Study.php 11.7 KB

namespace app\admin\controller;

use app\admin\library\Auth;
use app\common\controller\Backend;
use app\common\controller\Resource;
use Exception;
use GuzzleHttp\Client;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Cell\Coordinate;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Reader\Csv;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Reader\Xls;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Reader\Xlsx;
use think\Db;
use think\db\exception\BindParamException;
use think\exception\DbException;
use think\exception\PDOException;
use think\exception\ValidateException;

 * 学生管理
 * @icon fa fa-circle-o
class Study extends Backend

     * Study模型对象
     * @var \app\admin\model\Study
    protected $model = null;

    public function _initialize()
        $this->model = new \app\admin\model\Study;
        $this->view->assign("genderList", $this->model->getGenderList());

     * 导入
    public function import(){
        return parent::import();

     * 默认生成的控制器所继承的父类中有index/add/edit/del/multi五个基础方法、destroy/restore/recyclebin三个回收站方法
     * 因此在当前控制器中可不用编写增删改查的代码,除非需要自己控制这部分逻辑
     * 需要将application/admin/library/traits/Backend.php中对应的方法复制到当前控制器,然后进行修改

     * 查看
    public function index()
        $this->relationSearch = true;
        $this->request->filter(['strip_tags', 'trim']);
        if ($this->request->isAjax()) {
            if ($this->request->request('keyField')) {
                return $this->selectpage();
            list($where, $sort, $order, $offset, $limit) = $this->buildparams();

            $list = $this->model
                    ->order($sort, $order)

            foreach ($list as $row) {

            $result = array("total" => $list->total(), "rows" => $list->items());

            return json($result);
        return $this->view->fetch();

    public function export()
        if ($this->request->isPost()) {
            $ids = $this->request->post('ids');

            $excel = new \PHPExcel();
            try {

                // 列名表头文字加粗
                // 列表头文字居中

                // 开始操作excel表
                $worksheet = $excel->setActiveSheetIndex(0)    //操作第一个工作表
                ->setCellValue('A1', '序号')   //设置表格标题名称
                ->setCellValue('B1', '姓名')   //设置表格标题名称
                ->setCellValue('C1', '性别')
                    ->setCellValue('D1', '班级')
                    ->setCellValue('E1', '学校')
                    ->setCellValue('F1', '手环ID')
                    ->setCellValue('G1', '学号')
                    ->setCellValue('H1', '总积分')
                    ->setCellValue('I1', '条形码');
                if ($ids == 'all' || empty($ids)) {    //判断当前数据为全部或者选中的
                    $list = $this->model->with('school,grade')->select();
                } else {
                    $list = $this->model->with('school,grade')->select($ids);

                foreach ($list as $k => $val) {
                    $path = '';
                    $k = $k + 2;//表格是从2开始的
                    $excel->getActiveSheet()->setTitle($val['school']['title'] . '积分表');
                        ->setCellValue('A' . $k, $val['id'])
                        ->setCellValue('B' . $k, $val['name'])
                        ->setCellValue('C' . $k, $val['gender'] ? '男' : '女')
                        ->setCellValue('D' . $k, $val['grade']['name'])
                        ->setCellValue('E' . $k, $val['school']['title'])
                        ->setCellValue('F' . $k, $val['unique'])
                        ->setCellValue('G' . $k, $val['sno'])
                        ->setCellValue('H' . $k, $val['earn_score'])
                        ->setCellValue('I' . $k, $path.$val['barcode']);
                $title = "学生成绩" . date("YmdHis");
                header('Content-Type: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet');
                header('Content-Disposition: attachment;filename="' . $title . '.xlsx"');
                header('Cache-Control: max-age=0');
                header('Cache-Control: max-age=1');

                header('Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT'); // Date in the past
                header('Last-Modified: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s') . ' GMT'); // always modified
                header('Cache-Control: cache, must-revalidate'); // HTTP/1.1
                header('Pragma: public'); // HTTP/1.0
                $objWriter = \PHPExcel_IOFactory::createWriter($excel, 'Excel2007');
            } catch (\PHPExcel_Exception $e) {
                $this->error('参数错误', $e->getMessage());

