BCGBarcode1D.php 6.4 KB
namespace tinymeng\code\Gateways\barcode;

 * Holds all type of barcodes for 1D generation
 * Copyright (C) Jean-Sebastien Goupil
abstract class BCGBarcode1D extends BCGBarcode {
    const SIZE_SPACING_FONT = 5;

    const AUTO_LABEL = '##!!AUTO_LABEL!!##';

    protected $thickness;       // int
    protected $keys, $code;     // string[]
    protected $positionX;       // int
    protected $font;            // BCGFont
    protected $text;            // string
    protected $checksumValue;   // int or int[]
    protected $displayChecksum; // bool
    protected $label;           // string
    protected $defaultLabel;    // BCGLabel

     * Constructor.
    protected function __construct() {


        $this->defaultLabel = new BCGLabel();
        $this->setFont(new BCGFontPhp(5));

        $this->text = '';
        $this->checksumValue = false;
        $this->positionX = 0;

     * Gets the thickness.
     * @return int
    public function getThickness() {
        return $this->thickness;

     * Sets the thickness.
     * @param int $thickness
    public function setThickness($thickness) {
        $thickness = intval($thickness);
        if ($thickness <= 0) {
            throw new BCGArgumentException('The thickness must be larger than 0.', 'thickness');

        $this->thickness = $thickness;

     * Gets the label.
     * If the label was set to BCGBarcode1D::AUTO_LABEL, the label will display the value from the text parsed.
     * @return string
    public function getLabel() {
        $label = $this->label;
        if ($this->label === self::AUTO_LABEL) {
            $label = $this->text;
            if ($this->displayChecksum === true && ($checksum = $this->processChecksum()) !== false) {
                $label .= $checksum;

        return $label;

     * Sets the label.
     * You can use BCGBarcode::AUTO_LABEL to have the label automatically written based on the parsed text.
     * @param string $label
    public function setLabel($label) {
        $this->label = $label;

     * Gets the font.
     * @return BCGFont
    public function getFont() {
        return $this->font;

     * Sets the font.
     * @param mixed $font BCGFont or int
    public function setFont($font) {
        if (is_int($font)) {
            if ($font === 0) {
                $font = null;
            } else {
                $font = new BCGFontPhp($font);

        $this->font = $font;

     * Parses the text before displaying it.
     * @param mixed $text
    public function parse($text) {
        $this->text = $text;
        $this->checksumValue = false; // Reset checksumValue



     * Gets the checksum of a Barcode.
     * If no checksum is available, return FALSE.
     * @return string
    public function getChecksum() {
        return $this->processChecksum();

     * Sets if the checksum is displayed with the label or not.
     * The checksum must be activated in some case to make this variable effective.
     * @param boolean $displayChecksum
    public function setDisplayChecksum($displayChecksum) {
        $this->displayChecksum = (bool)$displayChecksum;

     * Adds the default label.
    protected function addDefaultLabel() {
        $label = $this->getLabel();
        $font = $this->font;
        if ($label !== null && $label !== '' && $font !== null && $this->defaultLabel !== null) {

     * Validates the input
    protected function validate() {
        // No validation in the abstract class.

     * Returns the index in $keys (useful for checksum).
     * @param mixed $var
     * @return mixed
    protected function findIndex($var) {
        return array_search($var, $this->keys);

     * Returns the code of the char (useful for drawing bars).
     * @param mixed $var
     * @return string
    protected function findCode($var) {
        return $this->code[$this->findIndex($var)];

     * Draws all chars thanks to $code. If $startBar is true, the line begins by a space.
     * If $startBar is false, the line begins by a bar.
     * @param resource $im
     * @param string $code
     * @param boolean $startBar
    protected function drawChar($im, $code, $startBar = true) {
        $colors = array(BCGBarcode::COLOR_FG, BCGBarcode::COLOR_BG);
        $currentColor = $startBar ? 0 : 1;
        $c = strlen($code);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $c; $i++) {
            for ($j = 0; $j < intval($code[$i]) + 1; $j++) {
                $this->drawSingleBar($im, $colors[$currentColor]);

            $currentColor = ($currentColor + 1) % 2;

     * Draws a Bar of $color depending of the resolution.
     * @param resource $img
     * @param int $color
    protected function drawSingleBar($im, $color) {
        $this->drawFilledRectangle($im, $this->positionX, 0, $this->positionX, $this->thickness - 1, $color);

     * Moving the pointer right to write a bar.
    protected function nextX() {

     * Method that saves FALSE into the checksumValue. This means no checksum
     * but this method should be overriden when needed.
    protected function calculateChecksum() {
        $this->checksumValue = false;

     * Returns FALSE because there is no checksum. This method should be
     * overriden to return correctly the checksum in string with checksumValue.
     * @return string
    protected function processChecksum() {
        return false;