电话</text> -->
					<view class="express-sn x-f">
						<text>{{ expressDetail.express_name }} {{ expressDetail.express_no }}</text>
						<text class="cuIcon-copy" @tap="copyCode(expressDetail.express_no)"></text>
				<view class="oilStation-bottom">
					<view class="py30">
						<view v-if="exrpessLog.length" class="express-item x-f" v-for="(log, index) in exrpessLog" :key="">
							<view class="item-left y-end">
								<text class="day">{{ log.changedate.split(' ')[0] }}</text>
								<text class="time">{{ log.changedate.split(' ')[1] }}</text>
							<view class="item-right">
									:src="`/static/imgs/order/express${index == 0 ? log.status + '' + log.status : log.status}.png`"
								<view class="express-title">{{ log.status_name }}</view>
								<view class="express-detail">{{ log.content }}</view>
						<view v-if="!exrpessLog.length" class="no-log x-c">暂无物流信息~</view>

export default {
	data() {
		return {
			expressDetail: {}, //物流信息
			exrpessLog: [], //包裹轨迹
			firstGoods: {}, //商品列表
			goodsList: []
	computed: {},
	onLoad() {
	methods: {
		// 复制物流码
		copyCode(code) {
			let that = this;
				data: code,
				success: () => {
					//#ifdef H5
		// 获取物流信息
		getExpressDetail() {
			let that = this;
			that.$api('order.expressDetail', {
				id: that.$Route.query.expressId,
				order_id: that.$Route.query.orderId
			}).then(res => {
				if (res.code === 1) {
					that.expressDetail =;
					that.goodsList =;
					that.exrpessLog =;
					that.firstGoods =[0];

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/* 浮层 */
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.dragLayer-top {
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	display: flex;
	flex-direction: column;
	flex: 1;
	height: 100%;
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/* 物流卡片 */
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	background: #fff;
	margin: 20rpx;
	background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1);
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		position: relative;
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		height: 129rpx;
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			height: 129rpx;
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			color: rgba(51, 51, 51, 1);
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		height: 65rpx;
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	padding: 0 30rpx;
// 物流步骤条
.no-log {
	width: 100%;
	height: 100rpx;
	color: #999;
.express-item {
	align-items: flex-start;
	.item-left {
		.day {
			font-size: 26rpx;
			white-space: nowrap;
		.time {
			font-size: 20rpx;
			white-space: nowrap;
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		padding-left: 54rpx;
		margin-left: 54rpx;
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		padding-bottom: 40rpx;
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			width: 54rpx;
			height: 54rpx;
			position: absolute;
			left: -27rpx;
			top: 0;
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			font-size: 28rpx;
			font-family: PingFang SC;
			font-weight: 500;
			color: rgba(51, 51, 51, 1);
			margin-bottom: 10rpx;
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			font-family: PingFang SC;
			font-weight: 500;
			color: rgba(51, 51, 51, 1);