    public function qiniu($filePath = '', $fileName = '')
//        $filePath=ROOT_PATH.'public'.DS.'uploads'.DS.'20200224'.DS.'img1.jpg';//文件路径
//        $fileName='public'.DS.'uploads'.DS.'20200224'.DS.'img1.jpg';          //七牛云上的名字
//        $filePath = ROOT_PATH . 'public' . DS . 'uploads' . DS . '20200224' . DS . 'img2.jpg';//文件路径
//        $fileName = 'public' . DS . 'uploads' . DS . '20200224' . DS . 'img2.jpg';          //七牛云上的名字,头部不带杠

        $config = get_addon_config('qiniu');
        $policy = array(
            'saveKey' => $fileName,
        $auth = new \Qiniu\Auth($config['accessKey'], $config['secretKey']);
        $token = $auth->uploadToken($config['bucket'], null, $config['expire'], $policy);
        $multipart = [
            ['name' => 'token', 'contents' => $token],
                'name' => 'file',
                'contents' => fopen($filePath, 'r'),
                'filename' => $fileName,

        try {
            $client = new Client();
            $res = $client->request('POST', $config['uploadurl'], [
                'multipart' => $multipart
            $code = $res->getStatusCode();
        } catch (\GuzzleHttp\Exception\ClientException $e) {
            //  unlink($filePath);
//        dump($code);
//        $url = '/';

//        $this->success("上传成功", ['url' => cdnurl($url), 'save_path' => $url]);

     * 添加
     * @return string
     * @throws \think\Exception
    public function add()
        if (false === $this->request->isPost()) {
            return $this->view->fetch();
        $params = $this->request->post('row/a');
        if (empty($params)) {
            $this->error(__('Parameter %s can not be empty', ''));
        $params = $this->preExcludeFields($params);

        if ($this->dataLimit && $this->dataLimitFieldAutoFill) {
            $params[$this->dataLimitField] = $this->auth->id;
        $result = false;
        try {
            if ($this->modelValidate) {
                $name = str_replace("\\model\\", "\\validate\\", get_class($this->model));
                $validate = is_bool($this->modelValidate) ? ($this->modelSceneValidate ? $name . '.add' : $name) : $this->modelValidate;
            $result = $this->model->allowField(true)->save($params);
            $id  = $this->model->id;
            $unique = time();
            $barpath = Resource::StudyBar($unique);
            $time = date('YmdHi',time());
        } catch (ValidateException|PDOException|Exception $e) {
        if ($result === false) {
            $this->error(__('No rows were inserted'));

     * 编辑
     * @param $ids
     * @return string
     * @throws DbException
     * @throws \think\Exception
    public function edit($ids = null)
        $row = $this->model->get($ids);
        if (!$row) {
            $this->error(__('No Results were found'));
        $adminIds = $this->getDataLimitAdminIds();
        if (is_array($adminIds) && !in_array($row[$this->dataLimitField], $adminIds)) {
            $this->error(__('You have no permission'));
        if (false === $this->request->isPost()) {
            $this->view->assign('row', $row);
            return $this->view->fetch();
        $params = $this->request->post('row/a');
        if (empty($params)) {
            $this->error(__('Parameter %s can not be empty', ''));
        $params = $this->preExcludeFields($params);
        $result = false;
        try {
            if ($this->modelValidate) {
                $name = str_replace("\\model\\", "\\validate\\", get_class($this->model));
                $validate = is_bool($this->modelValidate) ? ($this->modelSceneValidate ? $name . '.edit' : $name) : $this->modelValidate;
            $result = $row->allowField(true)->save($params);
        } catch (ValidateException|PDOException|Exception $e) {
        if (false === $result) {
            $this->error(__('No rows were updated'));
