作者 景龙
1 个管道 的构建 通过 耗费 30 秒


... ... @@ -447,7 +447,7 @@ return array (
'data_type' => [
'rule' => [
'id' => 'require|number',
'id' => 'require|number',
'type' => 'require|number',
'msg' => [
... ... @@ -471,10 +471,16 @@ return array (
'add_spot' => [
'rule' => [
'test_id' =>'require|number',
'spot_name' => 'require',
'project_id' =>'require|number'
'msg' => [
'spot_name.require' => '年检点名称不能为空',
'test_id.require' => '检测id不能为空',
'test_id.number' => '检测id必须是数字',
'spot_name.require' => '巡检点名称不能为空',
'project_id.require' => '项目id不能为空',
'project_id.number' => '项目id必须是数字',
'comment' => [
... ... @@ -488,7 +494,7 @@ return array (
'id.number' => '列表id必须是数字',
'service_id.require' => '服务id不能为空',
'service_id.number' => '服务id必须是数字',
'comment.require' => '评论内容不能为空',
'comment.require' => '评论内容不能为空',
'subject_post' => [
... ... @@ -529,4 +535,32 @@ return array (
'images.array' => '拜访图片必须为数组',
'add_year_test' => [
'rule' => [
'test_time' => 'require|number',
'address' => 'require',
'remark' => 'require',
'msg' => [
'test_time.require' => '检测时间不能为空',
'test_time.number' => '检测时间必须为数字',
'address.require' => '检测地点不能为空',
'remark.require' => '检测备注不能为空',
'test_status' => [
'rule' => [
'spot_id' => 'require|number',
'status' => 'require|number',
// 'images' => 'require|array',
'msg' => [
'spot_id.require' => '检测点id不能为空',
'spot_id.number' => '检测点id必须为数字',
'status.require' => '检测状态不能为空',
'status.number' => '检测状态必须为数字',
'images.require' => '检测图片不能为空',
'images.array' => '检测图片必须为数组',
\ No newline at end of file
... ...
... ... @@ -423,6 +423,35 @@ class CommonController extends RestBaseController
return $res;
public function getSpotList($where){
$res = Db::name('spot')
foreach($res as &$value){
$status = $this->getYearsList($value['id'],'status');
$value['status'] = $status['status'];
$value['status'] = 2;
return $res;
public function getYearsList($spot_id,$field){
$res = Db::name('years')
return $res;
public function getInsList($years = ''){
$identity = $this->user['identity'];
... ... @@ -815,6 +844,48 @@ class CommonController extends RestBaseController
return ceil($count/$limit);
public function getTestList($page){
$limit = config('site.limit');
$user = $this->getUserIdentity();
$res = Db::name('test')
->order('id desc')
foreach($res as &$value){
$company_name = $this->getACompanyName($value['project_id']);
$value['company_name'] = $company_name;
return $res;
public function getTestPage(){
$user = $this->getUserIdentity();
$count = Db::name('test')
$limit = config('site.limit');
return ceil($count/$limit);
public function getACompanyName($project_id){
$company_name = '';
$project = $this->getProject(['id'=>$project_id],'id,a_cid,b_cid,name');
$a_company = $this->getCompany(['id'=>$project['a_cid']],'id,company_name');
$company_name = !empty($a_company['company_name'])?$a_company['company_name']:'';
return $company_name;
public function getReformList($page,$where){
... ...
