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Table Natural Sorting

Use Plugin: bootstrap-table-natural-sorting


<script src="extensions/natural-sorting/bootstrap-table-natural-sorting.js"></script>

add a data-sorter atribute to any th. e.g. <th data-sortable="true" data-sorter="alphanum">Price</th>



  • sort alpha or numeric content naturally.
  • This can be used in columns that contain text or numeric content.
  • Numbers will be sorted as expected and not in ASCII order


  • extract numeric content and sort numerically.
  • This can be used in columns that contain formated numeric content.
  • e.g. $ and , will be removed, then Numbers will be sorted as expected
  • an alpha sort crrently sorts these as ASCII so you get $1, $100, $2, $20 instead of $1, $2, $20, $100.