platform :ios, '9.0'
#source ''

target 'EducationContact'do
 # source ''
# Comment the next line if you don't want to use dynamic frameworks
pod 'MJRefresh'
pod 'IQKeyboardManager'
pod 'SDCycleScrollView','>= 1.82'
pod 'DDCoreTextLabel'#, :path => '../'
pod 'DDPhotoBrowser', '2.0.2'
pod 'BRPickerView'#, '~> 0.0.1' #编辑控件
pod 'Masonry'
pod 'TMCache'
pod 'AFNetworking'
pod 'MBProgressHUD'
pod 'JTCalendar'

pod 'AMap3DMap'
pod 'AMapSearch'
pod 'JPush'

# 融云
pod 'RongCloudIM/IMLib', '5.1.2'

pod 'RongCloudRTC/RongCallLib','5.1.2'
pod 'RongCloudRTC/RongRTCLib','5.1.2'

pod 'RongCloudOpenSource/RongCallKit'#,'5.0.0'     # CallKit

pod 'WMZDialog'

# 主模块(必须)
pod 'mob_sharesdk'

# UI模块(非必须,需要用到ShareSDK提供的分享菜单栏和分享编辑页面需要以下1行)
pod 'mob_sharesdk/ShareSDKUI'

# 平台SDK模块(对照一下平台,需要的加上。如果只需要QQ、微信、新浪微博,只需要以下3行)

 pod 'mob_sharesdk/ShareSDKPlatforms/WeChatFull' #//(微信sdk带支付的命令,和上面不带支付的不能共存,只能选择一个)

# 使用配置文件分享模块(非必需)
pod 'mob_sharesdk/ShareSDKConfigFile'

# 闭环分享依赖
pod 'mob_sharesdk/ShareSDKRestoreScene'

# 扩展模块(在调用可以弹出我们UI分享方法的时候是必需的)
pod 'mob_sharesdk/ShareSDKExtension'

# 极验
pod 'GT3Captcha-iOS'
pod 'PLVVodDanmu' 
pod 'PLVSubtitle'
pod 'PLVMasonry'
pod 'PolyvVodSDK'
pod 'SDAutoLayout'

pod 'FDStackView'
pod 'YYWebImage'

pod 'PLVLiveScenesSDK'
pod 'SVGAPlayer'
pod 'PLVImagePickerController'
pod 'SVProgressHUD'
pod 'TZImagePickerController'
pod 'YBImageBrowser'
pod 'YBImageBrowser/Video'