operators.d.ts 5.2 KB
export { audit } from './operators/audit';
export { auditTime } from './operators/auditTime';
export { buffer } from './operators/buffer';
export { bufferCount } from './operators/bufferCount';
export { bufferTime } from './operators/bufferTime';
export { bufferToggle } from './operators/bufferToggle';
export { bufferWhen } from './operators/bufferWhen';
export { catchError } from './operators/catchError';
export { combineAll } from './operators/combineAll';
export { combineLatest } from './operators/combineLatest';
export { concat } from './operators/concat';
export { concatAll } from './operators/concatAll';
export { concatMap } from './operators/concatMap';
export { concatMapTo } from './operators/concatMapTo';
export { count } from './operators/count';
export { debounce } from './operators/debounce';
export { debounceTime } from './operators/debounceTime';
export { defaultIfEmpty } from './operators/defaultIfEmpty';
export { delay } from './operators/delay';
export { delayWhen } from './operators/delayWhen';
export { dematerialize } from './operators/dematerialize';
export { distinct } from './operators/distinct';
export { distinctUntilChanged } from './operators/distinctUntilChanged';
export { distinctUntilKeyChanged } from './operators/distinctUntilKeyChanged';
export { elementAt } from './operators/elementAt';
export { every } from './operators/every';
export { exhaust } from './operators/exhaust';
export { exhaustMap } from './operators/exhaustMap';
export { expand } from './operators/expand';
export { filter } from './operators/filter';
export { finalize } from './operators/finalize';
export { find } from './operators/find';
export { findIndex } from './operators/findIndex';
export { first } from './operators/first';
export { groupBy } from './operators/groupBy';
export { ignoreElements } from './operators/ignoreElements';
export { isEmpty } from './operators/isEmpty';
export { last } from './operators/last';
export { map } from './operators/map';
export { mapTo } from './operators/mapTo';
export { materialize } from './operators/materialize';
export { max } from './operators/max';
export { merge } from './operators/merge';
export { mergeAll } from './operators/mergeAll';
export { mergeMap } from './operators/mergeMap';
export { mergeMap as flatMap } from './operators/mergeMap';
export { mergeMapTo } from './operators/mergeMapTo';
export { mergeScan } from './operators/mergeScan';
export { min } from './operators/min';
export { multicast } from './operators/multicast';
export { observeOn } from './operators/observeOn';
export { onErrorResumeNext } from './operators/onErrorResumeNext';
export { pairwise } from './operators/pairwise';
export { partition } from './operators/partition';
export { pluck } from './operators/pluck';
export { publish } from './operators/publish';
export { publishBehavior } from './operators/publishBehavior';
export { publishLast } from './operators/publishLast';
export { publishReplay } from './operators/publishReplay';
export { race } from './operators/race';
export { reduce } from './operators/reduce';
export { repeat } from './operators/repeat';
export { repeatWhen } from './operators/repeatWhen';
export { retry } from './operators/retry';
export { retryWhen } from './operators/retryWhen';
export { refCount } from './operators/refCount';
export { sample } from './operators/sample';
export { sampleTime } from './operators/sampleTime';
export { scan } from './operators/scan';
export { sequenceEqual } from './operators/sequenceEqual';
export { share } from './operators/share';
export { shareReplay } from './operators/shareReplay';
export { single } from './operators/single';
export { skip } from './operators/skip';
export { skipLast } from './operators/skipLast';
export { skipUntil } from './operators/skipUntil';
export { skipWhile } from './operators/skipWhile';
export { startWith } from './operators/startWith';
 * TODO(https://github.com/ReactiveX/rxjs/issues/2900): Add back subscribeOn once it can be
 * treeshaken. Currently if this export is added back, it
 * forces apps to bring in asap scheduler along with
 * Immediate, root, and other supporting code.
export { switchAll } from './operators/switchAll';
export { switchMap } from './operators/switchMap';
export { switchMapTo } from './operators/switchMapTo';
export { take } from './operators/take';
export { takeLast } from './operators/takeLast';
export { takeUntil } from './operators/takeUntil';
export { takeWhile } from './operators/takeWhile';
export { tap } from './operators/tap';
export { throttle } from './operators/throttle';
export { throttleTime } from './operators/throttleTime';
export { timeInterval } from './operators/timeInterval';
export { timeout } from './operators/timeout';
export { timeoutWith } from './operators/timeoutWith';
export { timestamp } from './operators/timestamp';
export { toArray } from './operators/toArray';
export { window } from './operators/window';
export { windowCount } from './operators/windowCount';
export { windowTime } from './operators/windowTime';
export { windowToggle } from './operators/windowToggle';
export { windowWhen } from './operators/windowWhen';
export { withLatestFrom } from './operators/withLatestFrom';
export { zip } from './operators/zip';
export { zipAll } from './operators/zipAll';