<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd">
<!--命名空间应该是对应接口的包名+接口名 -->
<mapper namespace="com.chuanqi.reading.home.dao.CourseDao">
<sql id="queryCourseVo">
select ci.course_id id, ci.term_id termId, ci.course_name title, date_format(audit_time, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i') dataTime, count(cg.id) dataCount, NOT ISNULL(t.articleStatus) articleStatus
from course_info ci
left join (select distinct i.course_id, 1 articleStatus from course_info i
join( select course_id from course_relation group by course_id having count(question_type) = 1) cr on i.course_id = cr.course_id
join course_read r on i.course_id = r.course_id and r.read_flag = '1' and r.customer_id=#{userId}) t on ci.course_id = t.course_id
left join course_progress cg on ci.course_id = cg.course_id and cg.customer_id = #{userId}
where ci.audit_status = '1' and ci.course_status = '0'
<select id="queryCourseList" resultType="com.chuanqi.reading.home.entity.DataSet"
<!--include refid="queryCourseVo" /-->
select ci.course_id id, ci.term_id termId, ci.course_name title, date_format(audit_time, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i') dataTime, count(cg.id) dataCount, NOT ISNULL(t.articleStatus) articleStatus
from course_info ci
left join course_progress cg on ci.course_id = cg.course_id and cg.customer_id = #{userId}
left join (select distinct i.course_id, 1 articleStatus from course_info i
join( select course_id from course_relation group by course_id having count(question_type) = 1) cr on i.course_id = cr.course_id
join course_read r on i.course_id = r.course_id and r.read_flag = '1' and r.customer_id=#{userId}) t on ci.course_id = t.course_id
where ci.audit_status = '1' and ci.course_status = '0'
and term_id = #{termId} group by ci.course_id order by sticky_status desc, dataCount, audit_time desc LIMIT #{startIndex},5
<select id="queryCourseById" resultType="com.chuanqi.reading.home.entity.CourseInfo"
parameterType="long" >
select course_id id, course_name name, term_id termId, course_num num, release_status resultStatus, ifnull(passing_Score,0) passingScore from course_info where course_id = #{id}
<select id="queryCourseListByRead" resultType="com.chuanqi.reading.home.entity.DataSet"
select ci.course_id id, ci.term_id termId, ci.course_name name, audit_time dateTime, count(cg.id) dataCount, NOT ISNULL(t.articleStatus) articleStatus
from course_info ci
left join course_progress cg on ci.course_id = cg.course_id
left join (select distinct i.course_id, 1 articleStatus from course_info i
join( select course_id from course_relation group by course_id having count(question_type) = 1) cr on i.course_id = cr.course_id
join course_read r on i.course_id = r.course_id and r.read_flag = '1' and r.customer_id=#{userId}) t on ci.course_id = t.course_id
where ci.audit_status = '1' and ci.course_status = '0'
and ci.term_id in(
select term_id from course_term_student where user_id = #{userId}
) and cg.customer_id = #{userId}
group by ci.course_id order by audit_time desc
<select id="queryCourseListByOnlyRead" resultType="com.chuanqi.reading.home.entity.CourseInfo"
SELECT course_id id, course_name NAME FROM course_info WHERE course_id IN (
SELECT DISTINCT course_id FROM course_read WHERE customer_id=#{userId} AND course_id IN (
SELECT course_id FROM course_info ci WHERE ci.audit_status = '1' AND ci.course_status = '0'
AND (ci.term_id IN (SELECT term_id FROM course_term_student WHERE user_id = #{userId}) OR ci.term_id <0)))
ORDER BY audit_time DESC
<select id="queryByOnlyRead" resultType="com.chuanqi.reading.home.entity.CourseRead" parameterType="java.util.Map">