... ... @@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ use think\Validate;
use cmf\controller\RestBaseController;
use app\portal\model\YearsModel;
use app\portal\model\SpotModel;
use app\portal\model\TestModel;
* @title 年检
... ... @@ -20,33 +21,39 @@ class YearsController extends RestBaseController
* @title 添加年检点
* @title 添加检测
* @description 接口说明
* @author 开发者
* @url /api/home/years/addSpot
* @url /api/home/years/addYearTest
* @method POST
* @header name:token require:1 default: desc:header
* @param name:spot_name type:string require:1 default: other desc:年检点名称
* @return spot_id:年检点id
* @param name:test_time type:inter require:1 default: other desc:检测点时间
* @param name:address type:string require:1 default: other desc:检测点地点
* @param name:remark type:string require:1 default: other desc:检测点备注
public function addSpot(){
public function addYearTest(){
$data = $this->request->post();
$rule = config('site.add_spot');
$common = new CommonController();
$user = $common->getUserIdentity();
if($user['party'] == 0){
$rule = config('site.add_year_test');
$validate = new Validate($rule['rule'],$rule['msg']);
if (!$validate->check($data)) {
$common = new CommonController();
$user = $common->getUserIdentity();
$data['p_id'] = $user['project_id'];
$data['project_id'] = $user['project_id'];
$data['create_time'] = time();
$spotModel = new SpotModel();
$res = $spotModel->create($data);
$test = new TestModel();
$res = $test->create($data);
... ... @@ -56,124 +63,159 @@ class YearsController extends RestBaseController
* @title 年检列表
* @title 检测列表
* @description 接口说明
* @author 开发者
* @url /api/home/years/insList
* @url /api/home/years/testList
* @method GET
* @header name:token require:1 default: desc:header
* @return id:项目id
* @return project_name:项目名称
* @return point: @
* @point id:巡检点id spot_name:年检名称 status:年检状态(0:已检查,1:故障,2:未完成)
* @return is_finish: 未完成数量
* @param name:page type:inter require:1 default: other desc:分页页码
* @return data: @
* @data id:年检检测id project_id:项目id test_time:检测时间 address:检测地点 remark:检测备注 company_name:检测甲方公司
* @return page:当前页数
* @return total_page:总页数
public function insList(){
public function testList(){
$page = $this->request->get('page');
$rule = config('site.pages');
$validate = new Validate($rule['rule'],$rule['msg']);
if (!$validate->check(['page'=>$page])) {
$common = new CommonController();
$arr = $common->getInsList(1);
$res = $common->getTestList($page);
$total_page = $common->getTestPage();
* @title 添加年检页面
* @title 检测详情
* @description 接口说明
* @author 开发者
* @url /api/home/years/insAdd
* @url /api/home/years/testDetail
* @method GET
* @header name:token require:1 default: desc:header
* @param name:id type:int require:1 default: other desc:年检点id
* @param name:id type:inter require:1 default: other desc:年检检测id
* @return spot_id:年检点id
* @return spot_name:年检点名称
* @return id:年检检测id
* @return project_id:项目id
* @return project_name:项目名称
* @return test_time:检测时间
* @return address:检测地点
* @return remark:检测备注
* @return company_name:检测甲方公司
* @return spot:年检点@
* @spot id:检测点id spot_name:检测点名称 status:检测点状态(0:正常,1:故障,2:未检测)
public function insAdd(){
public function testDetail(){
$id = $this->request->get('id');
$rule = config('site.ins_add');
$rule = config('site.data');
$validate = new Validate($rule['rule'],$rule['msg']);
if (!$validate->check(['id'=>$id])) {
$arr = Db::name('spot')
->join('project p','po.p_id = p.id','LEFT')
->field('po.id spot_id,po.spot_name,p.id project_id,p.name project_name')
$res = Db::name('test')
$common = new CommonController();
$company_name = $common->getACompanyName($res['project_id']);
$res['company_name'] = $company_name;
$spot = $common->getSpotList(['test_id'=>$res['id'],'project_id'=>$res['project_id']]);
$res['spot'] = $spot;
* @title 添加年检提交
* @title 添加检测点
* @description 接口说明
* @author 开发者
* @url /api/home/years/insAddPost
* @url /api/home/years/addSpot
* @method POST
* @header name:token require:1 default: desc:header
* @param name:spot_id type:int require:1 default: other: desc:年检点id
* @param name:project_id type:int require:1 default: other: desc:项目id
* @param name:status type:int require:1 default: other desc:年检点状态(0:已检查,1:故障)
* @param name:create_time type:int require:1 default: other desc:年检时间
* @param name:images type:array require:1 default: other desc:年检图片(二维数组形式)
* @param name:test_id type:string require:1 default: other desc:检测id
* @param name:spot_name type:string require:1 default: other desc:检测点名称
* @param name:project_id type:string require:1 default: other desc:项目id
public function insAddPost(){
public function addSpot(){
$data = $this->request->post();
$rule = config('site.years_post');
$common = new CommonController();
$user = $common->getUserIdentity();
if($user['party'] == 0){
$rule = config('site.add_spot');
$validate = new Validate($rule['rule'],$rule['msg']);
if (!$validate->check($data)) {
$data['create_time'] = time();
$spotModel = new SpotModel();
$res = $spotModel->create($data);
$data['uid'] = $this->userId;
$common = new CommonController();
$data['images'] = $common->relationUrl($data['images']);
$party = $common->getUserIdentity();
* @title 删除检测点
* @description 接口说明
* @author 开发者
* @url /api/home/years/deleteSpot
