WinZipAesExtraField.php 10.4 KB

namespace PhpZip\Model\Extra\Fields;

use PhpZip\Constants\ZipCompressionMethod;
use PhpZip\Constants\ZipEncryptionMethod;
use PhpZip\Exception\InvalidArgumentException;
use PhpZip\Exception\ZipException;
use PhpZip\Exception\ZipUnsupportMethodException;
use PhpZip\Model\Extra\ZipExtraField;
use PhpZip\Model\ZipEntry;

 * WinZip AES Extra Field.
 * @see AES Coding Tips for Developers
class WinZipAesExtraField implements ZipExtraField
    /** @var int Header id */
    const HEADER_ID = 0x9901;

     * @var int Data size (currently 7, but subject to possible increase
     *          in the future)
    const DATA_SIZE = 7;

     * @var int The vendor ID field should always be set to the two ASCII
     *          characters "AE"
    const VENDOR_ID = 0x4541; // 'A' | ('E' << 8)

     * @var int Entries of this type do include the standard ZIP CRC-32 value.
     *          For use with {@see WinZipAesExtraField::setVendorVersion()}.
    const VERSION_AE1 = 1;

     * @var int Entries of this type do not include the standard ZIP CRC-32 value.
     *          For use with {@see WinZipAesExtraField::setVendorVersion().
    const VERSION_AE2 = 2;

    /** @var int integer mode value indicating AES encryption 128-bit strength */
    const KEY_STRENGTH_128BIT = 0x01;

    /** @var int integer mode value indicating AES encryption 192-bit strength */
    const KEY_STRENGTH_192BIT = 0x02;

    /** @var int integer mode value indicating AES encryption 256-bit strength */
    const KEY_STRENGTH_256BIT = 0x03;

    /** @var int[] */
    private static $allowVendorVersions = [

    /** @var array<int, int> */
    private static $encryptionStrengths = [
        self::KEY_STRENGTH_128BIT => 128,
        self::KEY_STRENGTH_192BIT => 192,
        self::KEY_STRENGTH_256BIT => 256,

    /** @var array<int, int> */
    private static $MAP_KEY_STRENGTH_METHODS = [
        self::KEY_STRENGTH_128BIT => ZipEncryptionMethod::WINZIP_AES_128,
        self::KEY_STRENGTH_192BIT => ZipEncryptionMethod::WINZIP_AES_192,
        self::KEY_STRENGTH_256BIT => ZipEncryptionMethod::WINZIP_AES_256,

    /** @var int Integer version number specific to the zip vendor */
    private $vendorVersion = self::VERSION_AE1;

    /** @var int Integer mode value indicating AES encryption strength */
    private $keyStrength = self::KEY_STRENGTH_256BIT;

    /** @var int The actual compression method used to compress the file */
    private $compressionMethod;

     * @param int $vendorVersion     Integer version number specific to the zip vendor
     * @param int $keyStrength       Integer mode value indicating AES encryption strength
     * @param int $compressionMethod The actual compression method used to compress the file
     * @throws ZipUnsupportMethodException
    public function __construct($vendorVersion, $keyStrength, $compressionMethod)

     * @param ZipEntry $entry
     * @throws ZipUnsupportMethodException
     * @return WinZipAesExtraField
    public static function create(ZipEntry $entry)
        $keyStrength = array_search($entry->getEncryptionMethod(), self::$MAP_KEY_STRENGTH_METHODS, true);

        if ($keyStrength === false) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException('Not support encryption method ' . $entry->getEncryptionMethod());

        // WinZip 11 will continue to use AE-2, with no CRC, for very small files
        // of less than 20 bytes. It will also use AE-2 for files compressed in
        // BZIP2 format, because this format has internal integrity checks
        // equivalent to a CRC check built in.
        $vendorVersion = (
            $entry->getUncompressedSize() < 20 ||
            $entry->getCompressionMethod() === ZipCompressionMethod::BZIP2
        ) ?
            self::VERSION_AE2 :

        $field = new self($vendorVersion, $keyStrength, $entry->getCompressionMethod());


        return $field;