SELECT id, course_id courseId, category_id categoryId,customer_id customerId, begin_time beginTime, end_time endTime,TIMEDIFF(end_time, begin_time) readFlag
FROM course_read WHERE course_id=#{courseId} AND customer_id=#{userId} AND read_flag=1 order by endTime desc
<!--获得所有文章按照课程id -->
<select id="queryArticle" resultType="com.chuanqi.reading.home.entity.Article" parameterType="java.util.Map">
SELECT ca.article_id id, ca.article_title title, ca.article_content content, ca.article_time time,
ca.classify_id classifyId, ca.article_label articleLabel
from course_article ca
where article_id in (
SELECT question_id FROM course_relation
where course_id = #{id} and category_id = 1 and classify_id = #{classify}
<select id="queryQuestions" resultType="com.chuanqi.reading.home.entity.Question" parameterType="java.util.Map">
select cc.choice_id id,cr.id relationId,cc.choice_question question,cc.optionA,cc.optionB,cc.optionC,cc.optionD,
cc.optionE, cc.optionF, cc.optionG, cc.optionH, cc.optionI, cc.choice_answer answer,
support_answer support,cc.choice_explain `explain`,cr.category_id categoryId,'choice' type ,cc.choice_score score
from course_relation cr LEFT JOIN course_choice cc on cr.question_id = cc.choice_id where cr.question_type = 'choice' and cr.course_id = #{id}
select cf.fill_id id,cr.id relationId,cf.fill_question question,null optionA,null optionB,null optionC,null optionD,
null optionE, null optionF, null optionG, null optionH, null optionI, cf.fill_answer answer,
support_answer support,cf.fill_explain `explain`,cr.category_id categoryId,'fill' type ,cf.fill_score score
from course_relation cr LEFT JOIN course_fill cf on cr.question_id = cf.fill_id where cr.question_type = 'fill' and cr.course_id = #{id}
select cj.judge_id id,cr.id relationId,cj.judge_question question,null optionA,null optionB,null optionC,null optionD,
null optionE, null optionF, null optionG, null optionH, null optionI, cj.judge_answer answer,
null support,cj.judge_explain `explain`,cr.category_id categoryId,'judge' type ,cj.judge_score score
from course_relation cr LEFT JOIN course_judge cj on cr.question_id = cj.judge_id where cr.question_type = 'judge' and cr.course_id = #{id}
ORDER BY relationId/*categoryId,type,question_sort*/
<insert id="saveCourseRead" parameterType="com.chuanqi.reading.home.entity.CourseRead" useGeneratedKeys="true"
insert into course_read(course_id,category_id,customer_id,begin_time,end_time,read_flag)
values (#{courseId},#{categoryId},#{customerId},#{beginTime},#{endTime},#{readFlag})
<update id="updateCourseRead" parameterType="com.chuanqi.reading.home.entity.CourseRead">
update course_read set end_time = #{endTime}, read_flag = #{readFlag} where id = ${id}
<update id="updateCourseReadProgress" parameterType="java.util.Map">
update course_read set progress_id = #{progressId}, read_flag = 1 where id in(${ids})
<insert id="saveCourseProgress" parameterType="com.chuanqi.reading.home.entity.CourseProgress"
useGeneratedKeys="true" keyProperty="id">
insert into course_progress(course_id, customer_id, lookback_num, lookback_time, read_time, answer_rate,
course_status, create_time, begin_time, answer_score, exam_total, answer_right)
values (#{courseId}, #{customerId}, #{lookbackNum}, #{lookbackTime}, #{readTime}, #{answerRate},
#{courseStatus}, #{createTime}, #{beginTime}, #{answerScore}, #{examTotal}, #{answerRight})
<select id="queryCourseProgress" resultType="com.chuanqi.reading.home.entity.CourseProgress" parameterType="java.util.Map">
