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Type: String Default: grunt.util.linefeed

Concatenated files will be joined on this string. If you're post-processing concatenated JavaScript files with a minifier, you may need to use a semicolon ';' as the separator.


Type: String Default: empty string

This string will be prepended to the beginning of the concatenated output. It is processed using grunt.template.process, using the default options.

(Default processing options are explained in the grunt.template.process documentation)


Type: String Default: empty string

This string will be appended to the end of the concatenated output. It is processed using grunt.template.process, using the default options.

(Default processing options are explained in the grunt.template.process documentation)


Type: Boolean Object Default: false

Strip JavaScript banner comments from source files.

  • false - No comments are stripped.
  • true - /* ... */ block comments are stripped, but NOT /*! ... */ comments.
  • options object:
    • By default, behaves as if true were specified.
    • block - If true, all block comments are stripped.
    • line - If true, any contiguous leading // line comments are stripped.


Type: Boolean Object Default: false

Process source files as templates before concatenating.

  • false - No processing will occur.
  • true - Process source files using grunt.template.process defaults.
  • options object - Process source files using grunt.template.process, using the specified options.
  • function(src, filepath) - Process source files using the given function, called once for each file. The returned value will be used as source code.

(Default processing options are explained in the grunt.template.process documentation)