* @method GET
* @header name:token require:1 default: desc:header
* @param name:id type:string require:1 default: other desc:检测点id
public function deleteSpot(){
$id = $this->request->get('id');
$where = [
$result = Db::name('years')
$common = new CommonController();
$user = $common->getUserIdentity();
if($user['party'] == 0){
$data['party'] = $party['party'];
$yearsModel = new YearsModel();
// $keys = ['images','file_time'];
// $images = $common->array_merge_more($keys, $data['images'], $data['file_time']);
$rule = config('site.data');
$validate = new Validate($rule['rule'],$rule['msg']);
if (!$validate->check(['id'=>$id])) {
$res = $yearsModel->create($data);
$spotModel = new SpotModel();
$res = $spotModel->where('id',$id)->delete();
... ... @@ -183,26 +225,23 @@ class YearsController extends RestBaseController
* @title 编辑年检页面
* @title 检测点详情
* @description 接口说明
* @author 开发者
* @url /api/home/years/insEdit
* @url /api/home/years/spotDetail
* @method GET
* @header name:token require:1 default: desc:header
* @param name:id type:int require:1 default: other desc:年检点id
* @param name:id type:inter require:1 default: other desc:检测点id
* @return spot_id:年检点id
* @return spot_name:年检点名称
* @return project_id:项目id
* @return project_name:项目名称
* @return status:年检点状态(0:已检查,1:故障)
* @return images:年检图片@
* @return id:检测点id
* @return spot_name:检测点名称
* @return status:检测点状态(0:正常,1:故障,2:未检测)
* @return images:检测点图片@
* @images image_url:图片路径 file_time:图片时间
* @return create_time:年检时间
public function insEdit(){
public function spotDetail(){
$id = $this->request->get('id');
$rule = config('site.ins_add');
... ... @@ -210,63 +249,114 @@ class YearsController extends RestBaseController
if (!$validate->check(['id'=>$id])) {
$common = new CommonController();
$user = $common->getIdentity();
$res = Db::table('xf_spot')
->join('xf_years','po.id = xf_years.spot_id','LEFT')
->join('xf_project p','po.p_id = p.id','LEFT')
->field('po.id spot_id,po.spot_name,p.id project_id,p.name project_name,xf_years.status,xf_years.images,xf_years.create_time')
$res = Db::name('spot')
$arr = [];
$arr['id'] = $res['id'];
$arr['spot_name'] = $res['spot_name'];
$arr['status'] = 2;
$arr['images'] = [];
$common = new CommonController();
$res['images'] = $common->absolutionUrl($res['images']);
$years = $common->getYearsList($id,'status,images');
$arr['status'] = $years['status'];
$arr['images'] = $common->absolutionUrl($years['images']);
* @title 编辑巡检提交
* @title 添加检测点状态
* @description 接口说明
* @author 开发者
* @url /api/home/years/insEditPost
* @url /api/home/years/addTestStatus
* @method POST
* @header name:token require:1 default: desc:header
* @param name:spot_id type:int require:1 default: other: desc:年检点id
* @param name:project_id type:int require:1 default: other: desc:项目id
* @param name:status type:int require:1 default: other desc:年检点状态(0:已检查,1:故障)
* @param name:create_time type:int require:1 default: other desc:年检时间
* @param name:images type:array require:1 default: other desc:年检图片(二维数组形式)
* @param name:spot_id type:inter require:1 default: other desc:检测点id
* @param name:status type:inter require:1 default: other desc:检测点状态(0:正常,1:故障)
* @param name:images type:array require:1 default: other desc:检测点图片(二维数组形式)
public function insEditPost(){
public function addTestStatus(){
$data = $this->request->post();
$rule = config('site.years_post');
$common = new CommonController();
$user = $common->getUserIdentity();
if($user['party'] == 0){
$rule = config('site.test_status');
$validate = new Validate($rule['rule'],$rule['msg']);
if (!$validate->check($data)) {
$common = new CommonController();
$images = $common->relationUrl($data['images']);
$arr['images'] = $images;
$data['images'] = $images;
$data['uid'] = $this->userId;
$data['create_time'] = time();
$years = new YearsModel();
$res = $years->create($data);
* @title 修改检测点状态
* @description 接口说明
* @author 开发者
* @url /api/home/years/editTestStatus
* @method POST
* @header name:token require:1 default: desc:header
* @param name:spot_id type:inter require:1 default: other desc:检测点id
* @param name:status type:inter require:1 default: other desc:检测点状态(0:正常,1:故障)
* @param name:images type:array require:1 default: other desc:检测点图片(二维数组形式)
public function editTestStatus(){
$data = $this->request->post();
$arr['status'] = $data['status'];
$arr['create_time'] = $data['create_time'];
$yearsModel = new YearsModel();
$user = $common->getIdentity();
$common = new CommonController();
$user = $common->getUserIdentity();
if($user['party'] == 0){
$rule = config('site.test_status');
$validate = new Validate($rule['rule'],$rule['msg']);
if (!$validate->check($data)) {
$images = $common->relationUrl($data['images']);
$years = new YearsModel();
$res = $years->where(['spot_id'=>$data['spot_id']])->update(['status'=>$data['status'],'images'=>$images]);
... ...
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// | Author: 老猫 <thinkcmf@126.com>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace app\portal\model;
use think\Model;
class TestModel extends Model
protected $type = [
'more' => 'array',
\ No newline at end of file
... ...
... ... @@ -185,7 +185,7 @@
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