select id, course_id, customer_id, lookback_num lookbackNum, lookback_time lookbackTime, answer_rate answerRate,
read_time readTime, course_status courseStatus, create_Time createTime
from course_progress
where course_id = ${courseId} and customer_id = #{userId} order by createTime
<insert id="saveCourseAnswer">
insert into course_answer(progress_id, relation_id, customer_id, answer, right_num) values
<foreach item="item" index="index" collection="list" separator=",">
(#{item.progressId}, #{item.relationId}, #{item.customerId}, #{item.answer}, #{item.rightNum})
<select id="queryOpenCourse" resultType="com.chuanqi.reading.home.entity.DataSet"
<include refid="queryCourseVo" />
and term_id = -100 and course_num = #{id} <!-- course_num主题编号 -->
group by ci.course_id order by sticky_status desc, dataCount, audit_time desc LIMIT #{startIndex},5
<select id="queryUserTermList" resultType="com.chuanqi.reading.home.entity.DataSet"
SELECT id, title, content, userId FROM (
SELECT a.term_id id, term_title title, begin_date, CONCAT(begin_date, ' ~ ', end_date) content, user_id userId FROM course_term a
LEFT JOIN course_term_student b ON a.term_id = b.term_id AND b.status='0' AND b.user_id=#{userId}
WHERE dept_id IN (SELECT dept_id FROM sys_dept WHERE FIND_IN_SET(#{id}, ancestors)>0 OR dept_id IN(#{id},101))
AND a.term_status='0' /*AND CURRENT_DATE BETWEEN begin_date AND end_date*/
SELECT t.term_id id, term_title title, begin_date, CONCAT(begin_date, ' ~ ', end_date) content, user_id userId
FROM course_term_student ts ,course_term t
WHERE ts.term_id=t.term_id AND ts.user_id=#{userId}
AND t.term_status='0' /*AND CURRENT_DATE BETWEEN begin_date AND end_date*/
AND t.dept_id NOT IN (SELECT dept_id FROM sys_dept WHERE FIND_IN_SET(#{id}, ancestors)>0)
) temp ORDER BY userId DESC, begin_date LIMIT #{startIndex},5
<select id="queryTermById" resultType="com.chuanqi.reading.home.entity.DataSet" parameterType="long">
SELECT term_id id, term_title title FROM course_term WHERE term_id = #{termId}
<sql id="queryMediaVo">
SELECT media_id id, media_name title, media_desc content, media_link remark, media_image search,
date_format(ifnull(update_time, create_time), '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i') dataTime
FROM course_media
<select id="queryMediaList" resultType="com.chuanqi.reading.home.entity.DataSet"
<include refid="queryMediaVo" />
WHERE media_status='0' and theme_id=#{id} ORDER BY media_num LIMIT #{startIndex},5
<select id="queryMediaById" resultType="com.chuanqi.reading.home.entity.DataSet" parameterType="long">
<include refid="queryMediaVo" />
WHERE media_id = #{mediaId}
<select id="queryThemeList" resultType="com.chuanqi.reading.home.entity.DataSet"
SELECT theme_id id, theme_name title FROM course_theme
WHERE theme_status='0' and theme_type=#{remark} ORDER BY theme_num LIMIT #{startIndex},5
<select id="queryThemeById" resultType="com.chuanqi.reading.home.entity.DataSet" parameterType="long">
SELECT theme_id id, theme_name title FROM course_theme WHERE theme_id = #{themeId}
<!-- 统计培训班个数 -->
<select id="getClassCount" resultType="int">
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT term_id) FROM course_term
<!-- 统计培训学员个数 -->
<select id="getStudentCount" resultType="int">
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT user_id) FROM course_term_student
<!-- 统计培训部门下的培训班和班级人数 -->
<select id="getTermListByDeptId" parameterType="long" resultType="com.chuanqi.reading.home.entity.Term">
SELECT theme_id termId, theme_name termTitle, 0 userSum, '2019-01-01' begin_date FROM course_theme WHERE theme_type=1
