11-Appendices.md 2.8 KB

PHPExcel Developer Documentation


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Valid array keys for style applyFromArray()

The following table lists the valid array keys for PHPExcel_Style applyFromArray() classes. If the "Maps to property" column maps a key to a setter, the value provided for that key will be applied directly. If the "Maps to property" column maps a key to a getter, the value provided for that key will be applied as another style array.


Array key Maps to property
fill getFill()
font getFont()
borders getBorders()
alignment getAlignment()
numberformat getNumberFormat()
protection getProtection()


Array key Maps to property
type setFillType()
rotation setRotation()
startcolor getStartColor()
endcolor getEndColor()
color getStartColor()


Array key Maps to property
name setName()
bold setBold()
italic setItalic()
underline setUnderline()
strike setStrikethrough()
color getColor()
size setSize()
superScript setSuperScript()
subScript setSubScript()


Array key Maps to property
allborders getLeft(); getRight(); getTop(); getBottom()
left getLeft()
right getRight()
top getTop()
bottom getBottom()
diagonal getDiagonal()
vertical getVertical()
horizontal getHorizontal()
diagonaldirection setDiagonalDirection()
outline setOutline()


Array key Maps to property
style setBorderStyle()
color getColor()


Array key Maps to property
horizontal setHorizontal()
vertical setVertical()
rotation setTextRotation()
wrap setWrapText()
shrinkToFit setShrinkToFit()
indent setIndent()


Array key Maps to property
code setFormatCode()


Array key Maps to property
locked setLocked()
hidden setHidden()