     * Returns the Header ID (type) of this Extra Field.
     * The Header ID is an unsigned short integer (two bytes)
     * which must be constant during the life cycle of this object.
     * @return int
    public function getHeaderId()
        return self::HEADER_ID;

     * Populate data from this array as if it was in local file data.
     * @param string        $buffer the buffer to read data from
     * @param ZipEntry|null $entry
     * @throws ZipException on error
     * @return WinZipAesExtraField
    public static function unpackLocalFileData($buffer, ZipEntry $entry = null)
        $size = \strlen($buffer);

        if ($size !== self::DATA_SIZE) {
            throw new ZipException(
                    'WinZip AES Extra data invalid size: %d. Must be %d',

        $data = unpack('vvendorVersion/vvendorId/ckeyStrength/vcompressionMethod', $buffer);

        if ($data['vendorId'] !== self::VENDOR_ID) {
            throw new ZipException(
                    'Vendor id invalid: %d. Must be %d',

        return new self(

     * Populate data from this array as if it was in central directory data.
     * @param string        $buffer the buffer to read data from
     * @param ZipEntry|null $entry
     * @throws ZipException
     * @return WinZipAesExtraField
    public static function unpackCentralDirData($buffer, ZipEntry $entry = null)
        return self::unpackLocalFileData($buffer, $entry);

     * The actual data to put into local file data - without Header-ID
     * or length specifier.
     * @return string the data
    public function packLocalFileData()
        return pack(

     * The actual data to put into central directory - without Header-ID or
     * length specifier.
     * @return string the data
    public function packCentralDirData()
        return $this->packLocalFileData();

     * Returns the vendor version.
     * @return int
     * @see WinZipAesExtraField::VERSION_AE2
     * @see WinZipAesExtraField::VERSION_AE1
    public function getVendorVersion()
        return $this->vendorVersion;

     * Sets the vendor version.
     * @param int $vendorVersion the vendor version
     * @see    WinZipAesExtraField::VERSION_AE2
     * @see    WinZipAesExtraField::VERSION_AE1
    public function setVendorVersion($vendorVersion)
        $vendorVersion = (int) $vendorVersion;

        if (!\in_array($vendorVersion, self::$allowVendorVersions, true)) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException(
                    'Unsupport WinZip AES vendor version: %d',
        $this->vendorVersion = $vendorVersion;

     * Returns vendor id.
     * @return int
    public function getVendorId()
        return self::VENDOR_ID;

     * @return int
    public function getKeyStrength()
        return $this->keyStrength;

     * Set key strength.
     * @param int $keyStrength
    public function setKeyStrength($keyStrength)
        $keyStrength = (int) $keyStrength;

        if (!isset(self::$encryptionStrengths[$keyStrength])) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException(
                    'Key strength %d not support value. Allow values: %s',
                    implode(', ', array_keys(self::$encryptionStrengths))
        $this->keyStrength = $keyStrength;

     * @return int
    public function getCompressionMethod()
        return $this->compressionMethod;

     * @param int $compressionMethod
     * @throws ZipUnsupportMethodException
    public function setCompressionMethod($compressionMethod)
        $compressionMethod = (int) $compressionMethod;
        $this->compressionMethod = $compressionMethod;

     * @return int
    public function getEncryptionStrength()
        return self::$encryptionStrengths[$this->keyStrength];

     * @return int
    public function getEncryptionMethod()
        $keyStrength = $this->getKeyStrength();

        if (!isset(self::$MAP_KEY_STRENGTH_METHODS[$keyStrength])) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid encryption method');

        return self::$MAP_KEY_STRENGTH_METHODS[$keyStrength];

     * @return bool
    public function isV1()
        return $this->vendorVersion === self::VERSION_AE1;

     * @return bool
    public function isV2()
        return $this->vendorVersion === self::VERSION_AE2;

     * @return int
    public function getSaltSize()
        return (int) ($this->getEncryptionStrength() / 8 / 2);

     * @return string
    public function __toString()
        return sprintf(
            '0x%04x WINZIP AES: VendorVersion=%d KeyStrength=0x%02x CompressionMethod=%s',