SELECT t.term_id termId, term_title termTitle, IFNULL(user_count, 0) userSum, begin_date FROM course_term t
LEFT JOIN (SELECT term_id, COUNT(user_id) user_count FROM course_term_student GROUP BY term_id) ts
ON t.term_id=ts.term_id WHERE term_status=0 ORDER BY begin_date <!-- AND t.dept_id=#{deptId} -->
<!-- 根据班级ID查询班级信息 -->
<select id="getTermById" parameterType="long" resultType="com.chuanqi.reading.home.entity.Term">
SELECT term_id termId, term_title termTitle FROM course_term WHERE term_id=#{termId}
<select id="queryPublicDetailForList" parameterType="java.util.Map" resultType="com.chuanqi.reading.home.entity.Details">
SELECT t1.course_id courseId, ci.course_name courseName, DATE_FORMAT(t1.begin_time, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') beginTime,
useTime, answer_rate answerRate FROM (
SELECT course_id,begin_time, TIMEDIFF(create_time, begin_time) useTime, answer_rate FROM course_progress
WHERE course_id IN (SELECT course_id FROM course_info WHERE term_id < 0) AND customer_id=#{userId}
SELECT course_id, begin_time, TIMEDIFF(end_time, begin_time) useTime,'-' AS answer_rate FROM course_read
WHERE course_id IN (SELECT course_id FROM course_info WHERE term_id < 0) AND read_flag=1 AND customer_id=#{userId}
) t1 , course_info ci WHERE t1.course_id=#{courseId} and ci.course_id = #{courseId} ORDER BY t1.begin_time DESC LIMIT #{startIndex},5
<select id="queryTermSpecialForList" parameterType="java.util.Map" resultType="com.chuanqi.reading.home.entity.Term">
select t.term_id termId, term_title termTitle
from course_term t
where exists(select * from course_read r inner join
course_info i on i.course_id=r.course_id and r.customer_id=#{userId} inner join
course_progress p on r.progress_id=p.id and r.read_flag=1 and p.customer_id = #{userId}
where i.term_id = t.term_id ) OR
exists(select * from course_read cr inner join
v_course_article v on cr.course_id = v.course_id and cr.customer_id = #{userId} and cr.read_flag = 1 where t.term_id =v.term_id)
order by t.begin_date desc LIMIT #{startIndex},5
<select id="querySpecialDetailForList" parameterType="java.util.Map" resultType="com.chuanqi.reading.home.entity.Details">
SELECT t1.course_id courseId, ci.course_name courseName, DATE_FORMAT(t1.begin_time, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') beginTime,
useTime, answer_rate answerRate FROM (
SELECT course_id,begin_time, TIMEDIFF(create_time, begin_time) useTime, answer_rate FROM course_progress
WHERE course_id = #{courseId} and course_id IN (SELECT course_id FROM course_info WHERE term_id > 0 ) AND customer_id=#{userId}
SELECT course_id, begin_time, TIMEDIFF(end_time, begin_time) useTime,'-' AS answer_rate FROM course_read
WHERE course_id NOT IN (SELECT course_id FROM course_info WHERE term_id < 0)
AND course_id NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT course_id FROM course_progress WHERE customer_id=#{userId})
AND read_flag=1 AND customer_id=#{userId} and course_id = #{courseId}
) t1 , course_info ci WHERE t1.course_id=ci.course_id and ci.term_id= #{termId} ORDER BY t1.begin_time DESC LIMIT #{startIndex},7
<select id="queryPersonalLogForList" parameterType="long" resultType="com.chuanqi.reading.home.entity.DataSet">
SELECT DATE_FORMAT(dataTime, '%m-%d') AS dataTime, termId, dataCount, search FROM (
SELECT DATE_FORMAT(begin_time, '%Y-%m-%d') dataTime,
SUM(TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND,begin_time,create_time)) termId,
COUNT(customer_id) dataCount,
MAX(CONVERT(answer_rate,DECIMAL(5,2))) search
FROM course_progress WHERE customer_id=#{0} GROUP BY dataTime ORDER BY dataTime DESC
