5.0 KB

 * TEST CASE: Sample Annotations

use mindplay\annotations\Annotation;
use mindplay\annotations\IAnnotationParser;
use mindplay\annotations\AnnotationException;
use mindplay\annotations\standard\TypeAnnotation;

 * @usage('class'=>true, 'property'=>true, 'method'=>true, 'inherited'=>true, 'multiple'=>true)
class NoteAnnotation extends Annotation
    public $note;

    public function initAnnotation(array $params)
        $this->map($params, array('note'));

        if (!isset($this->note)) {
            throw new AnnotationException("NoteAnnotation requires a note property");

 * @usage
class UselessAnnotation extends Annotation


 * @usage('class'=>true)
class DocAnnotation extends Annotation implements IAnnotationParser
    public $value;

    public static function parseAnnotation($value)
        return array('value' => intval($value));

 * @usage('property'=>true, 'multiple'=>false)
class SingleAnnotation extends Annotation
    public $test;

 * @usage('property'=>true, 'multiple'=>false, 'inherited'=>true)
class OverrideAnnotation extends Annotation
    public $test;

 * @usage('method'=>true)
class SampleAnnotation extends Annotation
    public $test;

 * @usage('class'=>true, 'inherited'=>false)
class UninheritableAnnotation extends Annotation
    public $test;

class InheritUsageAnnotation extends SampleAnnotation


 * @Doc
 * @usage('class'=>true)
class UsageAndNonUsageAnnotation extends Annotation


 * @Doc
class SingleNonUsageAnnotation extends Annotation


class WrongInterfaceAnnotation


class TypeAwareAnnotation extends TypeAnnotation


class NoUsageAnnotation


 * TEST CASE: Sample Classes
 * @doc 1234 (this is a sample PHP-DOC style annotation)

 * @note("Applied to the TestBase class")
 * @uninheritable('test'=>'Test cannot inherit this annotation')
class TestBase
     * @note("Applied to a TestBase member")
    protected $sample = 'test';

     * @single('test'=>'one is okay')
     * @single('test'=>'two is one too many')
    protected $only_one;

     * @override('test'=>'This will be overridden')
    private $override_me;

     * @note("First note annotation")
     * @override('test'=>'This annotation should get filtered')
    private $mixed;

     * @note("Applied to a hidden TestBase method")
     * @sample('test'=>'This should get filtered')
    public function run()

 * A sample class with NoteAttributes applied to the source code:
 * @Note(
 *   "Applied to the Test class (a)"
 * )
 * @Note("And another one for good measure (b)")
class Test extends TestBase
     * @Note("Applied to a property")
    public $hello = 'World';
     * @Override('test'=>'This annotation overrides the one in TestBase')
    private $override_me;
     * @Note("Second note annotation")
    private $mixed;

     * @Note("First Note Applied to the run() method")
     * @Note("And a second Note")
    public function run()

 * @Note('class-first')
class FirstClass
     * @var string
     * @Note('prop-first')
    protected $prop;

     * @Note('method-first')
    protected function someMethod()


 * @Note('class-second')
 * @stop
class SecondClass extends FirstClass
     * @var string
     * @Note('prop-second')
    protected $prop;

     * @Note('method-second')
    protected function someMethod()


 * @Note('class-third')
class ThirdClass extends SecondClass
     * @var string
     * @Note('prop-third')
    protected $prop;

     * @Note('method-third')
    protected function someMethod()


 * Test that using an core class will not break parsing.
 * @Note("An example class annotation.")
class TestClassExtendingCore extends ReflectionClass


 * Test that using an extension class will not break parsing.
 * @Note("An example class annotation.")
class TestClassExtendingExtension extends SplFileObject


 * @Note("Base note.")
class TestClassExtendingUserDefinedBase


 * Test that using an user defined class will not break parsing.
 * @Note("Note of child.")
class TestClassExtendingUserDefined extends TestClassExtendingUserDefinedBase

 * @WrongInterface
class TestClassWrongInterface


class TestClassFileAwareAnnotation

    /** @TypeAware IAnnotationParser */
    public $prop;


interface TestInterface


class BrokenParamAnnotationClass

     * @param $paramName
    protected function brokenParamAnnotation($paramName)