) t ORDER BY dataTime LIMIT #{startIndex}, 5
<select id="getSpecialTermCourseSumById" parameterType="long" resultType="com.chuanqi.reading.home.entity.TermCourse">
SELECT i.term_id termId, count(*) courseNum,
CONCAT(SUM(TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, r.begin_time, IFNULL(p.create_time, r.end_time))) div 60, ':', LPAD(SUM(TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, r.begin_time, IFNULL(p.create_time, r.end_time))) mod 60, 2, '0')) TimeTotal
FROM course_read r
INNER JOIN course_info i ON r.course_id = i.course_id AND i.term_id = #{termId}
LEFT JOIN course_progress p on p.course_id = r.course_id and p.customer_id = #{userId} and r.progress_Id=p.Id
LEFT JOIN v_course_article v ON v.course_id = r.course_id
WHERE r.customer_id = #{userId} and r.read_flag = 1 and (r.progress_id IS NOT NULL or v.course_name is not null)
GROUP BY i.term_id
<!--查询个人概况- 专项培训 完成的课程列表-->
<select id="getSpecialTermCourseList" parameterType="long" resultType="com.chuanqi.reading.home.entity.CourseInfo">
SELECT ci.course_id id, ci.course_name name, ci.course_num num, ci.term_id termId
from course_info ci where ci.term_Id=#{termId} and
(exists(select * from v_course_article ca inner join
course_read cr on ca.course_id = cr.course_id and cr.read_flag = 1 and cr.customer_id = #{userId} where ci.course_id=cr.course_id) OR
exists(select * from course_read r inner join
course_progress cp on r.progress_id = cp.id and r.read_flag = 1 and r.customer_id = #{userId} where ci.course_id=r.course_id ))
<!--查询个人概况- 公开培训 主题列表-->
<select id="getPubThemeList" parameterType="long" resultType="com.chuanqi.reading.home.entity.Theme">
select ct.theme_id themeId, ct.theme_name themeName
from course_theme ct
where exists(select * from course_info ci inner join course_read cr on ci.course_id = cr.course_id and cr.customer_id = #{userId} and cr.read_flag = 1
where ci.course_num = ct.theme_id and ci.term_id < 0 )
<select id="getPubThemeById" parameterType="long" resultType="com.chuanqi.reading.home.entity.Theme">
select ct.theme_id themeId, ct.theme_name themeName
from course_theme ct where ct.theme_id = #{themeId}
<select id="getPubThemeCourseSumById" parameterType="long" resultType="com.chuanqi.reading.home.entity.ThemeCourse">
SELECT ci.course_num themeId, count(*) AS courseNum,
CONCAT(SUM(TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, cr.begin_time, IFNULL(p.create_time, cr.end_time))) div 60,':', LPAD(SUM(TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, cr.begin_time, IFNULL(p.create_time, cr.end_time))) mod 60, 2, '0')) TimeTotal
FROM course_read cr INNER JOIN course_info ci ON cr.course_id = ci.course_id AND ci.term_id < 0 LEFT JOIN
v_course_article va ON cr.course_id = va.course_id LEFT JOIN course_progress p ON p.course_id = cr.course_id AND p.customer_id = #{userId} AND cr.progress_Id = p.Id
WHERE cr.customer_id = #{userId} AND cr.read_flag = 1 AND ci.course_num = #{themeId}
AND (cr.progress_id IS NOT NULL OR va.course_name IS NOT NULL)
GROUP BY course_num
<select id="getPubThemeCourseList" parameterType="long" resultType="com.chuanqi.reading.home.entity.CourseInfo">
select ci.course_id id, ci.course_name name, ci.course_num themeId
from course_info ci
where ci.course_num = #{themeId} and ci.term_id < 0 and
exists(select * from course_read cr left join v_course_article va on cr.course_id = va.course_id
where cr.customer_id = #{userId} and cr.read_flag = 1 and (NOT ISNULL(cr.progress_id) or NOT ISNULL(va.course_name)) and cr.course_id =ci.course_id)
</mapper> |
\ No newline at end of file |